GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Pennina's family
access_time 29 days ago
Pennina received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"I completed my Form Four studies in 2019. I am eager to pursue my passion for studying as a laboratory technician in college. Before enrolling, I aim to save enough money, in order to plan and to purchase a motorcycle, which I will then lease to someone who will maintain it and generate income for me. This income will help me cover my college fees without difficulty. I am confident in this plan because it ensures I won't have to worry about where to find tuition fees once I start college. With the transfers, some will be investing in purchasing goats and others as pocket money."
Fondo's family
access_time 1 month ago
Fondo received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, my goal is to continue my studies and pursue a career as a journalist, advocating for the voiceless in society. I strongly believe in doing things correctly and in the equality of all individuals. Injustice deeply troubles me, and I am committed to promoting peace. As a future journalist, I aspire to enlighten people's minds through education. I plan to study diligently and save enough to make my dream come true." (Occupation: Motorcycle or bicycle taxi)
Shadrack's family
access_time 1 month ago
Shadrack enrolled.
"The recent floods caused a lot of destruction in my household because I leased 2 acre piece of land and plant watermelon on it but unfortunately all the crops were washed away by the floods.iam now struggling financially because i invested all the money I saved on that farm." (Occupation: Motorcycle or bicycle taxi)
Paul's family
access_time 1 month ago
Paul enrolled.
"Purchasing milk for the household has been financially straining, especially since it is a basic necessity, crucial for our growing family. Despite having a farm where I could raise a dairy cow, I have not been able to afford one due to our financial constraints. Our family of six relies on farming, casual jobs, and charcoal burning for income, all of which goes towards providing food with nothing left to save. With GiveDirectly's transfers, I now have a sigh of relief and a plan to improve our situation. I intend to spend $350 to purchase a dairy cow, which will provide milk for my family. Additionally, I plan to spend $100 to service my motorcycle so it can assist in transporting our farm produce to the market on time, ensuring we maximize our income from farming. Another $50 will go towards servicing our water pump, crucial for irrigating our farm. Lastly, I plan to use $150 to construct a new latrine, as our previous one was destroyed by floods, leaving us to use makeshift solutions like bushes.These investments are essential for improving our daily living conditions and ensuring that our family's basic needs are met more sustainably in the future."
Moses's family
access_time 1 month ago
Moses received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"Educating my children is my major goal in the coming year so that they will be able to support themselves. I wanted to go to school but was not able to because no one was there to educate me. I want them to create a difference and have better opportunities. The transfers from GiveDirectly have been incredibly helpful, and I have evidence showing that they have been paying for my children’s education. In addition to the transfers from GiveDirectly, I plan to use my income from casual jobs to support their education. I believe that with the support from this program, my children will be able to realize their aspirations. I have one child in secondary school and four in primary school, and I am committed to ensuring they all receive the education they deserve." (Occupation: Motorcycle or bicycle taxi)
Rashid's family
access_time 2 months ago
Rashid received a $27 twenty-ninth payment.
"My previous life was incredibly challenging, but thanks to GiveDirectly, I have made significant progress. Now, I have the luxury of being able to afford things like a new mattress, which was once beyond my reach and I do not struggle a lot to meet our basic needs. Looking ahead, I aim to continue growing by increasing sales in my vegetable business and upgrading my house's floor from sand to tiles. To make this possible, I will diligently save income from both my motorcycle and from my merry- go-round savings." (Occupation: Motorcycle or bicycle taxi)
Charo's family
access_time 2 months ago
Charo received a $27 twenty-first payment.
"As a motorcycle driver, my main goal is to own my own bike. Currently, I am using my neighbor's bike, and every day I have to give him $4 from my hard-earned money. I began driving a bike in 2016 and faced numerous challenges in taking care of other people's bikes. The owners often fail to understand the financial strain and demand extra work, sometimes even reclaiming their bikes and giving them to someone else. Through my research, I have realized that bike owners benefit greatly while I struggle. Having my own bike would significantly improve my family's life. The money I currently give to my neighbor, I will save it to better my family's future when I manage to purchase my own bike." (Occupation: Motorcycle or bicycle taxi)
Chengo's family
access_time 2 months ago
Chengo received a $27 twenty-ninth payment.
"My biggest goal is to invest more in chickens and goats. I plan to buy two of each every month, and currently, I already have twelve chickens and five goats. I believe that investing in goats and chickens is easy and manageable. As goats mature relatively quickly, I can exchange them for dairy cows, enabling me to sell milk easily. There are times when I may lack money, especially when working as a motorcycle driver. However, with the dairy cow, I am confident that I can sell milk without stress. This will create for me an opportunity to have different sources of income and I can easily better my family's living standards."
Rehema's family
access_time 2 months ago
Rehema received a $27 twenty-first payment.
"Givedirectly has been a relief for myself and my family. I do not have a source of income, my husband is the sole breadwinner and his job is a motorcycle rider. He sometimes gets income enough for the day but other days he does not and it may mean our children being out of school or the lack of food in the house. But since receiving the transfers, they complement the income he earns. I have been able to get the kids to school using this transfers, I have also been able to till our land for farming also from the transfers and bought food to last us as we await harvesting. I spent, $30 on tilling our land, $14 on buying maize, $24 on school fees, $30 on buying a goat and $4 on buying chicken. I am so greatful for Givedirectly in our lives."
Tabu's family
access_time 2 months ago
Tabu received a $27 twenty-first payment.
"Our lives have had tremendous changes as a result of the transfers we have received from Givedirectly. I am a seasonal farmer while my his and is a mechanic who repairs motorcycles. Being a seasonal farmer means I rely on the rain to farm meaning I am not always engaged in income generation consequently not being able to contribute to the family finances. However with the cash I receive I am able to still contribute by taking my children to school, buying their uniform and shoes. I have spent $24 on buying school uniform, $4 on school shoes and $20 on school. I have additionally bought a goat for my home at $30. The cash has also provided a relief in accessing food as I spent $10 paying for milk supply."