GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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4 years ago
received a $501 initial payment.
"It was on a Friday morning when I was preparing for the day then my phone started ringing. This was a notification that there was a new message. Since I was curious and anxious I decided to check its content. I felt so happy after confirming that it was an Mpesa message from GiveDirectly. I definitely knew that the idea of purchasing livestock is now achievable"
View Raheli's
4 years ago
received a $501 initial payment.
"I was just relaxing with my family then my phone started ringing. At first, ignored it, then it rang again. I decided to check who it could be. Wow! I realized it was an Mpesa message from GiveDirectly they had debited my first transfers as promised. I was so happy because I was sure my life will never be the same again."
View Susan's
4 years ago
received a $501 initial payment.
"I spent part of my first transfer on buying some livestock such as three goats at 3500 each. I also bought some new beddings which include a bed, mattress, and bedsheets. This was to replace the old mats that I have been using for all those years. I lter bought some building materials such as iron sheets, building poles and nails. This was for the renovation of my house which was in poor condition and small. With the remaining amount I am using it in buying enough foodstuffs for my family"
View Kitsao's
4 years ago
received a $501 initial payment.
"Before the coming of GiveDirectly, my life has been so terrible. This is because I divorced my spouse a couple of years ago and I had to return back to my father's compound. Ever since I have been the breadwinner for my family and making sure they go to school. Considering the fact that I even depend on temporary casual jobs, sometimes paying their school fees in time was not achievable. Therefore they were forced to stay home and some were demoralized and even opted to drop out of school. But then God was on our side, it is the same month when GiveDirectly came into my village and I was enrolled and promised to be among the beneficiary. After some time, I received the transfers and decided to send them back to school. I am now the happiest mum and I am positive that their future shall be bright together with their generation. And this makes the biggest difference in my daily life."
View Dhahabu's
4 years ago
received a $501 initial payment.
"It was excactoly12:30 when I was from the dam then I heard some of my neighbors celebrating and praising God at the same time mentioning GiveDirectly. I became curious and asked one of them what the matter was. Then she told me that they had received their first transfers. On hearing this, I decided to rush home and checked my phone as well. But before I could get home I heard my spouse and children celebrating as well. I felt so happy after realizing that I had also received the cash transfers."
View Kadii's
4 years ago
received a $501 initial payment.
"I was in a family meeting when I heard my phone ringing. I decided to check who it could be. Only to realize it was an Mpesa message from GiveDirectly I felt so happy and I even could not concentrate on the discussion with the rest."
View Johnson's
4 years ago
received a $501 initial payment.
"The fact that I now own two dairy cows that I am keeping in my homestead has brought the biggest difference in my daily life. I am sure I will achieve a lot with the help of this cow. First, this cow has numerous benefits such as getting milk for my family which will make us healthier. I can also decide on selling the remaining liters to friends and getting some money which will be my main source of income since I only depend on temporary casual jobs. Therefore I feel this business of selling milk will boost me greatly. Secondly, I will be getting some manure which will help my farm to be more productive, resulting in good harvests."
View Sidi's
4 years ago
received a $501 initial payment.
"Before the coming of GiveDirectly, I was sleeping using old mats and using old traditional bed which was not comfortable. I was not able to replace my beddings for years. I am grateful to GiveDirectly because the transfer has enabled me to buy a new bed and a mattress which I am currently using. In addition to this, I also bought some building poles in order to renovate my house. One side was full of cracks and was nearly collapsing. I had to renovate it to avoid further loss. I also bought some goats which I am expecting them to reproduce and increase in number. I can readily sell them to cater for my financial needs."
View Sidi's
4 years ago
received a $501 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life ever since GiveDirectly came into my life is that I now own a pair of oxen. This has made me be more ambitious and happy in life. I know they will be of great help because they will take less time in ploughing my farm compared to when I used to do the exercise with my own hands. It was so tiring and I could not utilize the whole of my farm. With the help of the bulls, I believe I will also get increased harvest since my land will be prepared on time. Apart from that, I will also hire them to my neighbors at a fee and get an income which will help me to easily sustain my family needs. "
View Kamutu's
4 years ago
received a $501 initial payment.
"My biggest desire was to upgrade to a better house because the one I am currently sheltering in is not spacious enough. I have to squeeze my things to get some space. My children are forced to seek shelter from the neighbours at their young age. When I received my first transfer, I spent a bigger portion of it on buying building materials which include iron sheets, building poles and nails to construct a decent and spacious house. In addition to this, I also purchased a new bed and a mattress. I was sleeping on old mats and using a traditional bed which was not comfortable. I am now sleeping comfortably having replaced them with my new beddings."
View Kadzo's