GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $431 second payment.
"I'm a small scale business lady , where by I sell fish and charcoal . My husband is a mason but on casual basis . We both assist each other to fend for our families . On the other hand I practice cattle keeping but on small scale . I spend $180 on 1 cow and $30 on 1 goat . I opted to invest in cattle since they will multiply in future and be beneficial to my family . I have 5 children and 4 of them are in primary school . They had school fees arrears totalling to $120 which I cleared using part of this transfer. My children have been using the traditional beddings which are as good as sleeping on the floor , I spent $100 on a modern new bed and $60 on a mattress , now my children always look forward to having a good rest every night ! We also needed to stock food because that is a basic need yet it was finished in my house , so I took the remaining $60 and bout 2 bales of maize flour and 25kgs of rice . Thank you so much for blessing my family ."
View Sidhani's
2 years ago
received a $446 second payment.
"I'm a casual worker at a small hotel at our shopping center . My husband does 'bodaboda' business . We are both both bread winners since we support each other to buy basic needs . Receiving this second transfer meant a lot to us since we had no food and my husband had no stable source of income at that time . So I took $250 and bought a second hand motorbike for my husband , I also spent $140 on its repair . Thanks to Give Directly , my husband now operates the 'bodaboda' business . I have 3 children who are in primary school . They had a school fees balance of $20 which I cleared and also bought a d-light solar on hire purchase terms , I paid $20 deposit . Previously they used tin lamps for their studies , sometimes there would be no kerosene and this affected their studies , but now that is a problem of the past .My children used to walk in torn clothes and that would lower their self esteem so much! So I decide to spend $40 on their clothing to make them feel good . During the short rains , I also spent $10 to plough my small piece of land so that I can plant maize to feed my family later . I spent the remaining $60 on food and this lasted us about 1 whole month . I'm so grateful for these transfers ."
View Nyevu's
2 years ago
received a $446 second payment.
"In my opinion GiveDirectly does very well by giving support in form of cash. This cash gives everyone an opportunity to choose for themselves what they would want to spend the money on. Looking at how I was able to revive my farming practices as well as meet some of the most immediate needs of my family makes not only me so happy but the whole family as well. I am so grateful to have been part of the beneficiaries of this program."
View William's
2 years ago
received a $431 second payment.
"When I received my second transfer, I used $300 to pay school fees for my three sons who are currently in their secondary level of education. I then used the remaining amount of $230 to seek medication for one of my sons who has been ill for quite sometime now. I normally rely on dairy keeping and small business that I run on market days to raise income for both payment of school fees and meeting other needs for my family. At the time that we received the money, we had huge school fees arears for our three children while at the same time we were facing hunger threat brought about by prolonged droughts in our area. Had I not received this sum of money then I would be having the fees arears until today and which would have even been higher as at today. We are so happy as a family that one of my sons who has been sick is now feeling much better after the medical attention that he received after getting this transfer. The payment of school fees also gave me an opportunity together with my husband to plan ahead in raising enough money for school fees as the new year begins."
View Nancy's
2 years ago
received a $446 second payment.
"I'm a simple man with straightforward desires and goals. As a result, my sole goal is to provide the best possible life for our children. I would like for them to finish school, get good jobs, and provide the best possible life for themselves and my grandchildren."
View Kalu's
2 years ago
received a $431 second payment.
"GiveDirectly is particularly good at giving recipients hope. If it hadn't been for GiveDirectly, I would have been sleeping on the floor, with no bed to call my own. Those transfers enabled me to stand and speak as a parent and human, with no shame or regrets. GiveDirectly will be eternally grateful to me for allowing me to do so while still receiving their assistance."
View Rehema's
2 years ago
received a $431 second payment.
"The bulk funds from GiveDirectly went towards paying school fees for my children. The transfers allowed me to bulk up on food as well. My small business, selling groceries , also got a major boost from these funds, not to mention the funds allowing me to complete paying for my 2 acre piece of land, which will allow me to leave some form of an inheritance for my 7 kids. I say seven, but my two eldest past, though I still consider them my children. My 3rd born just completed form 4, my 4th is in form 4 at Ventanguo Secondary, my 5th is joining class 6 at Mlunguwame Primary, while my 6th and 7th are both in grade 4 at Mlunguwame Primary. While I primarily volunteer as a midwife at Pentanguo in Ganze, it makes it hard for myself and my husband, who does casual labour on construction sites, to meet all the finances such as $150, $1.5, $1.5, $1.5, all in tuition fees for my kids, from eldest to youngest, respectively. We will eternally be grateful to GiveDirectly for all they have been to us."
View Rehema's
2 years ago
received a second payment.
"I would like to start a business selling water to people in my neighborhood. This would significantly increase my income and, potentially, allow me to provide a better life for my children in the future."
View Kadzo's
2 years ago
received a $446 second payment.
"That is a difficult question. I'm not in a position to say what GiveDirectly does well as a whole, but I can speak to what they've shown me. GiveDirectly has shown me and allowed my family and me to experience dignity, respect, dependability, and honor. My family and I will be eternally grateful to them."
View Thabu's
2 years ago
received a $446 second payment.
"GiveDirectly excels at identifying those in need and making their dreams a reality. People in our area have purchased livestock, built houses, and so on as a result of GiveDirectly transfers. I have nothing to add to what they do except to ask that they continue to assist us for many years to come."
View Anjeline's