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Newsfeed > Priscilar's Profile
Priscilar's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($405 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Now that I finally have a sewing machine, my goal is to save all the profits I make from my tailoring business. I’m determined to keep every penny so that I can eventually rent a shop in a more strategic location, one where I can attract more customers and really grow my business. I know it’s going to be a lot of hard work, but I’m ready for it. I’ll be relying solely on the profits from my tailoring to save the money I need. It's all about discipline and making smart decisions with my earnings.The big dream here is to make sure that by the time my little boy, who’s 1.5 years old now, goes to school, I can provide for all his needs comfortably. It’s so important to me that he has everything he needs as he grows up, and I’m committed to making that happen.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The officers were very friendly and patient, ensuring we understood how we would receive the money and in how many phases. Their transparency and kindness made me feel secure and valued. This thorough orientation reassured us that we were in capable hands, and I felt hopeful for the first time in a long while. The transfers from GiveDirectly were a true blessing, offering a level of autonomy I had never experienced before. With the money, I was able to make choices that best suited my needs and aspirations. I invested in a sewing machine, leveraging the skills I had acquired in school but had never been able to utilize fully due to a lack of resources. Now, I can generate income by making and selling clothes. This opportunity has not only improved my financial situation but also restored my confidence and sense of purpose. GiveDirectly has done more than just provide money; they have empowered me to build a sustainable future for myself and my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received the unconditional cash transfer, I used $300 to extend another room in my house, purchasing iron sheets, posts, and frames. Previously, we were living in a cramped one-room house, which was quite challenging with my two children. With this new addition, my children can now sleep comfortably in the extended room, reducing congestion. This extra space has also allowed me to set up a small area for my sewing work. Having undergone training in sewing but lacking a machine, I used $150 of the transfer to buy a sewing machine. Now, I can sew comfortably at home, and I have started attracting customers from my community. This new venture not only provides me with an additional source of income but also gives me a sense of accomplishment and independence. With the remaining money, I bought two goats, which are valuable assets that can be sold in times of emergency, and I paid school fees for my son, who is in Grade 1. The goats will help ensure our financial stability in the future, and ensuring my son's education is a top priority for me. This cash transfer has truly transformed our lives, providing us with both immediate relief and long-term opportunities.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($421 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
While on my way to a maize flour milling machine to get some maize milled for supper, I received a message on my phone. Thinking it was just a promotional message from a service provider, I was curious to know what it contained, so I checked it. To my surprise, it was my first transfer from GiveDirectly. I felt extremely happy as I walked towards my home and couldn't wait to break the good news to my husband. I could not wait to pay for a piece of land that we had acquired for farming but had not completed repaying for it. I was glad that we could finally clear the remaining amount and start farming, which was our major objective.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I acquired a piece of land near a river with the intention of doing irrigation and planting vegetables and maize crops. This would help ensure food security in my household and generate income by selling the surplus. However, due to financial constraints, I was unable to pay off the debt on time and was not allowed to start farming. With my recent transfer, I managed to pay off the $500 debt and now plan to start the irrigation. My focus is to grow fresh vegetables and maize crops for my family's consumption and sell the surplus to supplement my income. This will not only ensure food security but also provide additional income, making it easier to meet other household needs.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I work as a tailor and also engage in subsistence farming with my husband. Farming has always ensured we have enough food in our household. For this reason, I recently acquired an acre of land near a river where I can comfortably do some irrigation. I had previously made partial payments for this piece of land but still had a huge outstanding balance. I was paying through the little savings that I was making from my tailoring business. When I received the transfer, I paid off the remaining debt which amounted to $500 and gained full ownership of the land. I now possess the land and I am planning to plant fresh vegetables and maize crops and some irrigation using the available water. I hope to get good produce for consumption and sell the surplus thus earning some income as well. In addition to the land purchase, I also spent $20 in purchasing a new door for my home. The old one was broken, and I was concerned about the safety of my family as well as my household items. With the new door in place, I feel much more secure. Finally, I bought two chickens which I am currently keeping, and food for my family with the remaining amount.
access_time 8 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have a family of four members and my husband does agribusiness along the river Galana. He practices farming on a leased land paying $60 per year. This is a challenge for him since he can not do farming on a large scale due to limited piece of land. I am a tailor by profession but I cannot practice since I lack the sewing machine. I will use $600 to buy an acre of land a long the Galana river and upscale my husband farming. We intend to harvest a lot of food and do much agribusiness. Currently we make a profit of $130 per month and this is on a small scale. When I get my land we intend to make approximately $200 per month as profit. I will also use $220 to buy a tailoring machine for to start my work. The market is good and I intends to make approximately $5 per day as profit.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My family has been struggling with food for the past four years. However last year I started doing irrigation along the Galana river and since then I have had enough food for the family and even sell some to the community. Food brought happiness in my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Land ownership is the challenge I am currently facing in life. I do irrigation along the Galana river for agribusiness. I do work on a leased land paying $60 per year. This has been a challenge for me because the inputs cost is very high and hinder me from get a good profit from the sale of my farm outputs. Due to lack of land I can not do irrigation on a large scale.