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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Changawa's family
access_time 3 days ago
Changawa received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, I am determined to focus on investing in goat farming to secure my future. I plan to continue saving $10 monthly at the merry-go-round group that we formed. As I accumulate the money, I will buy goats once my turn of getting the money reaches. The choice of goats over cows is a strategic one; goats are more affordable to acquire and maintain, making them an ideal investment for my current financial situation. My passion for goat farming fuels my drive, and with careful planning and consistent effort, I am confident that I will achieve my goals and create a thriving agricultural venture." (Country: Kenya)
Elizabeth's family
access_time 4 days ago
Elizabeth enrolled.
"Receiving this cash transfer from GiveDirectly feels like an answered prayer because I have been praying for a financial breakthrough to start a poultry business and invest in livestock, but financial constraints have always held me back. Now, with this opportunity, I plan to invest KES 25,000 in a poultry business. Additionally, I want to begin livestock keeping by purchasing 15 goats for my family, so that in case of an emergency, we’ll have something to rely on. I will use the remaining funds to buy food and other household essentials for my family." (Country: Kenya)
Onesmas's family
access_time 4 days ago
Onesmas received a $347 second payment.
"For this year and the years to come, my wish is to get married and have a wedding, and I believe this will be possible if my farming succeeds. I’m hopeful because I’ve already leased land in the Parkera Irrigation Scheme, where I plan to grow maize. The thought of everything coming together fills me with satisfaction and joy, as marriage and family are highly valued and respected in my culture. In our society, staying single is not seen as ideal, and having a family is a sign of honor and respect. That’s why I’m determined to do everything I can to get married and have a wedding, fulfilling this important cultural expectation." (Country: Kenya)
Maurine's family
access_time 4 days ago
Maurine received a $347 second payment.
"For this year and the years to come, I am determined to focus on farming and move away from the hand-to-mouth lifestyle of doing odd jobs. I have already leased a farm, and I’m eagerly awaiting the third transfer to fully invest in my farming plans. Farming has always been my dream, but I never had the capital to make it a reality. Thanks to the support I’m receiving, I now have the opportunity to pursue this goal. I believe that farming will provide me with a stable income and allow me to save money for my children's school fees. This marks a significant step toward building a more secure and prosperous future for my family, and I am excited to see these plans come to life." (Country: Kenya)
Fridah's family
access_time 4 days ago
Fridah enrolled.
"In 2020, I had to shut down my retail shop because I simply did not have the finances to support it. That shop was our only source of income, and losing it was really tough for my family. My husband’s job in electrical work helps cover school fees and food, but there’s never anything left to save. Now, with the anticipated transfers coming in, I finally feel a sense of relief. I plan to use KES 40000 to purchase stock for my shop so that I can create an additional income stream for my family of five. I also want to use the remaining funds to construct a kitchen and buy some furniture. I truly believe that reopening my shop will provide us with the financial stability we need, and I am excited about this new opportunity for my family." (Country: Kenya)
Maria's family
access_time 4 days ago
Maria enrolled.
"Food is of utmost priority due to the biting drought. We need to sort our immediate food crisis. Spending about $150 will give us food supplies for almost three months. We will buy maize, sugar, cooking oil, beans, tea leaves amongst other essentials. I have children in day school, settling them in school is important. Will spend approximately $200 on their fees. Education will give them a better future, it enables one to get better employment opportunities. My house is also in a bad shape, it's not cemented either. I plan to improve this by repairing it and cementing the floor. It will give us a better living environment due to reduced dust levels. This can cost up to $200. The rest of the transfer will be spent on buying more goats. When they expand, I'll be able to get more milk and additionally more available for sale. Goats multiply fast in this area. They're easy to manage due to the availability of feeds." (Country: Kenya)
Mokiyo's family
access_time 4 days ago
Mokiyo enrolled.
"Livestock keeping is the main source of livelihood in our region.Therefore ,I plan to spend this money on buying myself 6 goats at a cost of KES 6000 each.I chose to buy goats because it doesn't require much attention from my side,the cost of taking care of them is lower and I also have several grandchildren who can take care of these goats on my behalf.Furthermore, these goats will serve as a security in terms of food and hospital bills in the future." (Country: Kenya)
Linah's family
access_time 4 days ago
Linah enrolled.
"We have a diabetic who son who is in university. We intent to give him hope by meeting his daily medical expenses which is costly. In a month, we spend almost KES 10,000 for his medication alone yet we have other 5 school going children at different levels of learning. This transfer will come in handy in meeting our expenses as a family. Being enrolled into this program has brought a sigh of relief because it will lessen our burden." (Country: Kenya)
Evans's family
access_time 4 days ago
Evans enrolled.
"Receiving this money means my family will live comfortably without much strain. For the past years, we have lived in a single house and since my family is growing, having a bigger house is a need. I plan on using the transfers to extend the house to three rooms. I will also do fencing and plant grass which I can sell to earn a living out of it. I am happy because the transfers have come at the time I needed most." (Country: Kenya)
Dorcas's family
access_time 4 days ago
Dorcas enrolled.
"Receiving the cash transfers means so much to me and my children. For the first cash transfer, I intend to purchase food and clothes. I intend to purchase food by spending KES 10000 and KES 8000 on clothes. For the second cash transfer, I intend to purchase 5 goats using about KES 25000 of the cash transfer. This will be my investment. For the remaining KES 20000 I intend to purchase iron sheets for construction of a house. I intend to use the entire KES 45000 of the third cash transfer to build a house. Building a house is important for me since currently I'm living in a house I borrowed from my parents." (Country: Kenya)