GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Jane's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Jane enrolled.
"I would like to build a new house because this one is small,I would also like to buy some household items like blankets,mattress,bedsheets so that I can sleep comfortable." (Country: Kenya)
Nancy's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Nancy enrolled.
"We are planning to expand our house by adding some more rooms since it is small,we would also like to furnish it so that it looks nice.We are also planning to build a pit latrine since we have one which is almost collapsing." (Country: Kenya)
Zablon's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Zablon enrolled.
"First,we are planning to buy some cows that will aid in farming because this is the only source of income we have.We are also planning to build some rental houses at the center so that we can rent them out in order to get some income." (Country: Kenya)
Irene's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Irene enrolled.
"We are planning to expand our house by adding more rooms since we are in need of a spacious house that can accommodate all our household items." (Country: Kenya)
Linet's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Linet enrolled.
"I am planning to expand my house since I want it to be more spacious.I am also planning to add more stock since I am a business woman who sells second hand clothes." (Country: Kenya)
Irene's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Irene enrolled.
"I would like to buy a piece of land somewhere so that I can also build my own house and vacate my brother's house in order to pave way for them to have their privacy." (Country: Kenya)
Yunita's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Yunita enrolled.
"We would like to expand our shop so that we can stock more goods since this business has been successful and also a source of income for us." (Country: Kenya)
Milka's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Milka enrolled.
"Planning to open up a small business to push me and my family Planning to do fencing around my home" (Country: Kenya)
Charles's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Charles enrolled.
"Planning to build myself a new house Planning to buy a cow for farming" (Country: Kenya)
Wilkista's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Wilkista enrolled.
"Planning to by a cow that I can always milk and get income very old so no source of in come" (Country: Kenya)