GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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5 months ago
received a $26 twenty-first payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, I plan to invest in livestock purchases. Currently, I have six poultry birds and one goat, but my goal is to expand my livestock holdings significantly. By growing their numbers, I will be able to sell some of them and use the proceeds to address pressing needs. This shift to livestock promises to be a good venture for me, especially given the harsh climatic conditions that make farming untenable. I am very grateful for the financial support, which is enabling me to better care for my family."
View Sidi's
5 months ago
received a $26 twenty-ninth payment.
"With my son having completed his college education, I feel a tremendous sense of relief, particularly regarding our finances. Now, I have the freedom to use my future transfers to achieve other important goals. In the coming year and beyond, I aim to purchase a new bed and mattress. Currently, I sleep on a makeshift bed, which is quite uncomfortable. Having a proper bed and mattress will ensure I get a good night's rest. Additionally, I plan to buy a water tank to store water. This will solve the recurring issue of walking long distances to fetch water for household use. I am incredibly grateful for the financial support I've received so far, which has significantly improved my quality of life."
View Kamuche's
5 months ago
received a $26 thirtieth payment.
"I am currently in Form Three, which means I still have one year ahead to complete my secondary school education. Since I want to become a doctor, I need to concentrate on my studies to achieve the best results. Therefore, in the coming year and beyond, I aim to focus intensely on my studies to meet my goals. To achieve this, I plan to use part of my transfers to ensure that I pay my fees on time, so I am not sent home for unpaid school fees. With the remaining income after paying my fees, I will support my younger siblings' education. I am grateful for the financial support, as it has also enabled me to invest in poultry farming, which will help secure my future financially."
View Veronica's
5 months ago
received a zeroth payment.
"I spent $200 sending it to my son in college to cover his school fees for this semester. His studies are important, and I wanted to make sure he can focus on his coursework without financial worries. I then transferred $350 to my husband, who is working in Kilifi. He used the money to buy construction materials for our house, which has been a long-standing project. For the past three years, the house has remained incomplete, with parts done in stone and others in mud. We decided it was time to finish the house properly by using stone throughout to ensure uniformity and complete the project we've been working on. The progress has been slow, but seeing the house coming together with each step is very rewarding. It feels good to know that both our son's education and our home are being supported, thanks to the unconditional cash transfer."
View Ruth's
5 months ago
received a $27 twenty-fourth payment.
"I am finishing college next April, and I plan to start investing in buying cows for land cultivation. This investment will generate income and help me cultivate my land. I have three children, two of whom are school-going.
I am a teacher by profession, though I have not yet been absorbed by the TSC. I assist at a neighboring school where I receive a small token for my work. When I got enrolled in the GiveDirectly project, I was very happy. Fortunately, my spouse was also enrolled, and now we both receive these transfers. We agreed to go back to school and upgrade our education while we are still young and have fewer responsibilities. I spent my entire recent transfer of $102 on paying my college fees.
I am very thankful to GiveDirectly for the financial support, as it has played a significant role in advancing my career. I will always remember GiveDirectly for enabling me to return to school and improve myself."
View Eunice's
5 months ago
received a $27 twenty-eighth payment.
"My main goal is to carefully plan and invest in goat farming, a venture I have already started with the help of these transfers. Coming from a family where consistent financial support is challenging, proper planning is crucial to avoid falling into debt. My husband works as a tout, but his income fluctuates with the number of passengers, making it unreliable. Relying on such unstable jobs is frustrating, as we need to provide for our children's basic needs.
To achieve my goal, I plan to save $20 from my monthly transfer each month. This will help me invest in goat rearing and build a more stable financial future for my family. Life has become easier thanks to these transfers, and I am determined not to return to poverty. I am focused on using this income to support my children’s fees and secure a better future for them."
View Mariam's
5 months ago
received a zeroth payment.
"When I received the unconditional cash from GiveDirectly, the biggest difference it made in my life was finally being able to build a proper house with the goal of completing it. I now have a two-roomed house with a sturdy iron roof, which is a significant upgrade from the one-roomed structure. I live in with my three children and grandchild. Before, our house was made of poles and unsecured iron sheets that leaked, turning every rain into a disaster. Now, we have a safe and secure home, and I am forever grateful to GiveDirectly for their support."
View Celestine's
5 months ago
received a $27 twenty-fourth payment.
"I burn and sell charcoal to earn a living, but this job is physically demanding and can lead to health issues. I want to invest my transfers in buying chickens and goats. Starting a poultry and goat-rearing project will help me generate profit to support my children’s school fees and other basic needs. Since both goats and chickens multiply quickly, I will be able to sell some once their numbers increase, helping me address future financial challenges.
I am determined not to return to the difficult financial situation I faced before receiving these transfers, where even paying school fees was a struggle. With the current economic conditions leading people to use firewood instead of charcoal, it has become increasingly challenging to sell charcoal. By focusing on poultry and goat projects, I am confident that I can improve my living standards. This is my goal for the coming year and beyond."
View Kadzo's
5 months ago
received a $27 thirty-third payment.
"Increasing my sources of income is a top priority for me. I plan to grow my small business selling fish and soap. This support has allowed me to seek new approaches to financial stability and enhance my household’s well-being. Having shouldered the family responsibilities, I believe that expanding these businesses will greatly benefit me. I am confident that once they succeed, I will be able to cover school fees and provide for my family's needs more easily, reducing the strain I have been experiencing."
View Fatuma's
5 months ago
received a zeroth payment.
"I was at home resting under a tree at 3 PM when I heard a message beep on my phone. Curious, I took the phone to check the message and was thrilled to see it was the GiveDirectly transfers. Excited, I told my husband about the transfers, and he shared in my excitement. Together, we began planning how we would use the money to build a house and buy beds and mattresses for a more comfortable sleeping area for my family."
View Sidi's