GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Dorris's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Dorris received a $269 initial payment.
"Early in the morning I went to the creek in Beozohn to lay my basket; while I was in the bush at the creek trying to catch some fish, crab and crabfish for me and my family daily meal, my daughter called and said I have received mobile money transfer from GiveDirectly. At that moment, I left everything I was doing and started shouting, dancing and said to myself; with this money, I won't have to lay basket at the creek everyday before I can feed my home. I can also use portion of the money to buy custic and make soap for sale. Moreover, I would also be able to change the old tatch on my house to new zinc."
Laura's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Laura received a $269 initial payment.
"Financially, it has been very though since my husband left me with our four children in Gblor Seo Town and went to Grand Gedeh to get married to another woman. I had to wake up early in the morning to go to the farm and work all day just to make ends meet. But with the money transfer I've received from GiveDirectly, I am able to pay my children's school fees and gather enough food for my household. I am also able to buy zinc and roof my house. Through GiveDirectly's mobile money transfer, I am able to achieve all these without having to work on the farm all day (6am to 6pm) just to make ends meet. I say a big thank you to GiveDirectly and I am so glad to be part this unique opportunity that has changed my life for good."
Roseline's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Roseline received a $269 initial payment.
"When I received my mobile money transfer, I bought building materials (two bundles of zinc, planks and nails); I also purchase my fifteen years old daughter school materials for this academic year 2021/2022. Furthermore, I was also able to pay my daughter's registration fees at Gbediah Town Public School. All these wouldn't have happened without GiveDirectly's mobile money transfer."
Promise's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Promise received a $269 initial payment.
"My husband works at the gold mine digging gold. The money he earns is used to feed our home, takes care of medication, transportation etc.. Interestingly, this was our only source of income.Therefore we could hardly continue our house project and sometimes go to bed on empty stomach due to limited finances. Nevertheless, with GiveDirectly's money transfer we are much more relieved and I am able to do my retailed business (selling rice by cup) which will serve as additional source of income for me and my household. My house (roof)project will also be completed with portion of the money transfer I've received. I am very grateful for this unbelievable gift from GiveDirectly that has positively impacted the life of me and my family."
Abraham's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Abraham received a $269 initial payment.
"Most of my recent transfer was used to purchase bike for transportation business and also to register my children for academic school year 2021/2022. Without GiveDirectly cash transfer, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to register my children in school for this academic year and I also wouldn't have been able to purchase new bike for my transportation business. Glory to God and thanks to the entire GiveDirectly family for such an opportunity."
Mamie's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Mamie enrolled.
"I'm a medical professional, if I received this money, I will try to get some equipments and establish my own facility."
Fatu's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Fatu enrolled.
""Our primary challenge is to raise the needed money to complete the construction of our house. My husband is a motorcyclist. The motorbike he runs belongs to his sister to whom he make daily reports. I need finance to complete my house so that I will have somewhere to lay down my head.""
Musa's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Musa received a $269 initial payment.
"My daily life has changed since I started receiving my transfer. I can now afford to eat healthy and nutritious food on time compared to before where I had to go on the farm to work before finding food for my family. Moreover, my wife has started a small business and we are planning to build a new house."
Bestman's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Bestman received a $269 initial payment.
"Since I started receiving my transfer I feel very relaxed because I have a new mattress to sleep on and I can now provide my daily meals compared to before."
Augustine's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Augustine enrolled.
"The greatest challenge that I am currently facing is acquiring an education. I dropped out of school about ten years ago because my father who was funding my education passed out. There was no one within my family who was financially stable to sponsor my education. I feel very embarrassed that at my age I can not read and write. I have had the intention of enrolling into a vocational training program because I believe that I will be able to secure a better job opportunity with the knowledge that I will acquire but I have not had the financial strength to do so."