GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Mercy's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Mercy received a $478 second payment.
"Upon receiving the transfer I purchased a dairy cow which costed Kshs.35,000.Currently we are having enough milk supply which is able to sustain my family.I also purchased iron sheets at a cost of Ksh.10,400 which I used to complete my house which I had constructed earlier. In addition, I used the remaining amount to clear school fees for my three children."
Kadii's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Kadii received a $494 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I am happy for receiving the cash transfer. Through the aid, I was able to renovate my house to a more permanent one. Currently, I am living in a better shelter and no longer have to worry wherever it rains. I thank GiveDirectly for the transfer since I would not have achieved such great development without the aid. My job of making ropes earns me very little income which was not enough even for food."
Kipkurui's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Kipkurui received a $494 initial payment.
"It was still early in the morning as I was enjoying a cup of tea when I received a message notification on my phone. I decided to read it and know its contents and it was at this time that I knew that GiveDirectly had sent me the promised money. I became so happy upon realizing this and I immediately informed my spouse who was equally overjoyed upon hearing the good news. Receiving this money gave me hope that I would be able to pay school fees for my son on time."
Bornes's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Bornes received a $494 initial payment.
"I have been able to pay school fees for my grandchildren and also buy them school shoes and this makes my life different. I have been supporting them financially since their mother is a single parent and has no stable source of income. It usually gladdens my heart when I think how bright their future will be when they finally finish college and secure their dream jobs. Even though I might not be with them to celebrate this milestone, I am glad that I will have contributed to their success in one way or another."
Lesebet's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Lesebet received a $494 initial payment.
"I decided to build a more decent house for my family when I received my first transfer. The walls are made of timber and the floor has been cemented and the only thing remaining is to fix windows and a door and I have so far spent KES 30000 on it. I decided on this since I am old and I am no longer able to walk for a long distance looking for water and clay soil to use in dusting my current house. In addition, I bought a heifer worth 15000 as an investment that I can rely on in the coming years when it has reproduced. I will be selling part of the milk and using the income to meet our basic needs. Using the remaining KES 9000, I bought one sack of maize for our consumption, some hybrid maize seeds, fertilizers and hired a tractor to help me in tilling our land in preparation for planting."
Oretha's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Oretha received a $269 initial payment.
""I registed my children in school. I saved some of the money to buy my zinc. I want to buy zinc to build my house ""
Harris's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Harris received a $269 initial payment.
""I was able to send $12,000 to my first daughter in Monrovia for her school fees,paid $3,500 for my three children living with me for their school fees also.I saved $10,000 and paid all my debts I also used $ 1,000 for my church tithe and bought food with some of my money "."
Patience's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Patience received a $269 initial payment.
""I was very happy when I saw the text. The money came at the right time to solve my problems. I never had money to send my kids to school and to build my house"."
Abednego's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Abednego received a $269 initial payment.
""I purchased 20 bags of cement to build my house. Like I told you earlier, my living conditions were very bad before. We live in a house that leaks every night rain falls. Getting this money also enabled me to pay my son school fees which had been a serious issue fir me then. It is my hope that tbw remaining money will come for me to build a concrete house in this place. It is actually from mat to mattress i intend to do"."
Esther's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Esther received a $269 initial payment.
"RE: "I was in Monrovia because my husband is not well, he was even sick before givedirectly could come in our town. While at the hospital neighbours from my home started calling me one soon morning asking if I have received my givedirectly money because they have received theirs, right away i ran for my phone and checked my account, there i saw the money i became to dance and jump with joy because i have been worrying on how to get money for my husband treatment "."