GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Joseph's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Joseph enrolled.
"After teaching for the longest time,i went on retirement seven years ago and my children were still young and in school.i had not invested enough and now i am still struggling to get enough money to pay for their school fees.Two of my sons are still in university and tertiary college and their school fees totals upto Ksh 180,000 per year.I get stressed up when i see them staying at home for lack of school fees because it means they lag behind in schooling."
Beatrice's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Beatrice enrolled.
"Receiving this money mean better housing to my household.This is because I am now sharing one bedroom house with my children which does not give me privacy.I am planning to spend Kshs.30,000 to build a two bedroom house that will be enough for all of us.I will also use Ksh 21,000 to clear fee balance and also spend Kshs.38,500- of second transfer to pay school fees for my daughter who is in form four.The remaining amount will cater for other basic needs such as food."
Erick's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Erick enrolled.
"Receiving this money means a better housing for my family. I live in one house with my children, anytime I get visitors I don't have a place they can spend a night and I endup going to my neighbors to ask them to accommodate the visitors. Most of the time the neighbors talk bad about me asking for accomodations each time when I have visitors and it has affected my self-esteem. When I receive the money I will build a 3 bedroom timber house worth ksh 70,000. The remaining amount I will buy a Dairy cow to supliment the production I always get."
Sharon's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Sharon enrolled.
"My biggest hardship is financial constraints. As a house wife and seeing my husband struggling to meet our basic needs and me not having a way of helping him, the little my husband gets goes for food and clothing's hence we can't develop the family to another level."
Winape's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Winape enrolled.
"Receiving this money will make me happy because I will be able to improve my house, buy cement and a mattress for me to live comfortably"
Akondweje's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Akondweje enrolled.
"Receiving this money will allow me to improve my house, it has a crack by the door so I want to fix that. I also need cement for my floor for me to be satisfied with my house."
Luwa's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Luwa enrolled.
"The biggest harship I've faced is my illness, I have been sick for a while that I'm happy that when I get the money, I will finally afford to get proper medical attention for my illness."
Sharon's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Sharon enrolled.
"We should appreciate that agriculture is the back bone of our economy, and we do depend on it for our days to day life. The climatic changes have proofed otherwise for there have been adverse cases of drought and hunger in our lands.Despite cultivating the farm well, I have have been unable to harvest making food insecurity my biggest hardship.For instance,at the moment ,I have maize at the farm but it's unproductive because of the harsh climate and diseases."
Judy's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Judy enrolled.
"Building additional rooms to my current house has been my biggest hardship.My girls sleep in the kitchen, (a separate house) , and this is insecure for them.Furthermore,the soot isn't favourable environment for their day to day study.With the rampant cases of rape and teenage pregnancy, they might fall victims sometime and there dreams will be cut short.This will be a burden to me."
Stanley's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Stanley enrolled.
"I currently own a 1 acre land that is largely occupied by the house, the remaining smaller piece doesn't produce enough to feed the family.Receiving this money means purchasing and additional land 0.3 acres (100usd) that will be cultivated and the produce sold to educate my children and some to feed my family."