GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Kathumu's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kathumu received a $510 initial payment.
"The biggest difference that I can proudly mention is that through the first transfers, I manage to construct a new house for my children. Before GiveDirectly came into my life, we used to shelter under one roof and some of my children had to seek shelter from their friend's houses. This is because our house was very small and due to financial difficulties, I couldn't afford to purchase the necessary materials. This has been frustrating me quite a long tie because my children could trek daily to their friend's houses which were far away from where we resided. Since there are lots of wild animals such as elephants in my region I was so afraid someday they might harm them. Therefore after receiving the money I had to prioritize the house and I am glad I achieved it. We no longer have to worry about the insecurities issues or even the heavy downpours,"
Yohane's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Yohane received a $380 initial payment.
"When i recieved the money, i thought it wise to spend the money on buying building materials for a better house because the the one that i jave is very small to fit my family comfortably. I bought 24 iron sheets and had bricks made as well as timber for the roof. I spared some money to buy food mainly maize because i did not have harvest enough. I bought some clothes and kitchen utensils for my home."
Hawa's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Hawa enrolled.
"I was hearing alot of stories about GD programs and I have been wanting the program to come to my village. Now that GD is here, I and my Husband are planning to start agro business. We want to be buying all agricultural produce here in the village and resale them at a high price in town. We have been discussing about it for so long but the challenge was luck of funds to start the business. Furthermore, we want to build a good and comfortable house. We want iron roofed house."
Kadzo's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kadzo received a $492 second payment.
"I spent $300 on educating my child who is in college taking a plant operation course by clearing the fee arrears. I also completed the construction of my house by purchasing iron sheets, timber and paying labour charges for the construction of the roof of my house. In addition, I purchased proper beddings for myself since the one I had was old and worn out. I also seek special medical care since I had eyes problem but I lack the finances to visit the optician. The remaining amount assist me in purchasing food for myself and purchased clothes."
Dama's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Dama received a $509 second payment.
"My life is different than how it was before because I now sleep in a permanent house that is well plastered. This has been my dream to own it but due to the high levels of poverty, I could not afford to purchase the materials. Back in the days, I used to shelter under a temporary hut that was so leaky and every year I had to change the grass roofing which was relatively costly to me. Sometimes, I had to seek shelter from friends especially when it rains heavily. Having the new house is now a relief to me because I no longer have to worry about any sort of calamity including the heavy rains. Also, the livestock that I purchased will be of great help to my grandchildren's education. Since their parents are jobless, I am certain by the time they will transition to secondary school the goats and dairy cows would have multiplied. I will be able to sell some and pay their fees on time without straining."
Maliam's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Maliam enrolled.
"Finishing our house using Cement on both the walls, and floor of the house including improving the roof of my house with Ironsheet is what receiving this money means to me. If some money wil remain i will use to buy food for my family."
Weldon's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Weldon enrolled.
"Receiving this money means building a more spacious two-roomed iron-roofed house at a cost of $300. I also intend to add one heifer to my herd, that will latter multiply, thus an additional income to my family whenever we sell milk."
Kabibi's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kabibi received a $510 second payment.
"I spent $150 to purchase iron sheet, timber and to pay labour charges for the construction of a roof of my kitchen I had constructed it but I lack the capital to complete the roofing. I also purchased a bed and mattress for $130 since we had been using old rags as beddings which was not comfortable. In addition, I used $100 to purchase a decent door for my house now my property are more secured than before. Lastly, spent $100 to buy 12 bags of cement which I am planning to use them in plastering the house."
James's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
James received a $510 second payment.
"For all those years, I have been sleeping under a very small house with an old roof that could be leak excessively. Because I rely on odd jobs with a meager income, I could not afford to even renovate it. Therefore after receiving my cash transfers, I opted to construct a new one. I am glad I because God has been awesome to me and I successfully managed to build it. Currently, I am sheltering with all my family members under one roof which were not attainable initially. They could seek shelter from friends, relatives, and even well-wishers which was not good at all, but then I had no alternative. I am extremely grateful to GiveDirectly because it brought joy and the lost hope into our lives. Also, I was able to purchase a big piece of land through the transfers and I will no longer have to lease those of my friends instead I will be saving the money to cater to other household needs."
Nyevu's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Nyevu received a $510 second payment.
"Ever since I received the cash transfers, lots of positives have been happening in my life. I am currently a proud owner of a nice spacious iron-roofed house. Back in the days, I used to shelter in a conducive environment whereby my house was very small and its conditions were not pleasing at all. In every winter season, they were the worst moments in my life because I had to seek shelter from friends ad and as a result of shifting some of my properties were always stoles and other damaged. I am now happier and even proud because this new house has even made me gain respect in my community. Also, I am now sleeping comfortably in a very nice bed which is now replacing the traditional one which I could always wake up so tired with lots of pains. This is now history courtesy of GiveDirectly."