GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Chepotengor's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Chepotengor received a $145 initial payment.
"After receiving the funds, I made construction my top priority. I spent $208 on 15 iron sheets to add to the five I already had, and I built a cubicle room that I moved into immediately after the roof was replaced. To pay the labor fees, I had to sell one of my five goats. I had to utilize the only material that was readily available—iron sheets—on both the walls and the roof, despite the fact that our climate is characterized by a scorching sun that maintains the temperature high throughout the whole year. I am relieved that the very cold evenings are behind me, as well as the annoying mosquitoes that used to keep me up at night. I no longer have to worry about having a higher risk of contracting malaria, and I will have better protection from an invasion by crawling animals. My standard of living has increased to that of other villagers. I am hoping to buy some land in the future and also assist my son's beekeeping pursuits, even though I am still dependent on the illegal burning and sale of charcoal to feed my family of four and am still residing on my neighbor's property."
Wakobubi's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Wakobubi enrolled.
"I currently face a problem of landslide which makes us always that may be swept away and lose our live. I also go through hardships to raise school because I am un able to start up even a small business that can earn dialy income to cater basic needs and school for my children."
Anthony's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Anthony received a $232 initial payment.
""It was on the 24th of November while I was sitting at an entertainment center, I firstly saw an SMS that reads "You have received $35,625 Liberian Dollars. So, I used the Mobile Money short code to check my transfer. It was so unusual actually to receive such an amount. As soon as I got to know the transfer was from GiveDirectly, my friends and I started jubilating with dance till night. Immediately I checked my account, the first thing that ran by mind was the plastering of my house and casting of the flood with cement. Right now, I am the sole provider of my entire household. I try by all means to satisfy their daily meal consumption"."
Ophelia's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Ophelia received a $231 initial payment.
""On October 21, 2022 I.was on my way to the hand pump to fetch water. Right within that moment, my friends and other neighbours started jubilating because according to them they have received money from GiveDirectly. I quickly ran back for my phone and look my money was there in my phone. I joined the jubilant community members, singing praises to GiveDirectly. I was so happy and excited because this kind of thing has never happened to me before. My husband and I are farmers and our children are schooling in Monrovia. Every time they are calling for money. This was really a cause of worry for me. The excitement of receiving this money made me not to.think about anything immediately. It was in the night that my husband and I discussed and decided on what to do with this first transfer"."
Victor's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Victor received a $232 initial payment.
""I was happy when I received my first transfer. I am unable to hunt as other men do, neither am I able to lock (set) trap in the bush. However, I make subsistence farming where which is the only source of income for me and my family. We grow upland rice I have just arrive from the village because I received information from my wife that people were jubilating in town because of GiveDirectly money. It was around 11:00am when I reached in town. I wasted no time but went in a picked up my phone. I switcjed it on and indeed, 35625LD was transferred from GiveDirectly. Before the transfer, I had doubts about the truthfulness of this program. Now those doubts are cleared. I bless God for GiveDirectly. The first that came to my mind was to send my daughter's school fees in Monrovia, secondly, to plaster my house. My daughter did not go to school last year because there was no money. This year, GiveDirectly free me, now my wife and I are overly happy"."
Moya's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Moya enrolled.
"I am planning on topping up capital for my grand daughter irene in bubiita who has a shop. When her business increases, I will be able to also be sure that i get some food to eat and survive. Also I will buy 2 cows at $1142 that my grand daughter irene will help grazze."
Meria's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Meria enrolled.
"Receiving this money means that I will build a house for myself, like I said this one belongs to my uncle, Yohane Subili. My previous house used to be over there but it collapsed so this money will give me a chance to rebuild. I have been in this house since July this year. Since we are approaching the rainy season, I plan on waiting for it to be over so that I mould bricks and start the house construction project. This would cost me 500$. The other part of the money I plan on buying mattresses for comfortable sleep and a bicycle for transportation."
Wanga's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Wanga enrolled.
"The first thing I want to do is re-open up my retail business which requires about $ 429 so that I can ensure a constant source of income for my family members. I also want to purchase a fresian cow to supply me with milk that I can sell and also give to my family to take. The cow goes for about $ 571. Then am also planning on adding on money from the business to the balance and purchase some land near bubita Market which can go for about $ 1142 as it is not affected by water."
Buteme's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Buteme enrolled.
"When it rains heavily the land becomes soft and we experience mudslides , the house fills with water, in 2017 i shifted with my family to Bubiita trading Center because mud slide had affected us later I came back due to the space we were leaving in. The other challenge is when it rains i get worried because the house gets too cold for us , it seems like we are sleeping outside ."
Odecious's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Odecious received a $232 initial payment.
"I was doing some work on my farm and decided to take a break to walk at the network area to check my account because we were told to check frequently. I checked and saw the money and i was so happy. I put my trust in Givedirectly from that moment because I wasn't too sure the money would come. I made my way back to the village and informed everyone but they said I was lying. They began to run at the network point to check and there was a loud noise of jubilation. It was a happy day in the town for every one of us. I still feel happy whenever i imagine tgat day."