GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Nosiamin's family
access_time 1 month ago
Nosiamin enrolled.
"I'm facing a significant challenge in acquiring money to buy food for my family. Relying on charcoal burning yields insufficient income to cover the costs of food and other basic necessities. Additionally, my maize farm is struggling due to a lack of funds for fuel for machine used to irrigate it. I am unable to afford a gasoline generator for irrigation, so I am forced to lease one from other farmers, which adds to my financial burden."
Irine's family
access_time 1 month ago
Irine enrolled.
"To improve our living conditions and uphold dignity, I will allocate $231 to construct a toilet, eliminating the need to use the bush. For ensuring a steady food supply, $269 will be invested in purchasing food, with a portion allocated for essential household items like beds, mattresses, chairs, and clothing. To secure a sustainable income for my family, I plan to cultivate my idle 1-acre land. This will involve investing $154 in farm inputs such as land tilling, bean seeds, and irrigation equipment. Additionally, I will allocate $192 to purchase 5 goats, which will provide milk and income from selling their offspring, supporting our future financial stability."
Nayeni's family
access_time 1 month ago
Nayeni enrolled.
"I usually depend on farming as a source of income for my family because I have a large agricultural land but due to financial challenges to buy Generator and water pipes for irrigation iam not able to cultivate it. I am now depending on charcoal burning to fend for my family which is the biggest challenge iam facing because iam not able to see clearly due to the infection of prosopis smoke."
Selly's family
access_time 1 month ago
Selly enrolled.
"Receiving this money is a dream come true for me because it signifies the opportunity to rebuild my life. After experiencing firsthand the devastating impact of floods, I am resolute in preventing such hardships in the future. My immediate plan is to use the funds to relocate to a safer area. Addressing food shortages is another priority, and I intend to invest in climate-smart agriculture by acquiring irrigation equipment, which will allow me to cultivate crops even during dry seasons. Any remaining funds will be allocated towards expanding my hotel business, contributing to a more secure future for both myself and my community."
Lebana's family
access_time 1 month ago
Lebana enrolled.
"To enhance productivity on my farm, I plan to invest $385 in agricultural farming. This will cover expenses for HDPE pipes, seeds, fuel for irrigation, and fencing for security measures. Additionally, I aim to expand my poultry farming business by allocating $154 towards purchasing more chicks, feeds, and expanding their housing. This will generate income through the sale of eggs and chickens. To address food shortages, I will allocate $77 towards purchasing food for my family. Furthermore, $115 will be used to purchase essential furniture and household items to improve comfort at home. Lastly, I will allocate $115 to partially cover my college fees, ensuring uninterrupted continuation of my studies."
Jackson's family
access_time 1 month ago
Jackson enrolled.
"To address the issue of food scarcity at home, I plan to allocate KES 20,000 specifically for purchasing food. Additionally, I intend to use a portion of this amount to acquire essential household items such as utensils, a bed, a mattress, plastic chairs, beddings, and mosquito nets. These items are crucial for ensuring comfort and security for my family, protecting them from cold and insect bites. Another priority is securing land for irrigation, which has been a persistent challenge. Therefore, I will allocate KES 30,000 towards leasing land and purchasing necessary farm inputs. This investment aims to establish a sustainable income source through agriculture for my family. Furthermore, KES 15,000 will be dedicated to paying secondary school fees for my sibling, ensuring his education continues uninterrupted. To diversify our income streams, the remaining KES 45,000 will be utilized to purchase a cow and add two goats to our livestock. This strategic investment is aimed at enhancing our food security in the future."
Symon's family
access_time 1 month ago
Symon enrolled.
"My lovely wife have been rearing chicken in our compound as her investment so iam planning to support her business of poultry keeping. This business of poultry is working well in our village and we have a lot of people from different towns coming to buy them. iam planning again to venture into agriculture because I have a large piece of land and water is available for irrigation and also farming is the main livelihood activity i do. For a home to be lively you have to possess livestock's. iam planning to invest some money for livestock keeping, buy food for my family and buy clothes for my children for them to be attractive and beautiful because it has been long time ago since I bought clothes for them"
Francis's family
access_time 1 month ago
Francis enrolled.
"I am a farmer and I have a big Piece of land but due to financial challenges iam not able to cultivate it. I use to depend on other people's water pumps for irrigation. iam planning to use KES 45,000 of my cash transfers to buy my own water pump to irrigate my farm. We are really blessed in our village because if you have water pumps and pipes you get rich very fast because watermelons, and Tomatoes, maize beans, vegetables and green grams does well, in a period of two to three months they are ready. I am planning to use the remaining money on farming, livestock keeping, stock food for my family and buy clothing for my children"
Naomi's family
access_time 1 month ago
Naomi enrolled.
"Seven months ago, I ventured into retail shop business to generate income for my family of seven. I have been eager to expand this business, but financial constraints have held me back. Since we rely on farming for our livelihood, most of our earnings go towards basic needs like food, clothing, and school fees for my children, leaving little room for savings. When the transfers come through, I am determined to invest $400 into expanding my retail venture. This opportunity not only promises extra income but also fills me with hope to better serve our community. Another $300 will go towards a new water pump for irrigation; our current one is damaged, and ensuring reliable irrigation is vital for our farming. These decisions are more than just financial investments; they are steps towards securing our family's future."
Naitoti's family
access_time 1 month ago
Naitoti received a $350 second payment.
"With my final transfer from GiveDirectly, I plan to invest in fruit farming, focusing on growing bananas, papayas, and mangoes. These crops thrive in our region and have a readily available market, allowing me to generate profits to support my family's daily needs. To address the water shortage issue, I will purchase a pipe and generator to facilitate irrigation for my fruit trees, which require less water compared to other crops. I'm confident that within the next three years, this investment will start yielding a steady income, complementing my husband's low earnings as a primary teacher. By diversifying into this more reliable and water-efficient farming investment, I aim to provide a more stable financial foundation for our family."