GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Amina's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Amina received a $532 initial payment.
"Since I am illiterate my son normally stays with my phone, I remember very well it was around 7 am when he told me that there is an Mpesa message from GD. I felt so much happy at that time. I found myself screaming in happiness early that morning."
Judy's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Judy received a $532 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I no longer buy milk like I used to do before. Buying milk had proven to be too costly for me considering that I entirely depend on casual labor within the village to raise income for family expenses. There are times when we tried looking for casual jobs but we were not successful in finding them. When that happened, we would be forced to sleep hungry since we do not have another alternative source of income. Currently, I have already bought farm inputs such as fertilizers and crop seeds that will see us plant our farms in time. We are therefore looking forward to a huge harvest this season which will see us have enough food for household consumption while we sell the surplus to meet other basic household needs."
Rose's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Rose enrolled.
"The biggest hardship I face is lack of money for Educating my children. Iam poor and I have failled to provide school fees for the children on time. This as always affected thier performances since they are sent home regularly."
Angella's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Angella enrolled.
"The biggest hardship I face is lack of a reliable source of income. I rely on casual labour in order to meet daily needs. The daily income I get us not sufficient to meet household needs as well as pay bride price to my parents. That has left my household with low self esteem due to inability to marry customarily."
David's family
access_time over 5 years ago
David enrolled.
"Receiving this money means I will be able to retrive the piece of land that I leased to take care of the barrial expences of my late wife, build an iron roofed house because the one I have is grass thatched and it leaks. I also hope to buy beddings and a cow that may be sold in order to raise money that can take care of my barrial expences."
Simon's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Simon enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I am faced with is lack of money to take care of the education needs of my children. I have children who according to me love studies but how to provide for them is a charllage. I depend on agriculture to provide school fees so the season that food does not do well affects me badly."
Mary's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Mary enrolled.
"Receiving this money means I will be able to build an iron roofed house and buy a piece of land that I can cultivate in order to get food. I feel these are my most pressing needs."
Tino's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Tino received a $468 initial payment.
"My life is better because I managed to access better treatment since I have back pain problem. Secondly, soon I will be owning my a plot of land and start my own home. Before this cash transfer, I could not access better treatment and I experienced a lot of challenges in my brother's home."
Simon's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Simon received a $468 initial payment.
"The moment I got money from GiveDirectly, I felt very happy because I was going to repossess my farm land which I had used as security for the loan I obtained."
Edisa's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Edisa received a $468 initial payment.
"I have realised a big change in my life, for example there's improved feeding in my household as evidenced by having three meals a day as compared to one or two meals a day prior to receiving the money. My dress code has also improved now because I no longer wear worn out clothes. Furthermore there is improved farming at my home now because I was able to hire more land and buy a bull that has easened ploughing therefore I expect a good harvest this year."