GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Consolata's family
access_time 8 years ago
Consolata enrolled.
"I'm planning to spend my transfer on buying four cows to raise, I will also use part of it to invest in large scale farming of maize and beans and lastly use the remaining amount to pay school fees for my child currently in form two."
Jane's family
access_time 8 years ago
Jane enrolled.
"I would like to use part of the money to put up a posh mill to generate income to support my family. Secondly l would wish to buy a cow to help generate milk for my family. Finally l would like to pay school fees for my son who is in high school and has fees problem. "
George's family
access_time 8 years ago
George enrolled.
"I would like to use part of the money to plant cow piece vegetables for sale. Lastly l would wish to use some of the money to farm sugarcane, maize and beans. "
Prisca's family
access_time 8 years ago
Prisca enrolled.
"My proudest achievements are that through farming l have managed to buy a cow and educated my children. "
Bob's family
access_time 8 years ago
Bob enrolled.
"My proudest achievement is that l have struggled and bought two cows of my own for future use. "
Aggrey's family
access_time 8 years ago
Aggrey enrolled.
"My proudest achievement is that through farming l was able to buy cows for future use. "
John's family
access_time 8 years ago
John enrolled.
"My proudest achievement is that l have worked so hard and bought cows for future use. "
Mary's family
access_time 8 years ago
Mary enrolled.
"I'm planning to spend my transfer on building a new house, paying school fees for my first born child who is sitting his eighth grade and should be joining secondary school next year and lastly buy one cow to raise."
Linda's family
access_time 8 years ago
Linda enrolled.
"My achievement is that I have always managed to work hard and feed my family,I have bought cows,and I always borrow money for farming and pay back successfully. That makes me proud."
Pamela's family
access_time 8 years ago
Pamela enrolled.
"I'm planning to spend my transfer on expanding my current house into a more spacious one,I will also use part of it to pay school fees for my two children in secondary school and lastly buy one cow to raise."