GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money will enable me to buy fencing materials worth $300 to fence my compound. I always tie my cattle with ropes to prevent them from destroying my neighbor's crops and this has hindered them from getting enough feeds. I also intend to spend $35 to purchase a 3000-liter water tank for harvesting rainwater for drinking. I will also build a modern chicken coup for my poultry using $50 of my transfer, then add 20 more chicks for $2 each."
View Lesebet's
over 3 years ago
received a $380 initial payment.
"The recipient has used the transfer to build a house with the remaining transfer she bought food and clothing"
View Esnart's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest hardship in my life is when I was diagnosed with cerebral malaria. I lost body balance and I cannot uprightly do my own things. This has affected my confidence before my peers. I cannot even attend village events for fear of being laughed at."
View Jumwa's
over 3 years ago
"I am the second wife to my husband. When I was married to my lovely husband, all was rosy until when it was time to get pregnant. I developed womb problems and whenever I carried one, I miscarried. This delay made me become a laughing stock in the village. My husband was jobless, he had no money to take me to better health services. I resorted to taking traditional herbs which fortunately, helped me to carry pregnancy to maturity. I was blessed with a baby girl whom I named Bahati (Fortune). Thereafter, I have never managed to get another child. This has been the biggest hardship I've ever faced in my life."
View Kadzo's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money means a decent house for me. My house is in a very bad state.The roof does not cover the entire house, this makes the house to leak during the rainy season. My house is also small, in that, it cannot accommodate a family of 5 children. I sleep with my five children in one small room. The room becomes too congested which can even results to outbreak of diseases within my family. I am planning to use the money I will get from GiveDirectly to build a decent and a bigger house that will sufficiently accommodate my family of five children."
View Sidi's
over 3 years ago
"Being a business person of selling goats and cattle what I usually get is not enough for us, I really struggle to pay school fees and feed my family."
View Winny's
over 3 years ago
"My ambition has been to practice livestock keeping but due to financial constraints, this has not been fulfilled. Receiving this money means fulfilling my desire. I am planning to spend 50,000 shillings to purchase 2 indigenous dairy cows and 4 goats. This is going to generate income for my family of 5 members. In a day I can sell at least 4 liters of milk at 50 shillings which is enough to sustain all our basic needs such as food, and remain with 2 extra liters for consumption use. Other than that, the remaining amount will go to school fees so that my children can study without being sent home for fees balances."
View Kadzo's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest hardship I have faced in my life is engaging myself in tiresome casual jobs. I have been doing charcoal burning over the past decade. This has made me unproductive whenever I engage myself in any other household tasks such as cooking, washing clothes or preparing my children to go to school."
View Bahati's
over 3 years ago
"Drought and hunger has been my biggest hardship.I solely depend on subsistence farming to educate and feed my family. Nonetheless, the harsh climatic conditions has been unfavourable for my farm produce. I am left to sell the chicken to earn income to buy food for my family which at times is not enough.Although we have never slept hungry , but getting the resources to purchase food is straineous and sometimes unpredictable."
View David's
over 3 years ago
"I am a widow who solely depend on farming to educate and feed my children . I usually sell maize and milk and at times ask my son to assist in paying school fees . With the low onsets of rain and prolonged drought , the farm production has been low thus the income being low (20usd )per month. Therefore, I am not able to pay school fees for my children meaning being out of school most of the times and this has been my biggest hardship."
View Hellen's