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Newsfeed > Emmaculate's Profile
Emmaculate's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53150 KES ($435 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The support I received from GiveDirectly changed a lot in my home and inspired me to make plans, despite the fact that the cost of living has recently been very high. A move into subsistence or animal farming has been difficult in our region due to the drought, which has also been damaging. I have been searching for better ways to invest at the present without spending a lot of money and possibly losing money in the end. My current preference is pig and bee farming, and because I was working on a pig project before getting married, I plan to get started soon and take advantage of the cheap feeds that are readily accessible. This initiative appeals to me because there is a ready market for it and because, unlike cows, which need on grass, they are less dependent on rainfall.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The finest thing that has occurred to me, and to everyone I have interacted with so far in our village, was the freedom to spend the money anyway we saw fit after obtaining the receipt. I was appreciative that I could create a plan, oversee it, and only report on its progress when GiveDirectly officers called. Rather than responding to the village leaders' questions, GiveDirectly conducted in-person visits that allowed them to assess whether a potential enrollee matched the requirements. I am appreciative and hope that other villages may have similar experiences.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have a business and have been selling meals in the nearby markets, including porridge. At first, I used plastic containers to hold meals that would quickly get cold and not satisfy the needs of the clients. When I got the second transfer, I spent $45 for two thermos flasks, and so far my business has been successful thanks to the satisfied customers who always get hot porridge when they need it. With $36700, I built a new house as well, and some of the remaining money was used to add 12 additional iron sheets to the old ones. I required a larger home because I was raising my child alone in a single-family home. Despite the fact that I'm still working on the interior design, I'm relieved that the construction is finally complete. Additionally, I spent $20 for two hens and a cockle that I want to raise and sell both their eggs and progeny from in the future. I eventually used the remaining money to buy food, which we still eat now.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($473 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was around 8 AM when I was at the farm watering the vegetables when a message notification popped in. I was anxious and decided to check who had sent a message at that time of the day. I could not believe what I saw, it was an Mpesa message from GiveDirectly. Due to the happiness that I had, I jumped up and down like a baby. I later chose to go home and shared the news with the rest of my family members.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference is that I was able to settle the debt( for the piece of land) in good time. The owner has been frustrating me for quite some time and I had no idea how I would acquire the needed cash. Currently, I have peace of mind and no more worries. Also, I have been able to build a new house on the piece of land and I am glad that I will now have the compound that I call home. For the past three years, I have been staying at my in-law's house where I used to experience lots of discomforts considering that there was no privacy. However, my spouse and I had the desire to have our compound and build a house but we did not have reliable sources of income. I am now a happy soul because finally, I can be able to fulfill my long-time dream.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent part of my first transfer on buying building materials such as iron sheets, nails, and the labor charges at a total of KES 15000. This was for the construction of a new house because previously I used to shelter at my in law's house which is taboo according to our culture. I have not been comfortable at all for the past three years I have been here. Later on, I cleared a debt of KES 35000 for the piece of land that I had purchased on credit some time back. In addition, I bought a thermos at KES 1500 for the porridge business that I have been operating. With the remaining amount that had remained, I bought foodstuffs for my family.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
The covid 19 pandemic displaced and damaged many businesses of which one of it is mine. I had an excellent clothes business which was making a profit of KES 2000 in a day. The drastic change of life and migration of people from one place to the other due to the total closure of some industries therefore made my business loose potential customers. I had to close my business and ran to the village where I had bought a piece of land to start farming. My husband was working in a tourist hotel and was retrenched after the disappearance of tourists in hotel. Have lived apathetic life for the past 9 months until I started another business here at my nearby town of selling porridge. I still have a debt of KES 35000 to clear for the piece of land I bought and the revenue I earn from this porridge business is very low that I cannot meet my daily needs. Receiving this transfers, I will build a small house to accomodate my family and start a poultry farming which I believe will generate alot of income while still growing food crops in my farm to have food security to safeguard my poultry farm.
What is the happiest part of your day?
A human being lives a happy life if he is staying in a place where he owns it. Despite the excellent situation I had when I owned a good business, but still was living in a rental house. The scenerio of being living in my own plot despite that I am in a temporary shelter brought joy and happiness in my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am living in a semi permanent shelter which has no security to live in. I am scared especially in the night because my husband is mot with me currently . I depend entirely on the porridge business which gives a profit of KES 200 in a a day. Sometimes I have to skip my means in order to attend other needs in my house and therefore luck of money and food in my house is the biggest challenge I have so far.