GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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5 years ago
received a $467 initial payment.
"The biggest impact is that I completed the construction of my two roomed permanent house. I feel much happier because at my advanced age I can not engage in any manual labour. I also bought food stock to sustain me for a much longer period."
View James's
5 years ago
received a $467 initial payment.
"I received a mobile money message early in the morning. I was extremely happy when I read the message."
View Ivan's
5 years ago
received a $22 twentieth payment.
"My expectation in the near future is to have cleared paying a loan that I am currently servicing. Once I'm done with it, I want to expand my tea farm by planting the tea seedlings that I currently have in a nursery. The seedlings should be ready in the next planting season. I also expect that my cow would have calved and I would no longer be spending money on milk for household consumption but rather I will be selling the excess of the milk for an extra income."
View Geoffrey's
5 years ago
received a $466 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is having stocked food stuffs in my house. I had never been able to stock food for all the time that I have lived. I am therefore grateful to GiveDirectly for such opportunity. I can now get me cook food freely compared to before where I could have ine meal or even go with out a meal."
View Anna's
5 years ago
received a $533 initial payment.
"It was a few minutes to 4 am when I received a call from one of my neighbors. Upon receiving it, he joyfully asked me if I had also received the money from GiveDirectly like him. I became so happy after reading a Mpesa message that I had received, and I shared the good news with my spouse. I knew that we would be able to achieve our goals as a family using this money."
View Richard's
5 years ago
received a $39 eleventh payment.
"I spent the larger portion of my recent transfer to pay my house rent.I am glad GiveDirectly did not allow me to be sent away from my house due to late payment of rent. The rest of the transfer I used on boosting my wife grocery business. It has not been doing well because its our main source of income and all my needs most of the times depends on the profits from the business. I am glad the business is now picking up well thanks to GiveDirectly."
View Antony's
5 years ago
received a $360 second payment.
"Before GD came to my life, I did not have any good income. I used to rely on a small income from casual work and odd jobs in my area. In many occasions, I would go for three days without getting any money because I did not have anything to do. I used to struggle to make ends meet and would have to beg and seek help from friends and family just to put food on the table. When I received my first transfer, I used part of it to start a fruit selling business which has been very helpful. I have stopped begging and borrowing because of the profits, I get money for my daily needs. In as much as it is not much but it has changed my life."
View Moses's
5 years ago
received a $360 second payment.
"I spent my transfer on boosting my household item business which was not doing very well. The business has been my main source of income and supporting all my family needs. As a result of not inputting more resources to the business, it was not doing very well and I feared it would soon collapse. This is why I chose to boost it with my transfer. I used part of the transfer to pay school fees arrears for my brother who had dropped out of school because my parents did not have the money to pay. He had stayed home for two terms as the rest were studying. The rest of the transfer I used to pay back a loan I took from my table banking group to help me pay arrears for my children who had been sent home for the same. I am glad they are now studying peacefully in school because I was able to clear the balance."
View Mercy's
5 years ago
received a $360 second payment.
"I spent my transfer on paying back for a motorcycle I bought on hire purchases basis. I am currently on with the payments and receiving these transfers has helped a lot in reducing the balance I had with the dealer. I know will my little daily income, I will be able to clear the arrears before the end of the year. The rest of the transfers I used on buying household items such as clothes and food. I felt its time we had changed in appearance courtesy of GD transfers. I also paid rent with the remaining part of the transfer."
View Joshua's
5 years ago
received a $39 eleventh payment.
"Today, I am a proud self-dependent businesswoman courtesy of GiveDirectly. I had been a slave of low-paying casual jobs like washing people's clothes in Eastleigh where on bad days, I could go without money leaving me with an option of depending on my old grandmother. This work had a lot of demands hence I would get engage the whole week meaning I didn't have time for myself and my child's as well. Having this business has given me peace of mind and hope because I am able to take care of myself and my baby too using profits from the business. I am no longer a burden to my grandmother anymore instead I support her."
View Maureen's