GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Sally's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Sally enrolled.
"For a long time, I have wished to start a business selling cereals, especially maize within this town. On hearing about Giving directly coming to this village I knew my dream would be a reality. I shall use Sh 50000 as capital for the business and the remaining sh 50000 I shall establish a house for my son who has been ill due to diabetes for a long time."
Jennifer's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Jennifer enrolled.
"There was a time in February ,2020 when I was hospitalized and operated on due to a growth in my small intestine. This was just before the invasion by this pandemic of the corona. I used my business savings to offset hospital bills and even had to shut down the business.This disease put my family in tough times because I am the breadwinner and I could not support them at that time."
Chepkirui's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Chepkirui enrolled.
"The collapse of Elite Academy was and is still a great pain to me and my husband. We had invested a lot in this school in terms of the structures, stationaries, land including most of our time. We had a lot of expectations from it and we had never imagined a time when this school would be shut down completely. Reality hit us this year after Covid when the number of pupils who reported were too small.The amount of fees they paid were not enough to pay all the teachers as well as purchase food for these kids.Though painful to let go the one thing we valued in life we did it because it was a great loss to continue running the school."
Rachel's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Rachel received a $504 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is the availability of enough water in the recently installed water tank. This has facilitated a lot in that the clean water from the roof is useful not only for the livestock but also in laundry and other household cleaning activities. This has finally stopped the expenses of buying extra pots from the water vendors as I have even excess currently as it has been raining."
Kenneth's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Kenneth received a $504 initial payment.
"The moment I received the transfer was so special to me. This was a time marked with great excitement, and even though I was alone in the house then, I could not resist celebrating as I thanked God for that provision. I had been anticipating this after enrollment, and it was a good feeling seeing it come to pass at last."
Aoron's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Aoron enrolled.
"I am a graduate and I would want to be self employed.Nowadays its very difficult for one to secure formal employment.Receiving this Money will mean that my fear of getting a good job is secured.I plan on starting up a business of buying and selling household goods and combine it with M-pesa business.My father had given me one of the shops that he lets out but I lacked capital to start up the business. This will be the best opportunity for me to fulfill it.It will cost Ksh 50,000 on M-pesa and Ksh 40,000 to buy other stock. At the end of every month I will be earning enough money to pay for my wife's school fees and also cater for other family needs such as food and clothing."
Felix's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Felix enrolled.
"I have always wanted to change my life and live a good life. My family solely depends on me from the ksh 300 that I earn daily. I am a tractor driver and my job is seasonal,the peak season is when people are planting and in low seasons like this I hardly get jobs to do. I want to build a good house for my family to live in,God has blessed us with a newborn baby who is a month old. Its very cold inside the house and I fear he may get pneumonia.I plan on building a good house with Ksh 30,000 then buy 10 sheep at 3000 each ,and buy two dairy cows at 25,000 each.This will give me 10 litres of milk per day which I will sell for Ksh 300 .This woul mean we will have a stable source of income and we will live a better life."
Grace's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Grace enrolled.
"I am 68 years old and my husband is 75 years old ,we cannot do manual jobs due to old age. We depend on our children to provide for our basic needs and sometimes its difficult asking for more money than whay they give us. Therefore ,we struggle financially."
Evaline's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Evaline enrolled.
"Getting this money to me mean that i will be able to clear school fees for my child who is in secondary school. The school owes me 170 dollars. I also have a grass thatched house which i use as kitchen. Its leaking when it rains. Sometimes its even hard to cook. I want to construct a iron roofed house which will cost around 150 dollars. I also have a problem with water. Our source of water is the river which is far from my house and the water is not safe for drinking. We have tapped water and i would like to change to my house. This will enable me to get water for household use and even use for farming. Our area is prone to drought. So when i get this water i can do irrigation in my farm."
Caroline's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Caroline enrolled.
"Receiving this money will impact my life in a great way. I am a single mother of 4, 2 girls and 2 boys. My father gave me a portion of land to make my home. I managed to build a small structure to house my family. I sleep with the girls while the boys stay at my parent's house because I have no space. With the transfer, I intend to build a bigger house with more rooms where they can sleep. I will also buy a cow since I do not own one to provide milk for my family, buy more food for my family since this area is less productive."