GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Vavine's family
access_time 1 month ago
Vavine enrolled.
"I am grateful to have survived the recent devastating floods that struck us unexpectedly two months ago. The flooding occurred at night, catching me off guard. Despite my efforts to seek help, everyone in the village was grappling with their own survival, making it difficult to receive assistance. I had to physically carry my three children through the water to higher ground, where we endured the cold until morning. Rescue finally arrived the next day, and we were relocated to camps in another area. Following the floods, my family and I battled malaria and pneumonia. I am thankful that we received much-needed medical attention and relieved to have survived such a calamity."
Jones's family
access_time 1 month ago
Jones enrolled.
"In the past six months, I successfully extended my house by adding an extra room. This achievement became feasible after I planted watermelons on a half-acre farm, which yielded KES 50,000 upon selling. With this additional income, my three children and I now comfortably reside in the house, providing us with the privacy we cherish so much."
Rebecca's family
access_time 1 month ago
Rebecca enrolled.
"To maximize productivity on my 1-acre farm, I will invest $307 in purchasing essential farm inputs such as a generator, HDPE pipes for irrigation, tilling services, high-quality seeds, and watering equipment. This investment aims to address the recurring food shortages my household faces. To tackle both the food and school fees challenges, I will allocate $154 towards buying food, essential household items, and clothing for my children. A portion of this amount will also contribute to covering school fees for my grade 7 child. The remaining $385 will be dedicated to constructing a one-room house with a flat iron-sheet roof that can better withstand floodwaters compared to our current mud and pole structure. This new housing solution aims to provide safer and more stable living conditions for my family."
Peninah's family
access_time 1 month ago
Peninah received a $348 second payment.
"My goal for this year and the years to come is to make my farming endeavor sustainable. Thanks to GiveDirectly's support, I am now able to cultivate a two-acre farm. Before GiveDirectly, I could only manage one acre, but now I can comfortably farm two acres. Farming is sometimes risky because of floods and droughts, but there is water in the river now, so I can irrigate when needed. I plan to use the last transfer from GiveDirectly to make this endeavor a success. My plan is to use the harvest to ensure food security at home, making sure we have enough to eat. I will sell the surplus to pay school fees for my two kids and maybe buy some more goats. The thought of this fills me with joy and gratitude."
Kachana's family
access_time 1 month ago
Kachana received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"With the recent three transfers, I completed the construction of my one-room mud-wall house, which I started last year. I am happy that I have a safer place to call home. The initial house was at a place where water stagnates during the rainy seasons, but now I built the new one on higher ground, safe from flooding. Despite being a widow relying on my son, who does casual jobs to sustain us, I did not give up on my plans for a safer house. Thanks to GiveDirectly, they have rescued me. The journey wasn't easy, but each transfer brought me closer to my dream. With the transfers, I bought the materials needed to start the foundation, ensuring it was strong and well-placed on higher ground, they also helped me purchase building poles and roofing materials, which brought the house to life. Finally, I can sleep peacefully, knowing we are safe from floods, and I am incredibly grateful to GiveDirectly for their support."
Rose's family
access_time 2 months ago
Rose received a $426 initial payment.
"It was almost 5 pm when I was heading to the nearest water vending point to fetch water, and suddenly, I heard a message notification. Looking at it, I was very excited as I realized it was the cash transfer from GiveDirectly. The thought of how this money was going to help me flooded my mind. I didn't tell anyone about the money right away; instead, I continued with my evening duties. Later, I shared the news with my husband, who was equally happy. I couldn't stop thinking about how I was going to revive so many things, particularly my business where I used to sell soap and cooking oil."
Kadzo's family
access_time 2 months ago
Kadzo received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"As I lay my head down each night in the small, cramped house that doubles as my granary, I can't help but dream of a safer, more secure future. The rainy season is a constant source of anxiety, as the very structure that's supposed to shelter me becomes a magnet for water. But I refuse to be defined by my circumstances. That's why I took matters into my own hands and started building a new house on higher ground, away from the constant threat of flooding. With the perimeter now complete, my focus shifts to the next crucial step which is the roof. With the support from GiveDirectly, I see a path forward, a way to turn this half-built dream into a reality. Over the coming year and beyond, I aim to use every transfer wisely, investing in the materials needed to finish the roof and transform this house into a true home."
Rehema's family
access_time 2 months ago
Rehema enrolled.
"As the head of a family of nine, one of my biggest challenges is ensuring that we have enough food while also providing quality education for my children. The heavy rains during October, November, and December last year were particularly cruel, as they led to a poor harvest for us. Our farm, which is located along the river bank, suffered greatly as the excessive rainwater washed away most of our crops. Meanwhile, my husband's business of tapping palm wine has also taken a hit. The demand for palm wine has been so low that even the stock tapped in the morning can go unsold for up to three days. This downturn in business has significantly impacted our household income. As a result of these challenges, we've been forced to cut down on our meals, from three a day to just two. As a woman in the household, I've had to step in and implement various strategies to help make ends meet alongside my husband. It's been a difficult time, but we're doing our best to navigate through these tough circumstances."
Samuel's family
access_time 2 months ago
Samuel enrolled.
"Having been adversely affected by the recent floods that raged through my house causing loss and despair, I am planning to use KES 40,000 as the cost of demolishing the current house and transporting materials to the acquired land (not prone to floods). The cost includes labour cost for construction of the new house. To make my farm productive again, i intend to acquire irrigation PDE pipes to supply water at a cost of KES 60,000. The remaining KES 10,000 will help in buying farm inputs (Tilling, seeds, fertilizer and Insecticides)"
Patrick's family
access_time 2 months ago
Patrick enrolled.
"Living in a region sorrounded by two rivers presents a formidable challenge, especially during the rainy season when floods become a regular occurrence. My biggest worry is the lack of financial means to move my family to a safer location during these moments of danger. Each flood incident escalates my concern for the safety of my loved ones, heightened further by the looming threat of waterborne illnesses that frequently accompany such crises. Moreover, the loss of my goat and two kids adds to the distress. Finding a resolution to this persistent predicament is crucial to securing the welfare of my family."