GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 2 years ago
received an initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my life is that, this money will help me to complete my house project that I had on hand before I started receiving money from GiveDirectly and I will also be able to pay my children school fees."
View Felecia's
over 2 years ago
received a second payment.
"Givedirectly has helped me buy food for my family without strain. I have a lot of dreams that my life will turn out for the better. My children will go to school and someday they can better their lives. I have hopes for the future."
View Kadzo's
over 2 years ago
received a $244 fourth payment.
"I spent my recent transfer on business,i was able to cash 7000 of the money to buy 1 bags of 50kg Rice and other things to start a small business for myself.
And i save the balance 30,000 ."
View Jacquunes's
over 2 years ago
received an initial payment.
"The most significant change in my daily life is the construction of a new house large enough for my family of six. I am relieved that I am almost finished building the new house and will be moving in a month or two once the roofing is completed and I have brought in a new piece of furniture that has been missing in the current one. I am grateful for the support and optimistic that the second transfer will bring many changes to my family."
View Pauline's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"I saved my two transfers of $1100 to install water at my home. The whole project was mainly to start a business and sell water to the villagers. The water business revenue has been helping me to buy my monthly medication. I have diabetes and kidney problems and each month I have to go for a check-up which costs me $100. Before the transfer I could not keep up with the medical expenses because of lack of money, so most of the time I was weak and could not work. I stayed home depending on my husband and children. My husband is a farmer and most of the time he is the primary earner in the family. The Revenue from my business has helped me buy medicine and food for my family without strain."
View Kanze's
over 2 years ago
received a $450 second payment.
"When I received my second transfer, I spent $110 on a solar lighting system to replace a chargeable bulb we had been using for the past year, despite the fact that it could barely light the wall room. The new solar panel came with three brighter bulbs, which I distributed throughout my house's three critical areas: the kitchen, bedroom, and living room. I am relieved that I no longer need to take the single bulb to the charging point at the nearby shopping center because the solar panel is enough to keep the house illuminated continuously on a sunny day. I also spent $75 on new clothes for my grandson, with whom I am currently staying, as well as some pairs for myself. I used the remaining funds to prepare the land, purchase hybrid maize seeds, and pay the labor force during the double weeding season. I am pleased that the crops have flourished as a result of the recent rains, promising a better harvest. I saved the remainder and used it to purchase foods that we currently consume."
View Alice's
over 2 years ago
received a $450 initial payment.
"I am a single mother of eight children, seven of whom are currently in school. Paying their school has been difficult, but the first transfer has eased the burden. With $85, I was able to pay off all of my primary school children's debts. Foreseeing a future challenge when they reach secondary school, I spent $160 on four goats that I intend to breed and sell the offspring to pay their tuition. I also purchased two sets, one for my children and one for myself, each with a mattress for a total of $240.We had been sleeping on wretched bedding our entire lives, and we are relieved that we can now sleep on clean and comfortable bedding. I used some of the remaining funds to purchase four chickens worth $22 each, which I am raising alongside the goats and selling the eggs to cover smaller household bills. With the remainder, I purchased food for my family of nine."
View Bendera's
over 2 years ago
received a $231 initial payment.
"I used portion of my recent transfer to buy Uniform, pay my tuition and save the balance to start a new business."
View Robertline's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"For the past year, I have been purchasing a liter of milk every day for my family of two. I live with my child, and the price of milk is increasing by the day. With the second transfer, I thought it would be a good idea to spend $130 on a heifer that will provide us with at least two liters of milk in the future and reduce our daily milk expenses. I will also consider selling the offspring in the future to pay for my child's school fees if I am unable to meet the school deadlines. I also spent $50 to open a small food joint where I prepared and sold local delicacies to the surrounding community in order to make at least $2 per day. It hasn't been doing well in the last month, but I am hoping that the holiday season will be the turning point. I put the rest of the money into my savings account in anticipation of purchasing a small plot of land in the future. I have been living on my parents' land with my child and would like to buy a plot where we can build a new house."
View Halima's
over 2 years ago
received a $450 initial payment.
"I was incredibly happy when I received my first transfer from GiveDirectly. Even though I did not know the exact date, I was certain when I read the message's content and saw the figures that matched my expectations. I was out in the woods getting firewood at the time and needed to finish the job before returning home. I could not tell anyone about the news because I live alone after my parents passed away. I collected the money from the nearby shopping center after three days of aligning my foals."
View Hellen's