GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
John's family
access_time over 5 years ago
John received a $22 eleventh payment.
"I was struggling a lot to provide for my family as I mostly depended on casual jobs for money. In the last four months, I have managed to use GD transfers to put up a chicken project that has proven to be a very lucrative business. However small it is, I have made much more money from it than I ever had in a month in the last month. This has made it easier for my family, especially my daughter who has been the biggest beneficiary having her school fees paid in time to avoid her staying out of school. In the last four months, I was also able to buy a solar lighting system to replace the dim kerosene lamp that we used before. This has improved the security within my compound as it is now well lit."
Chepkemoi's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Chepkemoi received a $545 initial payment.
"I spent the money I received from GD in giving out 10% to the church, bought solar lighting system and furniturebought 3 goats with the thought that after regeneration i will sell the offsprings to pay school fees, paid 20000 as school fees and also bought foodstuff"
Penina's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Penina received a $546 initial payment.
"Before we received the transfer, we were using a kerosene lantern for lighting which produced a lot of smoke yet very little light. The kerosene used was also costly and not readily available as we had to walk a long distance to get it at a fair price. With the money that I received, I was able to buy a solar lighting system which came with five bulbs, enough to light all the rooms in the house and outside the house to enhance security. I am happy that I now save a lot of money that I initially spent on kerosene and I don't have to deal with a dimly-lit house at night as the solar lights are bright enough."
Hellen's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Hellen received a $446 second payment.
"My life is better now because I constructed a spacious iron roofed house. With the bicycle I bought transportation is now easy. I now use solar light and my children dress well. Previously, I slept in a grass thatched house which could leak whenever it rained heavily. I moved on foot for longer distances and some times while carrying the children especially if am talking them to hospital. I also spent more on buying dry cells for my torch or enter my house in darkeness when I could not afford."
Wilson's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Wilson received a $527 second payment.
"As a widower whose partner died and left behind with five children to care for, providing for them has best a great challenges since I have no proper income but depends on casual labor that is unpredictable and tedious with meager earnings. I lived in a traditional house of one room that served as sitting room ,bedroom, kitchen and a store. It was old with leaky roof and tilted walls. I was forced to sleep in it with my children as begging for sleeping spaces in the neighborhood was prohibited by our tradition in that a widower must not sleep in other people's houses. Today I have build a better house with enough rooms for to accommodate us comfortably. I stocked enough food that will push us though to the next season of harvest. I have also invested enough in sugarcane farming which is the main economic activity in this region. This gives me hope for the future as in the next one and a half years, they will mature for harvesting and this will boost my financial security. I will be able to pays school fees for my children with ease to the level of their wish. I also intend to buy a dairy cow with earnings from sugarcane harvest. A dairy cow will eventually provided me with milk that will improve on the nutrition of my family. I shall sell the surplus of milk and save the money to buy a solar light system and chairs. I feel happy and satisfied with what I have done with the opportunity that GiveDirectly gave me. "
Rehema's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Rehema received a $526 second payment.
"GiveDirectly used the most convenient method of reaching the needy with lots of accuracy and effectiveness. The unconditionality aspect of it empowered people to make the best decisions in spending. My community looks like a small town at night since almost every household is installed with solar light system. All children stay in school with fees arrears settle to the fullest for the first time in history. Houses are decent and it is trues that many used to live in very poor shelter. There is peace and joy in the faces of everyone. Women have engagement in mall scale businesses and no longer bother their husbands when going to the market to buy food. GiveDirectly gas literally performed a miracle in my society at large. However, more transfers could be made available for most vulnerable recipients like the elderly, orphaned children, physically and mentally disabled."
Erick's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Erick received a $526 second payment.
"I have a very big difference in my life that I really doubt if I would have managed without GiveDirectly transfers. I have built a home which has given me an identity of value,respect and dignity in my society. I bought a cow and a goat which are symbols of vision and productive future. I bought a solar light system that has really saved me from daily budget of paraffin. Initially, I depended on tin lamps that could sometimes go off due to lack of money to buy paraffin. It also produced toxic smoke that caused eye infections and respiratory track problems."
Celestine's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Celestine received a $527 second payment.
"GiveDirectly has earned me a lot of respect among my community members who used to perceive me as a lesser being. I bought two cows and one of them is soon calving. This gives me hope in that I shall no longer budget for milk anymore. I also intend to sell the surplus to the nearby hospital where ready market is available and use the money in paying school fees in the future. I bought a solar light system that has saved me from daily budget on paraffin and my children can study and do their homework without any fear of running out of fuel. The solar light is also clean unlike the tin lamp that I used before which produced a lot of smoke that was harmful to the eyes and respiratory system. I bought a mattress that has made my sleep comfortable and enjoyable. I usually have sweet dreams unlike before when I used to sleep on a hard mat. Thanks to GiveDirectly, I have a reason to smile again."
Emily's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Emily received a $549 second payment.
"I built a new modern house that is spacious with plastered floor and installed with solar lighting system. I used to live in a single room house with leaky roof and dusty floor prone of jiggers and the lighting system was tin lamp that emitted dangerous smoke to the eyes and the respiratory track. My children find a nice environment to play, study and sleep. I no longer beg sleeping spaces when it rains that could eventually turn to be the gossip of the village. I count myself blessed among those who needed the help most. Thanks to GiveDirectly."
Rose's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Rose received a $550 second payment.
"GiveDirectly has liberated people from stressful life full of worries and fear for the unknown. The unconditional cash transfer has made the voiceless to be heard for the first time. Those who were thought to be cast generation can nowadays be called blessed. Children are going to school with full arrears settled, there is good stock of food in almost every household that were known as professional beggars, decent chairs can be seen in most houses, solar lighting system is the order of the day and our community has been nicknamed as a small town with lights all over. Theft cases have reduced and we are very peaceful. However, GiveDirectly would have added more transfers to widows, orphaned children, the elderly and sick."
solar light