GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Karitswa's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Karitswa enrolled.
"Obtaining food has been a major concern. Farming has been my main source of income, but I have not been able to harvest anything this year. We were expecting rains this last two months only to be disappointed. I now depend on my son who works in Mombasa to provide for us. I live with my grandchildren and it is always saddening whenever they have to sleep on an empty stomach or have to prepare porridge as their dinner and go to bed."
Silas's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Silas enrolled.
"I am a local Berber and the machine that I use is a old fashioned one which I keep changing the blades making it hard for me to operate the business because I make very little profit. My desire has been to buy a modern machine but rasing enough capital has been the major challenge since I use the little profit that I earn to provide for my family. Receiving this money means expanding my business because I can take a loan, buy a good machine and then service the loan with the monthly transfers that I will be receiving. I will also be able furnish my shop which will attract more customers. I hope when you'll visit after a couple of months, you will find my business booming."
Daniel's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Daniel enrolled.
"I am a good Mason but lack of certification has denied me some good jobs. I finished collage a couple of years ago and I have not been able to get my certificate because of fees arrears. I'm also planning to save part of the transfers towards clearing the arrears so that I can be granted my certificate."
Kenga's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kenga enrolled.
"Food insecurity has been the biggest challenge that we are currently facing as a family. The prolonged drought has made food prices to go up and the little that I earn from daily wages cannot cater for all the family needs."
Edward's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Edward enrolled.
"With the prolonged drought in my country, there are very few people building houses and therefore there are no jobs. This has so far affected my income as I have depleted all the savings that I had put in place to cater for for basic needs."
Charo's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Charo enrolled.
"I am a farmer who loved farming when I was young and energetic. I still love farming but at 82 years old, I have no energy left to do it by myself. All my children stay in town and I depend on my them for basic need. Therefore, I can't ask them to send money to pay labour and buy farm inputs because they'll say I shouldn't be farming at this age . With with this transfers, will be able to pay people till my 2 acres land and buy inputs to do farming when the rains are back."
Mwenda's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Mwenda enrolled.
"While bringing up my kids, I used to carry heavy luggage to the market in order to sell and provide for them. This left my back and legs weak, at this age I rarely sleep at night due to back pains and I have been unable to afford health care. With this money I hope I will be able to access better medical care and ill be able to enjoy my sleep."
Selina's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Selina enrolled.
"Receiving this money means owning a new house and a business at the same time. My current house is very old plus many cracks on the walls. This has been life-threatening because the weak walls might collapse anytime from now. I am always worried whenever I retire to bed at night. I am planning to use 40,000KES to construct a two-bedroom house for my family of eight. One bedroom will host my children while the second bedroom will be for my husband and I. I will use a further 30,000KES to start a modern grocery in the neighboring trading center. The profits from the grocery will help me assist my husband in raising our children because I will chip in whether it comes to paying school fees, buying food and any other family need."
Sophia's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Sophia enrolled.
"Food insecurity is the biggest challenge I am currently facing. I can no longer afford to provide my family with at least two meals a day. Prolonged drought has affected our area and nothing pleasant can be seen on the farms. The cow I relied own died a few months ago because she could no longer survive under the current drought situations. I am always in pain whenever I come back home with nothing to prepare for my children."
Yaa's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Yaa enrolled.
"The biggest challenge I am currently facing is lack of money to sustain my family. I am currently jobless idling around in the village. This has forced my wife to go for a housekeeper job in the neighborhood something I was not happy about but I was left with no option but accept. I am currently not making any financial contributions towards the welfare of my family. This is a big shame according to our culture where a man is expected to be the breadwinner of the family."