GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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6 years ago
received a $23 twelfth payment.
"I expect in the next four months to have saved enough money and use it on cultivating my farm for in the long rain season. Having applied the right resources in my farm I believe I will have good yields and thereafter; I would sell part of the output to pay school fees for my children and also have enough food to feed on."
View Ester's
6 years ago
received a $545 initial payment.
"It was in the morning at 8:00 am when I was taking breakfast when I heard a text message notification from my phone and I removed the phone from my pocket to check it. It was a message from MPESA notifying me that I have received 55000KES from GiveDirectly. I felt very happy because I had never received that kind of money in my entire life. For this reason, I want to thank GiveDirectly for this financial support."
View Mercy's
6 years ago
received a $23 twelfth payment.
"I expect that in the near future, I will be continuing in the teachers college and that my chicken and sheep will be doing well and will have increased in numbers.I also expect to have built my parents a nice house since the one we are living in now is quite small and old. This will also improve our lifestyle and standard of living as a family."
View Alidah's
6 years ago
received a $23 twelfth payment.
"I expect my life to change in the next six months in that I have been always dreaming to be a large scale farmer in the area and I am seeing this coming to a reality. This is because of the good harvest from the avocados and potatoes.I am planning to buy irrigation pipes from the income I get from potatoes and fruits and this will expand my farming through irrigation of crops in my farm. This will ensure a good harvest and also the tea seedlings in the nursery will not dry up during the dry season. This will also boost my income."
View William's
6 years ago
received a $23 twelfth payment.
"I expect my life to change in the next six months in that I will have saved money from my business of second-hand clothes to start a poultry keeping project. This new project will also be earning me an income from the sales of eggs at the center near home. My family will also have a balanced diet because of the availability of eggs and even chicken meat. We are so grateful for the support."
View Faith's
6 years ago
received a $23 twelfth payment.
"I expect my life to change in the next six months in that I will have started the poultry keeping project and this will earn me some to meet additional needs for my family and even to save some amount to pay school fees for my children in school. Paying school fees was a challenge. Im also planning on starting a dairy farming after I have saved some amount from the sales from the eggs. This will enable me to cut the cost of buying milk which had always be costly for me."
View Toweet's
6 years ago
received a $471 initial payment.
"The moment I received the money, I felt very excited. This is because I had never received such a huge amount in my life."
View Micheal's
6 years ago
received a $471 initial payment.
"I became so happy because I would have died without holding this kind of money in my entire life.
I danced, Ululated and thanked God and Give Directly for helping this old woman because I never believed that which Organization can just wake up in the morning look for me in a remote village and send money just like that.
My house would have collapsed without being completed but because of Give Directly I'm sleeping in a cool house."
View Joyce's
6 years ago
received a $527 second payment.
"My life is different than it would have been if I never received transfers from GiveDirectly in that I spent my first transfer on buying building materials such as iron sheets, a window, nails and timber to build a descent house. Previously, I was living in an old small leaky house which was unsuitable for habitation. I also spent the second transfer on buying a bicycle which has greatly made my movement very easy. I no longer need to spend money on using a motorcycle whenever I want to move to any place within my location."
View Nicholas's
6 years ago
received a $471 initial payment.
"I woke up in the morning washed my face and brushed. I checked my phone and only to see some message indicating that money had been sent by GiveDirectly. I felt happy and started planning on how to spend my money."
View Jenifer's