GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Kazungu's family
access_time 7 months ago
Kazungu received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"With four growing children, my plan is to complete building my house and then construct a separate house for my boys. I believe it is inappropriate for teenage boys to share a home with their parents. To achieve this, I intend to use the transfers I receive from GiveDirectly, as well as funds from other sources, to purchase building materials and construct the house for my sons. Once the house is built, I will work hard to acquire beds and mattresses to ensure we can all sleep comfortably. Additionally, I have a piece of land that I would like to develop into rental properties. This will serve as a source of future income for my family, helping us to meet our needs. I am planning to utilize the transfers from GiveDirectly, along with earnings from my various hustles, to make this investment a reality. This plan brings me great joy, as it will provide stability and financial security for my family in the years to come"
Katana's family
access_time 7 months ago
Katana received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"My son is now in his second year of his secondary education and I am determined to ensure that he completes his secondary school education. To achieve this, I plan to use the transfers I receive from GiveDirectly to facilitate his education by paying school fees and supporting him in any way possible, creating a good future for him. Once he completes this level of education, I will invest in livestock farming and use the transfers to purchase goats, hoping they will multiply and increase in number and value. In the future, I may be able to sell them and provide support to my children when needed. I am very grateful for these transfers, as they have been a significant help to my family."
Nonkipa's family
access_time 7 months ago
Nonkipa enrolled.
"Lack of a stable source of income is a challenge. I depend on charcoal burning to earn a living,but due to old age I get two sacks in a week which earns me 10$ in a week. That amount is not enough to cater to all my children's basic needs hence an increase in school fees arrears."
Perena's family
access_time 7 months ago
Perena enrolled.
"Food insecurity is the greatest challenge due to unpredictable weather patterns. Recently, I lost all my maize plantation to floods and I cannot regrow again because there is no rains. This means I will have to purchase food until the next planting season next year and it is difficult for a lack of stable income."
Halima's family
access_time 7 months ago
Halima received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"I am a mother of four children and currently work as a house help to make ends meet. My ultimate goal is to build a comfortable home for my family. Currently, we live in a two-room house that is poorly maintained; its foundation is damaged, and during rains, we are forced to stand on one side until it stops. My plan is to gradually save and purchase building materials, such as sticks, to construct a larger, spacious house that will provide us with proper shelter. This is a significant step towards ensuring my family's well-being and security for the future."
Sylvia's family
access_time 7 months ago
Sylvia received a $27 thirtieth payment.
"Currently, I am at home without a business, but I am planning to start selling second-hand clothes to my neighbors to raise enough money. I am saving diligently in my merry-go-round, and once I receive my savings, I will be ready to launch my business. In addition to my clothing business, I aim to diversify into farming, growing crops such as potatoes and tomatoes.My ultimate goal is to purchase half an acre of land once I have saved enough from selling second-hand clothes. I have previous farming experience from my parents' home, although my husband's area is less familiar with farming practices. I will be able to teach them my farming skills and help most of my neighbors."
Nataana's family
access_time 7 months ago
Nataana enrolled.
"When I was young and energetic, I used to take up any casual job I came around. I was able to provide for my family without struggling so much. The situation now is totally opposite, my old age limits me to light casual jobs which are less paying. This explains why I am struggling now to put food on the table and provide some basic needs for my family of five. We relocated to this place which is extremely dry having been displaced by the swelling lake Baringo in the year 2010. The weather here is not favorable for crop farming, this came up with its fair share of challenges. We rely on food from the markets which are selling at exorbitant prices. This adds another burden to us."
Sintayon's family
access_time 7 months ago
Sintayon received a $348 third payment.
"Shamba, ushaa lima, chini, nishaa lima kusomesha watoto, mazao I will feel good, I have nothing ekse it wiull be good I dont want kids here iI want the in school"
Jackline's family
access_time 7 months ago
Jackline enrolled.
"Living in a single grass-thatched room is insufficient for my family of 5. Due to financial constraints, I am unable to build an additional house. Relying on sporadic casual labor makes it challenging to meet our basic needs such as food and clothing. Moreover, I lack the funds to lease farmland for agricultural investment, which could not only ensure food security but also generate income from selling crops."
Woimadi's family
access_time 7 months ago
Woimadi enrolled.
"I am facing challenges in raising enough money to pay the school fees for my 3 secondary school children. The recent floods have devastated my farming investments, leaving me with nothing to rely on. Additionally, ensuring there is enough food for my family has also become a significant challenge."