GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Dama's family
access_time 1 month ago
Dama received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"GiveDirectly has made my children learning much easier. I took a solar lighting system for $150 on debt and have been able to make monthly payments of $10 from my transfers. Previously my children would be forced to go to our neighbours to seek for help to do their homework as they already had a solar lighting system. They however soon grew tired of our begging for their help and started giving excuses whenever the children would ask to go reads. Now we no longer have that problem as my children can do their homework at home thanks to the solar lights we now have and are paying for with my transfers. I also spent $30 on school fees for the four children from the transfers. I am also buying chicken and have so far bought 6 at $30. My children are also able to get breakfast which has cost me $12 from Givedirectly."
Rebecca's family
access_time 1 month ago
Rebecca received a $346 second payment.
"Recently, I received $450 from GiveDirectly, which came at a crucial time. My house was old, torn, and falling apart, posing a serious security concern for my family of eight children. With the funds, I spent $90 on iron sheets, frames, and other building materials. I demolished the old house and used both the reusable materials and the new ones to construct a new home. We are now happy and grateful to God and GiveDirectly for this support. Before receiving the funds, I didn't have a mattress or bed and used old clothing as bedding. Now, I can't wait for the night to enjoy my sleep because I invested $94 in buying a comfortable mattress and bed. Living close to a river in a forest, it was risky and we were afraid of harmful snakes. Therefore, I used $15 to pay a deposit for a solar light. Now, we don't have to fear anything at night. I also spent $100 on school fees for two of my children. Previously, I had to rely on casual jobs, which were not guaranteed, to keep my kids in school. Additionally, my children had worn-out clothes and nothing to change into, so I used $60 to buy new clothes for them. As a family, we are now happy and extremely thankful to GiveDirectly for their support."
Edison's family
access_time 1 month ago
Edison received a $425 initial payment.
"The timing of the transfer was perfect because my little sister was graduating just two days after we received the money. We used $60 to attend her graduation, and seeing the excitement on her face when we arrived was worth every penny. It was a special moment for all of us, and I’m grateful that we could be there to support her on such an important day. With $150 from the transfer, I renovated my house which the mud walls had been deteriorating, especially during the rainy season, and they needed plastering. Using cement, I was able to reinforce the walls, making our home much more secure and comfortable. Additionally, I spent $40 to repair our solar lights. Prior to this, we had to use my phone to light from one room to another, which was incredibly stressful and inconvenient. The cash transfer also allowed me to take care of some immediate financial needs. I used $25 to buy food items for my household, ensuring we had enough to eat. I then paid off $90 of my own debts, which was a huge relief. To help my father, who was under immense pressure from a debtor, I gave him $100 to settle his debt, lifting a huge stress off his shoulders. Lastly, I paid $50 as a tithe in church, feeling grateful for the support we had received. This money has truly transformed our lives, allowing us to address urgent needs and improve our living conditions."
Zawadi's family
access_time 2 months ago
Zawadi received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"Sixteen years ago, I was diagnosed with stomach ulcers, and the doctor advised me to abstain from heavy work and only engage in light duties. My husband is very old and cannot work, which forced my daughter, who recently completed her class eight studies, to go and work to take care of our family. When GiveDirectly enrolled me into the program, it was a huge relief for my two children, especially my son, who sells toothbrushes to earn a living. I am very happy that with the money from the transfers, I can buy medicines and food for myself without heavily relying on my son and daughter. Recently, I spent $20 to pay a medical bill for my grandson, who had fallen ill and was admitted to Mariakani Hospital. I am glad he is well and his health has improved. I also spent $14 to buy medicines for my ulcer condition.To address the high cost of kerosene, I purchased solar lighting for my house and paid $20 to cover the monthly fee for the purchase. Additionally, I paid $10 in school fees and $4 to buy stationery items for my two grandchildren, assisting my daughter who could not pay their school fees after she briefly fell ill. Finally, I purchased a goat for $34. I consider this a future investment that will help me raise money even after the financial aid ends. I am very happy and appreciative of the financial transfers from GiveDirectly."
Ramadhani's family
access_time 2 months ago
Ramadhani received a $26 twenty-second payment.
"Owning a solar lighting system has been a significant achievement that I wouldn't have managed without GiveDirectly's support. I do house construction jobs to feed my family, but the income I used to earn was too small to save enough for a solar system. I purchased the solar system on hire purchase and pay the remaining balance in monthly installments. When I received my most recent transfer, I allocated $60 to pay for the solar system. With the remaining amount, I allocated $42 to buy food for my family. I am grateful for GiveDirectly's support, which has made it easier for me to provide for my family and have proper lighting in our home."
Unice's family
access_time 3 months ago
Unice received a $26 fourteenth payment.
"I manage a vegetable kiosk in my village while my husband works on neighboring farms as a casual laborer to support our family of five. Previously, affording food and sustaining the business was challenging due to lack of capital. I am glad things have improved; now, I can invest in my business, pay school fees, expand into livestock and poultry, cultivate my farm, and even save some of my transfers for future needs. With the received transfers, I allocated $34 to purchase a bed and mattress as we lacked proper sleeping arrangements. Additionally, I invested $34 in installing solar lights in our house, a significant improvement from our previous situation. The remaining funds were used to purchase a goat, adding it to my current livestock. I'm delighted to be part of this positive change and look forward to a brighter future."
Kadzo's family
access_time 4 months ago
Kadzo received a $407 second payment.
"After building a two-room mud-walled house with my first transfer, I decided to invest $140 of the second transfer on upgrading my living conditions. I purchased two modern standard beds for each room, along with a comfortable mattress for $60. Now, I sleep peacefully and comfortably, a significant improvement from the small traditional bed I used before. With security being a top priority, I allocated $150 towards a burglary door, reinforcing the main entrance of my home. Feeling safer, I no longer worry about potential threats, knowing that my house is secure. Despite these essential purchases, I still had $157 left from the transfer. Wanting to enhance both security and convenience, I plan to invest in a set of solar panels and lighting systems. Currently relying on a small traditional lamp fueled by expensive paraffin, the solar lighting will not only provide sustainable energy but also contribute to better security around my home. With these improvements, I can look forward to a brighter and safer future for myself and my home."
Sabera's family
access_time 4 months ago
Sabera received a twenty-second payment.
"My husband typically contributes to our family finances, but there are times when he doesn't have any income. As a mother and wife, I feel obligated to step in to help contribute to the needs of our children. However, due to my current pregnancy, I cannot undertake strenuous work. So, the cash transfers have been my main stream of income. When the recent funds, I was unwell, and my child was suffering from asthma, requiring medical attention. Unfortunately, public hospitals were closed due to a nationwide doctors' strike, so I had to seek treatment at a private clinic, which was more expensive. I used $22 for all the necessary medical procedures, medications, and transportation. Thankfully, both my child and I are now in better health. Previously, I struggled to speak and had a persistent cough, but now my condition has improved. Additionally, I spent $12 to pay off school fees debts for my three children for this term and used $14 to purchase school uniforms for my youngest child, who was starting kindergarten. I'm pleased to see them progressing well with their studies. Earlier this year, I acquired a solar lighting system on credit, which requires repayment of around $440. To start this repayment, I used $35. I'm delighted that my family now has reliable lighting. The remaining funds were used to purchase clothes for myself, as I'm expecting and will need new attire that fits comfortably."
Mapenzi's family
access_time 5 months ago
Mapenzi received a $24 twenty-sixth payment.
"With the GiveDirectly monthly cash transfers, I finally had the means to purchase building materials worth $28. I've been longing to expand our cramped living space barely accommodating our growing family. Without the assistance from GiveDirectly, affording these materials would have remained a dream. Now, with the hope of a larger home, I feel a renewed sense determination. Managing a small charcoal business and my husband's income as a fisherman, our combined earnings of $25 is hardly enough for our family of four, let alone the additional seventeen relatives we support. So, I allocated $20 towards purchasing food and essential household items, ensuring everyone's basic needs were met. I then used $1 to settle a debt for solar lighting, an investment that was previously out of reach. With $10 contributed to a savings group, I now feel more secure in facing unexpected emergencies. Thanks to GiveDirectly, what once seemed impossible has become a reality, and for that, I'm grateful."
Mudhengi's family
access_time 5 months ago
Mudhengi received a $24 twenty-second payment.
"As a casual laborer, my primary source of income comes from selling charcoal, a job I pursue during the dry season. During the rainy months, I shift my focus to farming maize, ensuring an ample food supply for my family. Since April of last year, I have dedicated myself to farm work, and the effort has paid off handsomely. The food reserves I've accumulated are sufficient to sustain my family of 10 for the next year. While farming has been fruitful, my earnings from selling charcoal have been insufficient. Consequently, I've heavily relied on the financial support provided through transfers to meet our other basic needs. With six children currently attending school, I allocated $68 to settle school fee arrears, ensuring their continued education. Moreover, I settled a $5 debt incurred through the purchase of a solar light on hire purchase, which has significantly improved lighting in my home compared to traditional lamps. Additionally, I invested $29 in purchasing a goat, recognizing its potential as a future asset. As the goat multiplies, so does my initial investment, providing a potential source of income or emergency funds. I am deeply grateful for the financial support received through transfers, as it has been instrumental in enabling me to provide for my family's needs effectively."
solar light