GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Amily's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Amily received a $282 initial payment.
"GiveDirectly cash transfer has really improve my life. I use some of my transfer to register all our kids in school and get them all their school materials. They are now ready to start school next week. I also bought a bundle of zinc to start building a big house that will be able to host my children and myself. I used some of my transfers to buy food for my kids and saved the remaining money for my maternity care, because I am due to put to birth anytime from soon."
Junwa's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Junwa received a $491 initial payment.
"I spent almost all my transfer on replenishing my kiosk stock which cost a total of KES40000 because this is my only regular source of income and it was almost shutting down since it could not sustain itself as well as most of the basic comodities needed by my regular customers were missing. It used to make me so sad and stressed because I was torn between accepting the reality and close down its operations, and having faith and hope that it will be able to revive itself and continue. I am so happy now that my faith and hope won, and my kiosk is now full and all the basic comodities are available. I am so grateful and settled because I believe it will continue to earn me regular income and enable me address the challenges that I will face in the future."
Neema's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Neema received a $491 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly is doing everything well and I am so grateful for the assistance it gave us. We are so happy and proud of the steps and development projects we were able to undertake and achieve. All thanks to GiveDirectly."
Sidi's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Sidi received a $474 second payment.
"I had no new goals when I received this transfer as the goal was to complete the projects that I had started with the money from the first transfer. I wanted to complete the house that is sizeable enough to be used as a kitchen and where people can sleep as well. The other part of the transfer was to go to the day-to-day activities and expenditure, especially buying water because we have to travel very far to fetch water ourselves."
Ronoh's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Ronoh enrolled.
"I graduated in the year 2015, and I have never been in any gainful employment since then. This has prevented me from initiating projects that I have aspired to venture into. After making several job applications that have yielded zero success, I thought of venturing into dairy and poultry farming but lack of finances has made this impossible. Milk and eggs are in in high demand and venturing into the two projects will be an excellent investment for me. I am currently a stay-at-home parent depending fully on my husband, a local area Member of County Assembly, for all financial needs.This has not given me the financial freedom to venture into the projects that I have aspired to engage in which I hope will mark the end of my job search that has lasted for over 5 years."
Ruth's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Ruth received a $297 second payment.
"I do not have any new goals since I started receiving transfer from GiveDirectly. I have not been working or making any business. I've always been a housewife. Our family burdens has been on my husband only. So, before receiving this second transfer my primary goal was to start a new business. I feel privileged to be enrolled into the GiveDirectly Cash program. I am so happy that I can now support my husband with the business I'm going to start."
Benjamin's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Benjamin received a $282 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life since I started receiving the transfer are, my wife and I can now sleep sound in the morning without getting up from bed earlier, to go on the farm and get involve into hard labor to sustain the family. My wife is now preparing rich food for us to eat without any worry. Being successfully enrolled on Givedirectly program, I am now having hope of getting money to sustain my family. I really appreciate GiveDirectly for the support and I will used the transfer to build my dream house in this village."
Levi's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Levi received a $297 second payment.
"In my opinion, Givedirectly Staffs are not corrupt. They are trust worthy and fair in dealing with recipients. I also admired the decisions of sending recipients money directly through mobile money .With this process, many young people in our community have had the opportunity to achieved their various goals without any one interference or corrupting the process. Having said this, Givedirectly needs to change the style of allowing recipients traveling distances just to collect their transfers. This method is stressful and can even contribute to some illiterate recipients been cheated in the process of cashing out their transfers by mobile money agents. I therefore recommend that for future programming, Givedirectly build rapport with Lonestar cell MTM so that they can send trusted mobile money field agents in the respectives Givedirectly selected districts and villages to help cashout recipients transfers."
Hannah's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Hannah received a $282 initial payment.
"I used part of my transfer to paid in advance for one lot of land in Buchanan. I pay in advance because I don't want any delay in meeting up with my goal. I am waiting for the next transfer so that i can start molding bricks and at the same time pay contractors to start digging my house foundation. I don't want my children education to just stop in this village . I want to build the house quickly so that my three children can stay there and further their education. This gesture from GiveDirectly has brought me so much joy. I believe if my children relocate to Buchanan , they will be able to acquire quality education."
Jenneh's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Jenneh received a $282 initial payment.
"The money will be used to pay my children school fees and use the balance money for our upkeep"