GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Janet's family
access_time 29 days ago
Janet received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"I completed a tailoring class last December and started my own shop. To attract more customers, I invested $10 in materials for my work. I also aimed to enhance my skills by saving $20 towards purchasing a new sewing machine, which would make my work easier and enjoyable to do. Currently, I own four goats; I spent $15 on acquiring one, with plans for them to multiply so I can eventually trade them for cows. Additionally, I bought four chickens for $9, and now I have a total of sixteen. Recently, I faced health issues and was diagnosed with ulcers, which required treatment costing $34. Thanks to GiveDirectly, I was able to afford medical care and am feeling much better now. With the remaining transfers, I allocated $14 towards personal items such as sanitary towels and new inner wears."
Andrew's family
access_time 1 month ago
Andrew received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"As an aspiring agribusiness entrepreneur, I have a deep passion for expanding my current chicken rearing project into something bigger. My dream is to eventually venture into cattle farming as well. I know the journey ahead is not an easy one, given my limited resources. However, I am determined to achieve my goals. I plan to continue with my chicken rearing project, hoping the flock will multiply and increase in number. I will then sell some of the chickens and use the proceeds to buy goats. I am hopeful that the goat herd too will also grow in size and value as well. Once I have built up a sizable herd of goats, I intend to use the profits from selling some of them to purchase cows. The female cows will be kept for breeding and milk production for sell, while the male cows will be sold at a higher price when fully grown. This will allow me to reinvest the profits into acquiring more young cows for rearing and selling. Alongside my agribusiness plans, I will continue to use the GiveDirectly transfers to pay for my children's school fees. Once my agribusiness project has reached its peak and is generating substantial profits, I plan to use those earnings to further educate my children. I am hopeful that this dream of mine will come true, as it holds immense significance for both myself and my family. The prospect of building a successful agribusiness and securing my children's education fills me with a deep sense of determination and optimism."
Nosiamin's family
access_time 1 month ago
Nosiamin enrolled.
"To alleviate the ongoing food shortage for my family, I plan to allocate $154 towards purchasing sufficient food supplies. Additionally, part of this budget will be used to procure essential household items such as beds, mattresses, chairs, and utensils. This initiative aims not only to address immediate food shortages but also to enhance comfort for my family. In order to safeguard against future food shortages, I intend to invest $269 in improving the productivity of my farm. This investment will be allocated towards purchasing farm inputs such as a gasoline generator, pipes, and fuel. These resources will not only increase food production but also generate income for my family. Furthermore, to diversify and boost my family's income, I will allocate $308 to acquire 2 cows and an additional $115 to expand our livestock with 3 goats. These investments are aimed at creating sustainable long-term assets for my family."
Nayeni's family
access_time 1 month ago
Nayeni enrolled.
"Currently my lovely cooks outside the house in an open air because iam not able to build kitchen for her. iam planning to use my first cash transfers to build kitchen for my family for them to be comfortable during raining season and hot sun. I will use the second transfers to invest in agricultural farming, and buy household items like beds, chairs because we are currently using plastic containers as chairs, am planning again to stock food for my family. I will use the remaining money to buy goats, cow and sheep for my family."
Gilbert's family
access_time 1 month ago
Gilbert enrolled.
"Receiving this money will be a turning point for me, allowing me to embark on rebuilding my life with renewed hope. I am eager to invest in agriculture, starting with planting maize on my family's one-acre farm. The proceeds from the harvest will not only secure us against future natural calamities but also pave the way for expanding our food security efforts by acquiring goats and a cow. These investments are crucial steps towards a more stable future. Additionally, with careful planning, I aim to construct a safer and more resilient home, shielding my family from the dangers posed by rainy seasons. This opportunity fills me with determination and optimism for brighter days ahead."
Hamisi's family
access_time 1 month ago
Hamisi received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"The transfers I received have enabled me to establish a successful chicken rearing business, which has been a profitable venture. I am now focused on expanding both my chicken operation and my wife's kiosk using these funds and use the revenue to support my family. Looking ahead, I plan to strategically trade some of my chicken for goats. I am confident that the goats will multiply and increase in number over time. Eventually, I intend to trade the goats for cows, as they too will multiply and grow in value. As a farmer and a driver, I have always dreamed of owning a vehicle and starting a transport business. By rearing cows and selling them when they have multiplied and increased in number, I aim to generate the funds needed to purchase a vehicle. At that point, I will carefully consider which type of vehicle would be most suitable for my transport business, given my experience as a driver. By leveraging my existing skills and knowledge as a farmer and driver, while also exploring new opportunities in the transport sector, I am confident that I can build a sustainable and prosperous future for myself and my family."
Dama's family
access_time 1 month ago
Dama received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"With the pooled funds from my merry-go-round group, I plan to purchase more goats. I am hopeful these goats will multiply, increasing in number and value over time. As my goat herd grows, I intend to eventually sell some of them and use the proceeds to purchase cows. Cows are often seen as a more valuable livestock asset, and I hope they will also multiply, further increasing my wealth and assets. One of my key priorities is ensuring my children can continue their education without interruption. This long-term investment in livestock farming could provide a sustainable source of income for my family in the future and secure education for my children"
Rehema's family
access_time 1 month ago
Rehema received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"Initially, my goal was to start a food selling business. However, because this required a lot of movement, I had to abandon it after developing health issues due to the cold. So, I shifted my focus to buying a cow for rearing instead. I'm already saving part of my transfer towards this project and I have hope that I will achieve it. This new venture presents an opportunity for me to generate income, which will enable me to support various needs within my family, including covering school fees, buying food, and acquiring essential household items. Currently, my husband struggles to generate sufficient income through selling locally sourced toothbrushes made from medicinal tree twigs. Therefore, through this new initiative with the cow, I hope to contribute in some way to our household finances as well."
Riziki's family
access_time 1 month ago
Riziki received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, I aim to save enough to buy dairy cow. I am currently saving $20 every month to reach this goal. I chose cattle rearing because, in addition to multiplying over time, they will also provide me with milk. Since I have school-going children, I plan to sell some of the milk to generate money for their school fees. Additionally, having milk for family consumption will improve our health. These transfers have been a great help, enabling me to provide for my family when my spouse's tailoring job is not sufficient, as there are times when work is scarce. This financial support allows us to maintain stability and work towards a better future."
Paul's family
access_time 1 month ago
Paul enrolled.
"Purchasing milk for the household has been financially straining, especially since it is a basic necessity, crucial for our growing family. Despite having a farm where I could raise a dairy cow, I have not been able to afford one due to our financial constraints. Our family of six relies on farming, casual jobs, and charcoal burning for income, all of which goes towards providing food with nothing left to save. With GiveDirectly's transfers, I now have a sigh of relief and a plan to improve our situation. I intend to spend $350 to purchase a dairy cow, which will provide milk for my family. Additionally, I plan to spend $100 to service my motorcycle so it can assist in transporting our farm produce to the market on time, ensuring we maximize our income from farming. Another $50 will go towards servicing our water pump, crucial for irrigating our farm. Lastly, I plan to use $150 to construct a new latrine, as our previous one was destroyed by floods, leaving us to use makeshift solutions like bushes.These investments are essential for improving our daily living conditions and ensuring that our family's basic needs are met more sustainably in the future."