GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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4 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"I was at the farm when I heard a message come into my phone. When I checked my phone, it was the Mpesa message. I was very very happy as I knew our lives would now change for the better."
View Saumu's
4 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I now own livestock and I also expanded my business. I wouldn't have been able to buy cows and to expand my business had it not been for the transfers"
View Santa's
4 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"I spent my transfers to purchase two cows and the remaining amount I spent on educational expenses for my two children. I am a housewife, while my husband is employed as a cattle herder, and we have two children. My husband's pay is not a lot and we struggle to make ends meet and also to pay school fees for our children. I was happy when I received the transfers and I am truly grateful to GiveDirectly."
View Peninah's
4 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"I was at my hotel on that day and I heard a message come to my phone at around 1400Hrs. I checked the message and it was the Mpesa message from GiveDirectly. I was very very happy when I saw the money."
View Sidi's
4 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that through the transfer, I managed to build a new iron roofed house. My previous house was in a bad state and grass thatched. It was full of cracks and leaking during rains. I could not renovate it due to my lowly financial status. My life today is different after receiving the money because I am now sheltering in my newly constructed iron roofed house. Had I not received this support, I would still be living in my old grass thatched house."
View Kadzo's
4 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"I remember vividly well it was around 1pm while holding a fundraiser function for my settlement of my late mother's hospital bill when I received the transfers. I heard my phone ring and on checking the new SMS it was the GiveDirectly money and I was very happy and relayed the good news to a friend who sat next to me who hadn't received and was quite worried.The fundraiser was successful because people who received the money started contributing generously and I was very grateful."
View Victor's
4 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"I spent KES 35000 of my transfer on a dairy cow because I didn't have one before. I used to rely on casual labor in order to buy a litre of milk at KES 30 per day. I spent KES 5000 on timber for building a new kitchen house because the one I had was old, very tiny and had leaking grass thatched roof. I also spent KES 3000 on clothing for my family because the clothes we had were old and worn out. I also spent some on food because the maize is still in the farm. I have saved some for house hold expenditure."
View Paul's
4 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is completion of my house which had stalled. The GD transfers came in timely manner and enabled us to build in a shorter time than it would take. I had desired to build a better house but couldn't but I am more grateful to GiveDirectly because my house is in it's completion phase. I am also grateful because we used to rely on my husband's capentry work for food but with the transfers he was relieved this time around."
View Gladys's
4 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"It was around 11 am when I heard the phone ring and I handed over the phone to my helper who confirmed that I had received the money and I was very happy Immediately, we prepared to go to the nearest MoMo agent but we weren't successful but went for the money the next day."
View Grace's
4 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is owning a dairy cow. I had desired to buy a dairy cow for the past four years but I couldn't afford.The dairy cow will act as a source of milk and long term investment for settlement of school fees once my kids are grown up. The poultry project will also help in settlement of household expenses which was quite difficult before because my job is short term hence unreliable. Also my kids have grown healthier and happier than before and I am very grateful to GiveDirectly."
View Erick's