GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 6 years ago
"The biggest hardship I have faced illness. I was diagnosed with HIV and this puts me down oftenly."
View Janet's
almost 6 years ago
"When I receive this money, I will pay school fees for my children and also buy a few household items."
View James's
almost 6 years ago
"My greatest desire is to educate my children upto university level. To accomplish this, I plan to start supplying vegetables during Bamba market days sourced from Kongowea market in Mombasa. This is because I noticed vegetables are currently hard to come by due to the dry weather. I will use the rest of the cash to build a decent two bedroomed thatched house for my family because my current one is too small and is almost collapsing."
View Tharu's
almost 6 years ago
"After completing his secondary education last year, my son is still at home waiting for some kind of miracle so that he can further his studies. Well, his miracle is finally here thanks to Give directly. I intend to use the first transfer to pay part of his college fees and the rest I will invest in livestock which I can sell to keep him in school. "
View Kadzo's
almost 6 years ago
"I have always wished to own a sardines business so that I can be in a position to earn some income in order to help my husband take care of the family.His work as a casual labourer in Mombasa town does not generate enough money thus the burden of providing for the family's needs single handedly, has really been weighing down on him lately. With this money, I will not only be able to realise my dream of setting up my sardines business, My husband will also be able to buy a brand new motorbike to be operating in Mombasa thus making him to be more sure of his source of income since he will be self employed. "
View Kadzo's
almost 6 years ago
received a $368 second payment.
"I gave my wife KES 6800 for buying personal effects and household goods. I got married recently and we did not have most household goods.
I bought a television screen worth KES 42000 for businesses. I run a video show business. The television set that I had was small and the customer base was growing. I took KES 30,000 of the transfers and topped up with the savings I had to buy it."
View Mark's
almost 6 years ago
received a $23 twelfth payment.
"I expect my life to change in the next six months in that, I will have fully renovated my house. I normally feel embarrassed when I have visitors because of the many holes in my roof and walls. I also don't have furniture that my guests can use in case they come over and beddings. I have been taking them to sleep at the neighbour's which has brought shame in my life for such a long time. I know that when these goals are met my neighbours will stop talking about me."
View William's
almost 6 years ago
received a $23 twelfth payment.
"In the next six months I want to ensure that I have enough money accumulated in time with the aim of paying school fees for my children in time. I want to ensure that my children are not sent home for school fees at any one time. I want them to be in school all time round and give the best of themselves as well."
View Alice's
almost 6 years ago
received a $50 fourth payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I now pay my rent on time and my child stays in school without getting worried that he might be sent home for school fees. I am also able to provide for my family without much struggle unlike before."
View Bonface's
almost 6 years ago
received a $23 twelfth payment.
"I am not sure what is in store for me in the next six months. I can only wait as I continue receiving these transfers which I will use most part of it on the poultry keeping project. These hopefully will make me some profits that will enable me to sustain my family more comfortably."
View Pamela's