GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Mamie's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mamie received a $242 second payment.
"I gave 53.00 USD to my daughter for her school who is in the 8th grade class and staying with her uncle in Monrovia. Because my parents sent me to school but i refused to go. At that time, i didn't know the importance of education. Seeing my daughter who is 16 years and very serious in school, i have decided to do everything possible for her to be educated and not to end up like me, uneducated and a farmer. Because i always regret the decision that i made in the past which can't be corrected by me but only my kids. The balance money i used it to buy 2 bondles of zinc for 187.00USD. Because we are presently living in a thatched house. My husband and I have never been able to purchase zinc and build a better house. But with this opportunity of receiving unconventional cash from Give Directly, we have started building a 4 bed rooms zinc house."
Wesley's family
access_time 2 years ago
Wesley received a $444 initial payment.
"I felt so much happy the moment I received money from GiveDirectly. I was far away from home at that time. We had gone looking for casual jobs in a far place from home and I had left my phone charging only to find the message from GiveDirectly that I had received a sum of $550 from GiveDirectly. I felt so much happy and grateful to have been a beneficiary of the program. I later shared the great news with my wife who felt very happy as well. I thought of how I was going to bring my house to completion and it left me smiling in happiness."
Patricia's family
access_time 2 years ago
Patricia received a $242 second payment.
"I bought four hundles of zinc to reroof my house"
Anthony's family
access_time 2 years ago
Anthony received a $242 second payment.
"Givedirectly is helping us financially and making us self dependence"
Rosetta's family
access_time 2 years ago
Rosetta received a $242 second payment.
"I spent most of my second transfer on buying house building materials"
Johnson's family
access_time 2 years ago
Johnson received a $242 second payment.
"I hope to complete building my house before this year comes to an end"
Oretha's family
access_time 2 years ago
Oretha received a $242 second payment.
"I spent most of my transfer on buying house building materials"
Pour's family
access_time 2 years ago
Pour received a $242 second payment.
"I hope to rear more cattle a d complete my house"
Jesca's family
access_time 2 years ago
Jesca received a $444 initial payment.
"After reading the message, I realized at a glance that I had received the first transfer from GiveDirectly. I was with my daughter at the time, whom I informed as we confirmed together. Despite the fact that it was already 5:00 p.m. when I saw the message, I couldn't wait until the next day to withdraw because I was afraid of mobile money fraud. I had to collect it the next day from a nearby shopping center because I had spent all of my money on it."
Mathew's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mathew received a $444 initial payment.
"When I first received a transfer from GiveDirectly, I was running a small retail shop in the village. The stock had decreased in the previous months because I had been giving out goods on credit, and most customers would fail to pay on time due to the economic crisis. It was a relief to get the transfer at the same time as everyone else, including my customers. The majority of them paid off their debts, allowing me to restock because demand for the few available items was high. I spent $250 of my transfer on expanding my business and a portion of the payment from customers on replenishing depleted items. I am glad I have since made a good profit margin, and I hope to do more with the subsequent transfer. I also spent $240 on a heifer that I am currently rearing to increase milk production when she matures. I had been buying at least a liter of milk every day for $1 for my family of three, which  I am confident will end once the heifer calved and began producing milk. In addition, I used the remaining funds to purchase building materials for my new kitchen. Despite the fact that the materials I purchased are insufficient, I have begun construction in anticipation of the second transfer's disbursement."