GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 3 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"We used to live in a single room that we were also using as our kitchen. Whenever we had visitors, they would see all our beddings piled in one corner of the house. This always depicted the level of poverty we were in. Mingling with my peers had been a problem as I was always out looking after people's livestock till late in the evening. My salary was KES 100 a day and this was not even enough for a days food let alone to save some with an aim of building a house. When I received my transfer, I spent KES 33000 to build a more spacious iron-roofed house. Also, I spent KES 12000 to purchase three and half sacks of maize, 20 kg of beans and other household necessities. I still have KES 7000 that I am planning to use in buying a goat."
View Joseph's
over 3 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"Before receiving the transfers, my customers would at times go and purchase some items in other shops since I did not have most of the household items. This always made me feel bad due to high demand that I would not meet. It had always been my wish to expand this business but I had not been able to since the little profits I get was not enough as I would at times make KES 200 a day. I am glad since this is no longer the case as I was able to restock it using my transfers. Due to this, my work is to now serve my customers diligently as I also buy more goods using the profits I make."
View Alice's
over 3 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"It was around 10 o'clock when I received a message notification on my phone. I was at the hospital waiting for my turn at the que as my daughter was ill. I became so happy upon realizing that GiveDirectly had sent me the promised money and I was eager to leave the hospital so that I would finally go and pay school fees for my son who was at home as he had been sent back home to collect fee arrears."
View Constance's
over 3 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"I operate a grocery and sisal business at our nearest shopping centres. It had always been my desire to boost this business and also purchase a piece of land to be operating this business from so that I would not be renting a room anymore. I was able to achieve all this using the transfer and due to this, my daily profits has started increasing since I can now meet all my customers needs on time and I have also been able to balance between the demand and supply of my goods. Being able to achieve this has made my daily life different."
View Claris's
over 3 years ago
received a $485 second payment.
"My daughter is suffering from cancer, has been admitted at the hospital and her condition is still not better as she is in so much pains. I spent KES 15000 from the transfer to pay for her medication and saved KES 17000 for emergency purposes. I am glad that she is in the hands of professionals and I believe that she will soon get well. Also, I purchased three goats at KES 9000 as an investment. I will sell some when they will have increased in number and use the money to buy a dairy cow and pay school fees for my children. Lastly, I purchased some food and utensils for my family using KES 7000."
View Rehema's
over 3 years ago
received a $485 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly does well by helping poor people in the society to build better houses, purchase some livestock and pay school fees for their children and I do not see anything that they do not do well."
View Jumaa's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest hardship in my life has been lack of money to pay for my children school fees. I have been struggling to cater for my children school fees given that I am jobless. My desire has always been to see my children get quality education so that they can lead a better life in the future. However, seeing my children at home due to the lack of school fees really pains me. This has consequently affected their academic performance in school."
View Bendera's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest hardship in my life has been lack of a descent and a spacious house for my family. We share a single room something that is not desireble even in my culture."
View Mapenzi's
over 3 years ago
"" When the money comes, I want to do business ( buy fire coal and sell it in Monrovia). I am a business man already.""
View Sando's
over 3 years ago
"" I have three things on mind to do with my money. The e first thing, I will send my daughter to college. The second, by the grace of God I will complete my house and the third, If the money is plenty, I will invest some in business ( buy fire coal and sell it)"
View Mannah's