GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Jacob's family
access_time 7 months ago
Jacob received a $307 third payment.
"I'm truly excited about the prospect of fencing my farm. It represents a significant step towards securing a brighter future for my family. Right now, we have an open field where anyone or anything can access our crops. This has been a constant worry for me, especially now that I'm trying to cultivate various fruits like pawpaws and mangoes. These crops are a source of sustenance and a potential income generator. I envision a thriving orchard that feeds my family and produces surplus fruit for sale, providing a steady income. Additionally, I've used part of the funds to purchase horsepipe, essential for efficient irrigation. I believe this investment will increase the yield from my farm and contribute to our financial well-being. Furthermore, I'm looking to create a tree nursery, this endeavor can serve two purposes. Firstly, it will provide additional income as I sell seedlings to fellow community members looking to start or expand their farms. Secondly, it contributes to the environmental well-being of our area, as more trees mean better soil and water conservation."
Edwin's family
access_time 7 months ago
Edwin received a $307 second payment.
"My vision for the future is filled with opportunities for growth and prosperity. With the goal of expanding my farm and improving its irrigation system, I aim to make the most of the dam we have in our vicinity. By using the hosepipe, I can efficiently channel water into my farm, ensuring that my crops thrive, and our lives would take a positive turn. Additionally, I aspire to expand my fruit business into something bigger, perhaps a well-stocked grocery shop. This would provide a convenient shopping destination for the community and offer me a stable source of income. Furthermore, I plan to establish a tree nursery where I can grow and sell seedlings. This venture has the potential to boost our income and even create job opportunities for others in the community. These aspirations reflect my determination to secure a better future for my family and contribute positively to our community. With the support and opportunities provided by GiveDirectly, I am confident that I can achieve these goals and bring about meaningful change in our lives."
Leah's family
access_time 7 months ago
Leah received a $307 second payment.
"One of my foremost priorities is to invest in acquiring goats. These animals hold significant value in our community, not only as a source of income but also as a symbol of financial stability. By expanding my goat herd, I can ensure that I have a steady source of income, which can be a lifeline in times of financial need. Another important goal I have in mind is to fence my farm. Currently, my farm is situated near the river, which, though advantageous for irrigation, presents certain challenges. Without proper fencing, my crops are vulnerable to damage by animals like goats and other threats. Fencing will safeguard my agricultural endeavors and allow me to farm more efficiently. I won't need to be physically present every day to protect my crops, which means I can invest more time in expanding and diversifying my farming activities. It's amazing how these transfers have the potential to create a ripple effect of progress and prosperity, and I'm eagerly looking forward to making the most of this opportunity and ensure that all my ambitions for the near future are met."
Vancy's family
access_time 7 months ago
Vancy received a $307 second payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, I am excited about completing my tertiary education. My future plans involve making good use of the nearby dam's water resources. I intend to invest in pipes and set up an irrigation project on my one-acre plot of land. My agricultural plan is to cultivate both maize and tomatoes in rotation. I have observed my neighbor successfully implementing this strategy, and I believe it can be a profitable source of income for my family. Concurrently, I will continue searching for employment opportunities related to my field of study."
Peter's family
access_time 7 months ago
Peter received a $307 second payment.
"In the years to come and beyond, my goal is to lease an acre of land close to the river. This will open up opportunities for practicing irrigation, which is crucial in our area due to recurrent rainfall shortages that impact crop production. My plan is to cultivate maize on this land, with the dual purpose of selling it for profit and ensuring a stable supply for our domestic needs. This step toward irrigation farming will help secure our food supply and potentially generate additional income for my family."
Talai's family
access_time 8 months ago
Talai received a $308 second payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, my goal is to maximize our agricultural potential. We are currently preparing the land, and with anticipated heavy rains that will fill our rivers, we hope to have an ideal setup for irrigation. My plan is to cultivate beans and maize on approximately an acre and a half of land alongside the river. This decision is driven by the desire to ensure a stable source of food and income for my family, taking advantage of the available water resources for successful and sustainable farming."
Wilson's family
access_time 8 months ago
Wilson received a $137 initial payment.
"Having a family of 10 all at home, it has been a constant struggle to provide for them solely through subsistence and livestock farming while juggling the expenses of school fees and daily goods. When GiveDirectly came into our lives, it was a much-needed lifeline. I allocated $70 to purchase food staples, ensuring that our family's basic needs were met. Another $80 was invested in my existing retail business in the nearby shopping center, where I expanded my stock. This decision not only benefited my family but also made my customers happier, as they could find everything they needed in one convenient stop at my shop. Recognizing the importance of improving our farming practices, I spent $20 on water pumping for irrigation, which has enhanced our agricultural productivity. Additionally, I allocated $6 to pay for labor in the bean harvesting process and used the remaining $24 to cover school fees for one of my children, easing the burden of education expenses. Thanks to GiveDirectly, our lives have taken a turn for the better, with improved access to food, enhanced livelihood opportunities, and better education prospects for our children."
Sheilla's family
access_time 8 months ago
Sheilla received a $137 initial payment.
"The most significant change in my daily life has resulted from the financial support I received. It has given me the means to easily install an irrigation system and procure essential food supplies. In the past, these goals were out of reach due to financial constraints. Now, I am brimming with hope as I embark on planting mangoes and pawpaws, a prospect that fills me with great joy and contentment. I will forever treasure the gift that has transformed my life."
Elizabeth's family
access_time 8 months ago
Elizabeth received a $379 initial payment.
"Since I began receiving unconditional cash transfers from GiveDirectly, the biggest difference in my life has been the newfound hope and opportunity it has provided. With the funds, I was able to invest in a water tank to practice irrigation, a small yet transformative step towards self-sufficiency. I am now on the verge of starting a business where I'll cultivate and sell vegetables and various seedlings, creating a stable source of income. As an elderly individual without a job, life had become a daily struggle; I often went to bed hungry due to the high cost of living. Relying on my children, who lacked a consistent income, was a challenge. But now, through this project, I can see a brighter future ahead where I won't have to worry about meals or dependence, and my life is destined for a remarkable transformation."
Maria's family
access_time 8 months ago
Maria enrolled.
"In February we leased a half an acre piece of land and grew maize in the nearby farms next to Wasekes River where there are irrigation farms. We were lucky that the crops did well, we have started harvesting and we expect a bumper harvest. This means that the issue of food insecurity that we have been grappling with will be a thing of the past, we can now breathe a sigh of relief and have a temporary reprieve from the struggle of having to buy the commodity at high prices. We are so elated and certain about the future now that we will have an easy time and only concentrate on looking for school fees."