GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 3 years ago
"Being a retired teacher,i have always wanted good education for my children because i know if they get university education ,their lives will be better.One of my sons has been at home for a year because he discontinued his university education for lack of school fees. I earn a living through sell of milk which i get ksh 4500 per month from selling 5 litres of milk at ksh 30 per litre and also earn ksh10,000 per month from tree nursery that i am maintaining. This money is not enough to cater for family needs as clothing,food and especially school fees. Getting this transfer would mean my son in university will graduate upon paying part of the arrears with ksh 110,000."
View Joseph's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest hardship I have faced in my life is food insecurity.This is because rains are erratic not enough leading to poor yields.I am a housewife and my husband depend on casual labor that earns him very little.Due to this I have been struggling to get food for my household forcing me to skip meals, situation that does I really dislike."
View Beatrice's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest hardship is financial constraints. I'm a farmer and for the last few years amount of rainfall in the area has been very low hence no production from the farm. The little I havest goes for food and I don't get surplus to sell hence doesn't allow me to save or cater for other family needs like better housing and clothing's."
View Erick's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money means good shelter for my family. I have 3 children and the bigger child is 10 years old, I sleep with them under small room and there is no privacy at all. When I receive this money, my plan is to spend ksh 50,000 on building a 3 bedroom house that will accommodate my family and relatives when they visit my house. By doing that I will have my privacy and my children will have theirs as well. The remaining amount will go for school fees for the children and foodstuffs."
View Sharon's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest harship I've faced is my living conditions. I need a matress to sleep on, I also have to paint my house, buy cement for the floor and also roof my house with iron sheets."
View Winape's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money will allow me to improve my house, it has a crack by the door so I want to fix that. I also need cement for my floor for me to be satisfied with my house."
View Akondweje's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest harship I've faced is my illness, I have been sick for a while that I'm happy that when I get the money, I will finally afford to get proper medical attention for my illness."
View Luwa's
over 3 years ago
"Imagine waking up each day to fetch water from the stream , tiring , isn't? The alternative to this is the dam but it's unfortunate that the water is dirty as it's used for the cattle as well. Receiving this money means that I will purchase a kentank 3000lts (200usd) to harvest rain water during the rainy season and use it for longer dry periods. I will use (350usd ) to start a poultry farm as my maize business is seasonal. The rest of the transfers will be used on clothing for my children."
View Sharon's
over 3 years ago
"I have always wanted to build a decent house for my family. The one I currently have is small one bedroom house , and doesn't fit my children to sleep and study. The 2 teenage girls sleep in the kitchen (a separate house ) ,and I feel this is insecure for them.Receiving this money means that I will be able to expand the current house (200usd) as the children will get some place to study and to rest as well.I will spend (500usd) of the transfers on purchasing a dairy cow for I currently buy milk (0.3usd a litre) per day which is way costly. Furthermore, the milk will be used for the household and the rest sold to feed my family.The rest of the transfers will be used to educate my 4 children."
View Judy's
over 3 years ago
"I currently own a 1 acre land that is largely occupied by the house, the remaining smaller piece doesn't produce enough to feed the family.Receiving this money means purchasing and additional land 0.3 acres (100usd) that will be cultivated and the produce sold to educate my children and some to feed my family."
View Stanley's