GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Makulata's family
access_time 5 years ago
Makulata received a $449 second payment.
"My life is different in that, I have been in position to settle my son's fees and accommodation for two terms. This has given me an ample time to look for fees for other terms without pressure. I have also aquired an ox that has eased my agriculture. Prior to receiving this transfer, I had a lot of pressure looking for school fees at the last minute and didn't have money for buying an ox since all my money was used for school fees, medical care and food."
Esau's family
access_time 5 years ago
Esau enrolled.
"My plan will be to spend the givedirectly transfers for buying cows and oxen. The cows will produce and provide milk for consumption. I will use the oxen for ploughing such that I can be able to produce enough crop harvest. This will enable me reduce poverty in my family."
Maculate's family
access_time 5 years ago
Maculate enrolled.
"When I receive this money, I will buy Oxen and an ox-plough to help us ease the work in the gardens. I have just been hiring one from neighbours at a cost but when we get ours, we shall have cut costs of garden work. We shall also be hiring it out so that we boost our income. I also have school going children that have defaulted school fees. So, I will use part of the money to pay for their school fees."
Stella's family
access_time 5 years ago
Stella received a $536 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily is that I managed to build a poultry house using the transfers I got from Give Directly. I think I can now do the poultry business in large scale because I built a big house. I am happy because I will not incur the losses which I use to incur previously. My eggs cannot be eaten by dogs and cats like before."
Mercy's family
access_time 5 years ago
Mercy received a $536 initial payment.
"I woke up in the morning and when I looked at my phone I found a messaged from Give Directly indicating I had received my transfer. I was surprised to get a balance of KES 55000 in my Mpesa account. I felt so happy as I had never handle such an amount before."
Christine's family
access_time 5 years ago
Christine enrolled.
"My husband works as a casual labourer at a textile factory in Mombasa but the earnings he gets are not enough to meet all our needs such as food, school fees etc. Water scarcity and low rainfall in the area has rendered as more hopeless as food prices have now risen and we also have to pay more to access water for drinking and other household needs."
Simon's family
access_time 5 years ago
Simon enrolled.
"I have land that I staked as collateral to get a loan to help in marriage arrangements but upto now, I have not got money to pay back the loan. So, when I get this money, I will pay back the loan so that I regain my land and do agriculture on it. I will also use part of it as capital to start a small retail shop business that will sustain our household. If there is any balance, I will use it for urgent needs in the household like paying outstanding school dues for the children and pay medical bills."
Moses's family
access_time 5 years ago
Moses enrolled.
"Receiving this money means that I will be able to purchase a grinding mill. My village has very few machines that grand flour. This machine will save the community from walking long distance to grand flour and also make money for my up keep. The money I get from this machine will help me in sustaining the needs of my family members"
Babura's family
access_time 5 years ago
Babura enrolled.
"Receiving this money means acquiring some cows that we shall rare in order to act as an investment for the household. The cows in the future will multiply, some sold in order to pay school fees for our children not forgetting meeting other household needs. Currently, we have to work on other people's gardens in order to raise income for the household. "
Fatuma's family
access_time 5 years ago
Fatuma enrolled.
"Inadequate food at household level is my biggest hardship. We do not have enough food which makes it difficult for us to feed on a balanced diet. That has reduced on our immunity and has made me sickly and prone to opportunistic infections like arthritis, malaria, to mention which has reduced on the labour force."