GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Dorine's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Dorine received a $254 second payment.
"In the next six months l expect to have started putting up my own home."
Consileta's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Consileta received a $254 second payment.
"In the next six months l expect to continue improving my business into large scale."
Solomon's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Solomon received a $254 second payment.
"In the next six months l expect to have joined one of the colleges l am planning to join to achieve my dream. "
Rose's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Rose received a $549 second payment.
"I have bought a cow that will soon provide me with milk and ghee. This will improve on my food security and nutrition. It will also save me from the budget of buying milk and instead channel use the money to paying school fees for my children. I used some part to buy iron sheets in preparation of building a modern, spacious house that can accommodate my family comfortably. I used some part to pay fees for my children as education is the best inheritance a parent can give to the children. I spent the remaining part to buy food since we never had a good harvest in the previous season."
Anna's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Anna received a $530 second payment.
"I have renovated the roof of my house that was rusty and leaky. I have no worries that I shall be rained on during cold weather as before. This gives me courage and hope as I did not have any alternative source of income that could enable me make the improvements. I also used some part of the transfer to construct a separate kitchen that serves as a store. My valuables are never stained with smoke emitted when cooking. I spent the remaining part of the transfer to prepare my farms that I have already planted sugarcane on which will mature in the next two years and add to the financial security for my household."
Rosemary's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Rosemary received a $530 second payment.
"My life is different in that I established a home and no longer pay rent as before. The struggle of paying rent is a thing of the past. My status has changed from homelessness to a descent house in my own compound. This has increased the human dignity in me and self-esteem which makes me feel respected. The lost glory has been restored as I can plan for my daily activities without fear of eviction due to fail in paying rent on time. "
Cynthia's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Cynthia enrolled.
"I gave birth to my first born at the age of 20 years.This was a few years after dropping out of school at standard seven,primary level and underwent FGM few years later.At 24 years old I gave birth to my second born and this is where I started feeling the pressure of bringing them up.This is because I do not have a good source of income enough to meet the basic needs.I am a single mother and raising up the children alone is not easy.After giving birth to my second born I began having conflicts with my parents since I was slowly becoming a burden.I had to start living seperately from my parents last year and it hasn't been an easy ride since I am just a casual labourer."
Beryl's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Beryl received a $367 second payment.
"A large sum of the money I received went to my savings account. I decided to save it in order to avoid running into fees problems. My biggest aim is to complete my course in fashion and design so that I will have a business. I intend to use the savings to p[ay school fees and maybe use it to start my business once I complete the course. Having the savings very assuring that my dream will come true, I am so happy that GiveDirectly has ensured that my learning will be complete and I will have skills to use to earn a living. This is a huge difference that would not exist if I had not received the money form GiveDIrectly."
Emily's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Emily received a $367 second payment.
"I spent the most recent transfer on building a shop on my parcel of land that I own back at home. I am very grateful that the money came at a time when my family had just decided to give me a portion of land that is near the road that is very ideal for a shop. Some of the money then went to stocking the shop that is now a vibrant point of sale."
Eunice's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Eunice received a $23 twelfth payment.
"In the next six months, I would want to buy cement and sand which I will use in plastering my house. The house I built is mud-walled and during the rainy season, the muds on the wall fall off and I end up smearing every month which is tiresome and time-consuming. I would handle the house issue once and for all by plastering it."