GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Patrick's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Patrick enrolled.
"This money will assist us a lot in the ambitions we always have had. Since I rely on farming and nothing else,the little money I earn after selling produce especially pigeon peas is never enough to be kept for other bigger things. For instance, most of the times I make around 70 thousand Malawi Kwacha but the needs at home are a lot hence we usually spend it on extra food,groceries and school fees for children. After being enrolled into this program, I now have started to make plans to enlarge the house and do iron sheet roofing. Iron sheets will also reruce the hard work of alwsys seeking good grass to thatch th house as it is becoming scarce as the population is rising hence demand for more grass. The second transfer will be used to buy fetilizer, utensils and other finishings of the house in case its not complete. I am very happy to be in this program."
Africa's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Africa received a $380 initial payment.
"When i recieved the money, i went to buy 24 ironsheets, a mattress and 3 blankets. I have a house that i have to maintain every year by looking for grass for the roof. My children and i used to sleep on the ground with out a blanket now i saw it wise to buy the mattress and blanket for my home."
Christina's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Christina enrolled.
"The biggest hardship on this household is money,we relay on selling our farm products to keep cash flowing on this household is and it is challenging because mostly we harvest handful products so for us to reserve for food and business its a challenge,the other hardship is shelter i would love to have an apartment fully roofed with iron sheet."
Marriam's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Marriam received a $380 initial payment.
"I bought Ironsheets, matress, blanket and roofing materials"
Mary's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Mary enrolled.
"Buying ironsheet to improve the roof of my house is what receiving this money means to me, i would like to make this house to stand for more years to come so improving the roof and walls with cement will make it possible."
Belita's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Belita enrolled.
"Receiving this money means I will now be able to roof my house which my grandson built for me. It is a great feeling to receive this cash from GiveDirectly and it means alot in my life. Iam honoured with the transfer."
Emily's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Emily received a $368 second payment.
"I spent my transfers on making bricks, I bought a roofing and I bought some land as well. Then I also bought fertilizer and medicine for the fields as I plan on planting maize. With the second transfers I just want to focus that money on construction for the house that we are planning on building."
Coster's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Coster received a $368 second payment.
"I spent the transfers on new roofing and nails for my house, and I bought tyres for my cycling bike and also bought 2 tyres for my motorbike, which are now running for business use. I also added the money to my business, I sale second hand clothing which has proven to be very successfully to the point that those profits have allowed me to open up a barber shop. And this is all from my first transfer. For the second transfers I am still yet to figure out what to do with the money, so far all I have in mind is to invest in agriculture I want to plant maize so that I can be able to share maize mill to the people who need it. I believe in giving back to the community because I feel I get blessed even more. So much so that I have even hired some security guards just to create employment for others so going forward that is my main goal and as I build myself I should also be able help others."
Akusidyili's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Akusidyili received a $368 second payment.
"I spent the transfers on roofing, bricks, matress, beddings and wires for the roofing, we are basically building a new house. And we also used some of the money on clothes for our children."
Mustafa's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Mustafa received a $368 second payment.
"Before the transfers from Give Directly, I was living in a grass thatched mud house. I had hunger in my household. There were days I would worry about how I would pay back my debts and afford food. I never dreamt I could finally have enough money for both food and to build a better house for myself and my family. I now have food in my household and no longer worry about starving. I am also in the process of building a stronger, sturdier house with cement floors and iron sheet roof. My life is so much better. I am happier and worry less."