GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Zione's family
access_time 3 years ago
Zione enrolled.
"I will remove those grasses on my house roof and put ironsheets sheets, i will put cement on my floor, glass Windows in short i will finish up my house and i promise you my house will look beautiful it has been in my heart to finish up my house but i had no money so this money will mean alot to me as i will fulfill my wish."
Mahenzo's family
access_time 3 years ago
Mahenzo received a $493 second payment.
"My life is now different than how it would have been because I shifted from a small muddy house to a better one. I had lots of challenges back in the days when I was staying in the small house because I was lacking privacy with my children and its roof was old therefore we could be rained on till dawn during the winter seasons. This was one of the worst experiences in my life because I had nowhere to seek shelter since my neighbors' houses were also in bad conditions. However, I never ceased to pray to God to get rid of this burden because it was disturbing my mind. He finally answered my prayers and all is well now. I no longer have to worry about the rains also and privacy. To add to that, I managed to send my children to school through the transfers because some had even opted to drop out of school. This is because the issue of being sent home frequently demotivated them."
Safari's family
access_time 3 years ago
Safari received a $493 second payment.
"My life is different than it would have been after receiving my transfer in that, I am now living in a spacious semi-permanent, iron roofed house after constructing a new house and putting up pillars. Previously, I was living in a small, mud-walled, grass-thatched house. I also improved my farming by purchasing oxen and ox-plough which has replaced digging using my hand which is energy draining."
Lucina's family
access_time 3 years ago
Lucina received a $493 second payment.
"I spent $200 of my second transfer to clear school fees for my child who is in form 2. I also bought 22 iron sheets, timber and nails this was for the construction of a house for my children this is because his house was leaking due to the old and rusty iron roof. I also bought a solar to light my house, previously,I was using a paraffin lamp which is costly due to the constant need to purchase paraffin."
Zaire's family
access_time 3 years ago
Zaire enrolled.
"I am very grateful for being enrolled in the program. This means a lot to my family. I have a house which is grass thatched. I intend to buy iron sheets so that I can replace the roof. I will also buy some beddings because the beddings that we have currently are worn out. I will also buy some bags of fertilizer for the next growing season. My child is also in standard 8. I will keep part of the money for his school fees."
Silika's family
access_time 3 years ago
Silika received a $493 second payment.
"My life is more effort than how it would have been becasue I managed to construct a decent modern house. The previous one was a single-roomed grass-thatched hut and very small. Every year I had to change the roofing becasue they were temporary which was very expensive. Also whenever it could rain especially at night we all had to vacate and seek shelter from our neighbors. Therefore after receiving the money I had to think of a permanent solution to avoid the stress and the annual loss. Also, I managed to clear fees for my children and even paid for the next term in advance to avoid them being sent home now and then."
Julius's family
access_time 3 years ago
Julius enrolled.
"My biggest hardship at the moment is the lack of safe drinking water. I fetch water from a river 4 kilometres away and this is not clean water. I am worried that we may contract waterborne diseases and so I have been praying that I get finances to build an iron sheet roofed house so that we can use rain water because it is safer as compared to the river water."
Austen's family
access_time 3 years ago
Austen enrolled.
"Receiving this money will help me renovate my old house since it is grass thatched and would want to put an iron sheet roofed house. I also intend to use the money purchasing fertilizers so that I harvest enough yields next year"
Rose's family
access_time 3 years ago
Rose enrolled.
"I currently live in a one roomed grass thatched house with my spouse and four children. Receiving this money means erecting a more spacious house at a cost of $350. The house I plan to construct will be iron-roofed, hence I will also buy a 3000 litre water tank at $150, for harvesting rain water during rainy seasons. I will also use $200 to buy an heifer that will multiply in future and produce milk, thus being a source of income for my family."
Labiya's family
access_time 3 years ago
Labiya enrolled.
"The money will meant buying iron sheets and other materials that will be used to roof the house. I live with my old mother and she finds it difficult to sleep on grass thatched house during rain season as it leaks alot. With that I work so hard to buy iron sheets enough for the house but I only managed to buy 4sheets. The money gift will help me to speed up the process."