GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Paiche's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Paiche enrolled.
"Currently, I do not have adequate food clothes and other basic needs, I had a business that I was depending on but due to unforeseen circumstances, we ended up blowing up the whole capital, I hope that Give Directly will rescue me from the current misery"
Chepwogen's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Chepwogen received a $489 initial payment.
"I spent KES 51,500 to purchase a place of land. We have a small land at home and our main priority was to buy a land and do horticulture farming. We will be able to get enough food for the family. They rest of the money I spent on food and clothes for my children. I am so happy because GiveDirectly has enabled us to fulfilled our dream of owning a land. This was always on our mind but we didn't had the money to do so. Currently we have fenced the farm and we are yet to invest on it."
Christopher's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Christopher received a $489 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I have paid school fees for my two children in secondary school. This was my main focus because my children were being sent home to collect the school fees. This was so demoralizing and stressful because they could stay home for quite some time because I didn't had the money. Their performance were affected because the lessons were going on. My first priority was the school fees to ensure that my children are happy and studying well. I depend on casual jobs and small scale farming. I have also joined a village saving group. This gives us some loans to pay the school fees. They money that I would get through the casual jobs is so small and were only for food and other basic needs. I was not able to save some money. Currently my children are in school and I hope to see better performance come the end of the term. I have peace of mind to do my daily activities at home. GiveDirectly has changed our living standards and enable us to educate our children and do investment. I am so grateful for the support because GiveDirectly has changed our living standards."
Emily's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Emily enrolled.
"I would use this money to buy iron sheets which I have always wanted but I could not afford. I would also use the money to buy mattress and blankets since I the ones we have right now are just rags. Lastly I would buy food to relieve me from daily purchases."
Edith's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Edith enrolled.
"I did a diploma in accounts but I have not been able to get a job and therefore my husband bears all the responsibilities of our family and his siblings' since he educates 2 of them with the little money that he earns from his job. Receiving this money will mean that I will set up a boutique business in Kipsuter that will support the income that we get from his job. We plan on adding another cow to boost milk production since the amount that we get is for consumption. Adding another cow will mean that we will be able to consume and sell some and earn money from that."
Rehema's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Rehema enrolled.
"Receiving this money means changing my life for the better. This is because I intend to buy some goats that will act as my long term investment plan. I will ensure I buy 1 goat every month for a period of 7 months. This will give me the opportunity to own goats as my store of wealth that will support my daughter when she joins school. On the other hand, this money will also support me to buy food, clothes and new beddings to replace the old ones that are rugged."
Mariamu's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Mariamu enrolled.
"In our household, getting food consecutively in a week is a miracle. This means sometimes we sleep hungry because we depend on our mother who is doing charcoal work. Her income is not consistent and also it is very low usually $6 per week. This can not fully cater to our needs and hence, food insecurity is the main challenge that I am currently facing in my life."
Changawa's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Changawa enrolled.
"Receiving this money means a better livelihood for my family. I am a widow and I do charcoal jobs to get some income that I use to buy food. This has forced me to stay desperate and sometimes, I regret living this kind of life. I am now a happy person after knowing that GiveDirectly will be sending me 3000 KES every month for five years. This will mean enough food for my family as well as nice shelter and beddings. I will also spend (9000 KES), an accumulation of 3 months transfers to buy 4 goats that will act as my store of wealth for future use."
Alice's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Alice enrolled.
"My greatest desire has been to reinforce my house with hardcore and cement but this has never been possible due to financial crisis. With the arrival of GiveDirectly to my house, I am now confident to realize my dream since the 3000 KES every month will be settling my debt of 40000 KES that I am expecting to borrow soon from our merry-go-round, to ensure my house is complete. This will change our livelihood since I will be able to live a conformable life. The other transfers will support my children's education and other household needs like food, clothing and beddings."
Halima's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Halima enrolled.
"Being a housewife means depending on my husband for everything. This is something that has eaten up my mind because I can not do anything to supplement the little income from his water vending work. The much I can get from him is 500 KES per week that I use to buy food. This amount is very little and it can not fully cater to our very basic needs like food, education, and clothing. Hence, I consider financial instability as the challenge that I am currently facing in my life."