GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"I intend to pay three of my children's tuition with the money I will receive this year. This is my main worry, especially since it happens frequently that I fail to pay my children's tuition and they are kicked out of school. In addition, I also intended to purchase a few goats, as I did the previous year. I discovered that I have so far purchased three utilizing funds provided by the company last year. In the event that I experience financial hardship, I hope to continue buying farm animals as a long-term investment. I would also like to finally complete building my house because the roof is still unfinished."
View Jumaa's
2 years ago
received a $431 second payment.
"I intend to buy furniture for my house and a television by June this year . I want my house to also be neat like those of my friends . I want visitors to be comfortable when they visit me . I need approximately $1100 for this . My husband is already saving from his salary to ensure that we achieve this ."
View Fatuma's
2 years ago
received a $431 second payment.
"Give Directly has really helped our village . We have built new houses and our village is shining . Please go and do this to others too . Most of us didn't have money to pay school fees for our children but you came in and made it possible , we really appreciate . You have helped us to pay debts and we are now free. Personally I don't see any area of improvement, you are already giving people the best . May God bless you ."
View Garama's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"This year, I want to use the money I got to get my boys together so we can start gradually paying for the land we currently live on. This is due to the fact that we are squatters and the landowners have demanded payment from us in order for us to remain there or transfer to another location. Since I can remember, this has been our place to live, and I am now too elderly to even mention that we have relocation plans.As a result, my children and I determined that we would gradually pay the landowners throughout the year until the debt was fully satisfied. I intend to utilize the money for this because it is currently my top priority. After that, I'm hoping I can finally construct a lovely home for myself because the one I currently live in is so dated it's hard to believe anyone ever lives there."
View Kadzo's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"My husband and I currently reside in a tiny home with our two young children, ages two and five. As the kids have gotten older, I've realized that having a separate room for them will improve both their privacy and ours. The necessity to extend our home to accommodate our growing family was further intensified by the arrival of my co-wife. So, my goal for the upcoming year is to buy enough construction materials to extend our home. This is what I intend to accomplish by buying a few construction materials each time I receive a transfer from GiveDirectly. Additionally, because I want to send my kids to a good school, I expect to use part of these transfers to pay for their tuition."
View Kadzo's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, I intend to concentrate on improving the goat rearing, that I started with the transfers. This is a reliable source of income that I currently rely on to support myself. At the moment, I have 4 goats and planning to acquire more with the transfer, Additionally, I intend to purchase proper bedding, as at now, I am using a mat that is not comfortable resulting in experiencing body pains every day after waking up."
View Sidi's
2 years ago
received a $446 second payment.
"My husband and I are both jobless . I only practise subsistence farming on our small piece of land . Previously , I used to own a single roomed house with a verandah . It was not enough for my family of 8 children . So I bought 24 iron sheets worth $252 , 80 trees worth $40 , and wood worth $70 . I then paid $80 for labour and had my new house constructed . Thanks to Give Directly , I now own 2 houses , the old single room and a new 2 roomed house with a verandah . I also cleared primary school fees arrears of $53 , for my 7 children and paid $100 college fees for my first born child . Thank you so much Give Directly !"
View Katsaka's
2 years ago
received a $431 second payment.
"I'm jobless , and my only source of income is charcoal burning . I'm a single mother of three children . I was so happy to receive this money because I knew that it would be of great help to me and my children would not be hungry anymore . I had really wished to do goat keeping since it would help me to buy basic needs and pay school fees for my children in future . I bought four goats worth $200 . I had been sleeping on a traditional rope bed which was so uncomfortable ! So I bought a bed worth $80 and a mattress worth $60 . My two children who are in primary school had school fees arrears of $89 which I cleared using part of the transfer . I then saved $100 which I now use to buy food stuffs like flour , sugar and vegetables daily ."
View Victoria's
2 years ago
received a $431 second payment.
"Give directly has done so much for our village . I can't single out one thing specifically , because everyone had the freedom of how to spend their transfer . All the new projects in this village is because of Give Directly and we are very grateful . There is nothing to improve because you did not wrong us in any way ."
View Rehema's
2 years ago
received a second payment.
"I have no other goal in life than to ensure my children get basic needs , education being key . I have nowhere I can get money apart from selling charcoal and casual jobs . I actually have no target but I do channel every little a mount I get towards this ."
View Dama's