GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
John's family
access_time 7 years ago
John enrolled.
"The biggest hardship in my life is my wife's disability.This makes it hard for her to fully contribute in other households responsibilities such fetching water and firewood when am not there at home."
Yuanita's family
access_time 7 years ago
Yuanita received a $424 initial payment.
"I used a portion of the transfer to buy building materials(35 pieces of iron sheets, and nails). Purchased a mattress for myself. Bought water containers. I also purchased corns for family consumption with the rest of the money."
Susan's family
access_time 7 years ago
Susan received a $481 second payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that currently, I live in an improved sanitation. This is after acquiring a water tank for storing rain water for domestic use and constructing a latrine for our use. Before then, we never had a latrine but instead we could depend on open defecation and again, we could walk longer distances to fetch water both combined could interfere with our lives."
Mercy's family
access_time 7 years ago
Mercy received a $423 initial payment.
"I used a portion of the transfer to buy a metallic box and a bag for keeping family clothes. Bought 20 pieces of iron sheets which I'll use to build an iron roofed house since I'm still living in a leaking grass thatched house. Purchased water containers and cooking utensils. Purchased family clothes with a portion of the transfer. Besides, I bought family foodstuffs with the rest of the transfer."
Agnes's family
access_time 7 years ago
Agnes received a $481 second payment.
"I spent my first transfer on cementing the inner walls of my house, bought and fixed three steel windows then bought a water tank."
Emaqulet's family
access_time 7 years ago
Emaqulet received a $481 second payment.
"I spent my second transfer on buying 21 iron sheets and building poles at 24,000 KES which I'll use to set my own compound in September, three sheep at 10,200 KES, a solar lamp at 9,000 KES, a water tank at 2,000 KES then used the rest of the cash on food for the house."
Violet's family
access_time 7 years ago
Violet received a $481 second payment.
"I spent 10000 KES of my second transfer on buying electronics. I used 20000 KES on buying a solar panel. I used 10000 KES on opening a retail shop. I used 6000 KES to repair a water pump and used the rest of the money on my childs medication ond on buying food."
Martha's family
access_time 7 years ago
Martha received a $481 second payment.
"I spent my second transfer on purchasing a generator for pumping water into my crop farms. Previously, I hired other people's generator which consumed a lot of money. This therefore resulted into less profit as compared to the total production cost. Besides that, I finished the construction of my house which I began last year. There were quite a number of things that I couldn't afford by then, some of which include, windows, doors, plastering etc."
Jescah's family
access_time 7 years ago
Jescah received a $481 second payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that am now getting good income from the fishing business because I now have a new fishing net and boat, unlike before when I had a very old and weak boat that couldn't last in water."
Carolyne's family
access_time 7 years ago
Carolyne received a $96 initial payment.
"The moment I received my money was very happy since I had a crisis regarding a portion of my wall that had just been washed off by rain water and being a widow, I had other demands and could not have worked on this on my own immediately.. Thank you very much GD for rescuing me."