GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I spent 25,000 KES of my third transfer on my University Tuition fee, as I am enrolled for a Degree Course in Early Childhood Educational Development course, and seats for 15,000 KES. I had earlier on paid 15,000 KES as Tuition from my second transfer."
View Omollo's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on buying 2 bulls for 30,000 KES to support ploughing and effectiveness in food production for my family since my husband and I have become aged and it has been challenging to labour in the food production process. Again we can raise income as we serve other farmers who need ploughing services.I also bought a heifer for 17,000 KES and expect to our own milk i future."
View Carren's
7 years ago
received a $485 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on building a 4 room house since this was a felt need and GD provided an opportunity.We had lived in a leaking grass-thatched and this is was a relief."
View James's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on building a 3 room house as our previous house was in bad shape. I then bought a heifer for 9,000 KES that I intend to pay as part of bride price to my parents in law in the near future.."
View Stephen's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on building 3 rooms for rental purposes for 55,000 KES, having saved 8,000 KES from my second transfer towards this purpose. The rooms are not plastered for now since I ran out of money but I expect to get tenants, and spend part of their initial rent to do plastering.This is an investment that will give support towards education for our children in future,rather than if I had spent on a different purpose which is not for income generation."
View Syprose's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"My children are grown and I used to sleep with them in my small house,so when I received my third transfer,I thought it wise to construct them a house where they could sleep in. I am glad nowadays they are able to sleep in their own house. The remaining I spent on paying school fees for my daughter who is in the polytechnic. She had started but stopped for lack of school fees and I am glad she was able to go back and I hope she will complete soon. She is taking a course in hair dressing and computer packages."
View Benta's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I spent the whole of my third transfer to buy building materials and build my house since l was staying in a rental house which was very small and uncomfortable."
View Hellenic's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer to hire bulls to plough my farm because I do not have bulls of my own and also bought other farm inputs. I bought a cow which am already milking and my children are now enjoying milk also am selling some milk which is providing me with money which am using to use to pay school fees for my children. The remaining amount, I spent on chicken and this is now main source of income"
View Aloice's
7 years ago
received a $474 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my life is that i wake up happy every morning because i sleep on good beddings and in a beautiful house with curtains. I own oxen for ploughing unlike before when i used to hire. There is food in the house and am grateful to Give Directly for this finacial support."
View Bena's
7 years ago
received a $474 initial payment.
"The moment i received the money on my phone, happiness filled my heart."
View Janet's