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Newsfeed > Dama's Profile
Dama's family
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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26th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, my goal is to complete the payment for the mattress. This will ensure that I have a more comfortable place to sleep. I also plan to invest in livestock, which will serve as a future asset. If the livestock multiplies, I will sell some and use the money to cover my needs. I am very happy with the financial support, which has helped me manage my health and improve my living conditions.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For a long time, I have been sleeping on a sisal twine bed, which is very uncomfortable and has led to increased back pains. I spent $30 as the last payment for a wooden bed, and I am happy that I will now be sleeping comfortably. Additionally, I paid a deposit of $20 for a new mattress, which will enhance my comfort and help relieve the back pains I have been experiencing. I spent $30 to seek medical attention after falling ill, and I am pleased that my condition has improved. With the remaining $22, I purchased food to ensure that my daughter and I had enough to eat. My daughter is a peasant farmer, and I heavily depend on her for support. However, the current harsh weather makes it difficult for her to earn money from farming. I am very happy and appreciative of the financial support, which has helped us survive during these tough financial times.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 6 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming months, my primary goal is to complete the payment for the bed, with a remaining balance of $40. Acquiring this new wooden bed will provide me with a comfortable and restful sleeping arrangement, alleviating the back pains I have endured due to the poor condition of my current bed. I am filled with happiness and gratitude knowing that this situation will soon be resolved, thanks to the financial assistance from the transfers. This support has significantly contributed to improving my quality of life, and I am truly appreciative of it.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As an elderly woman, I rely entirely on my daughter, who supports me by selling surplus farm produce and occasionally taking on paid tasks like collecting firewood and fetching water during hot weather. Recently, I invested $20 as a deposit for a wooden bed, as my current bed made of sisal twine ropes is no longer repairable. With a remaining balance of $60, I eagerly await the comfort and rest a new bed will provide. During a health crisis when my grandson fell ill and required urgent hospitalization, I contributed $20 from my transfers towards the substantial medical bill. Thankfully, he has since recovered and returned home. Despite a setback when the two hens I purchased for $10 succumbed to Newcastle disease, I remain hopeful that future investments in poultry will yield income. Additionally, I allocated $18 towards purchasing food and essential items like soap and detergents, a luxury I can now afford independently, unlike before when I relied on borrowing from my daughter. Lastly, I dedicated $34 to travel to my birthplace to bid farewell to a close relative who passed away, grateful for the opportunity to give her a dignified send-off. I appreciate the financial support I receive, as it enables me to address various needs and circumstances that arise in my life.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
One of my primary goals is to make investments in livestock, particularly goats, as they have a rapid rate of multiplication. By doing so, I cannot only increase my initial investment but also have the option to sell some of the animals in case of financial need. This strategy ensures that I have a backup source of funds available when necessary. In addition to my livestock investments, I also prioritize my health. Alongside purchasing food, I aim to allocate resources for regular check-ups and acquiring any prescribed medicinal drugs. By taking care of my health, I can fully recover from any ailments and maintain overall well-being. This comprehensive approach to my well-being encompasses both financial security and physical health.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Recently, I fell ill and had to allocate $10 towards purchasing medicinal drugs and traditional herbs for my treatment. Thankfully, the financial support from the transfer enabled me to obtain the necessary medications, resulting in a significant improvement in my health. I am grateful for the assistance, as it played a crucial role in my recovery. With careful planning, I managed to save $50 from the transfer, which I intend to utilize in early next year to purchase goats. Considering the current surge in goat prices, I am optimistic that I will be able to acquire them at a more favorable rate after the festive season in January. This investment in goats holds promise for future financial stability and resilience. A substantial portion of the transfer was allocated towards purchasing essential food items, including sugar, maize flour, wheat flour, and a selection of fruits and vegetables. These provisions not only nourish me but also contribute to strengthening my immune system. The ability of the transfers to support my nutritional needs brings me great satisfaction. As an elderly woman, the transfers have proven to be of utmost importance in reducing my reliance on my daughter. By providing financial assistance for my needs, the transfers empower me to maintain a level of independence and alleviate the burden on my family. I am genuinely grateful for the positive impact the transfers have had on my life.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I currently want to invest in raising livestock, mainly goats. I decided on goats since they can handle the harsh climatic condition in our area, they are less expensive to buy than cows, and there is a ready market for them when it comes time to sell. Due to the famine situation, it is challenging to accomplish this all at once, so I came up with a plan to buy at least three hens with each transfer. Thereafter, I will trade them for goats since seven chickens are considered equivalent to a goat.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My top priority whenever I get the transfers is to buy meals. This is because I am powerless to defend myself. I mean, I have advanced in age. Aside from that, my son, whom I rely on, is unable to raise food crops due to the extreme farming difficulties caused by the drought in my region. To help us buy food, my son, who has a part-time job, occasionally burns charcoal or works on a farm. He occasionally needs to take a break because of weariness. Sadly, as we live hand to mouth, each break results in a string of missed meals. To allow him some time to rest, I chose to spend the entire transfer amount of $34 on food. This difficulty got worse once my spouse, who was my entire support system, passed away. Although I am appreciative of the assistance provided by GiveDirectly, I regret that there is no room for savings or investment because whatever I receive is used solely to buy food. Hopefully, once we harvest in this farming season, the saving doors will open.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I'd really like to get a bed and a mattress this year. I've been sleeping on a temporary wood bed for the past 30 years. I have severe back pain as a result of how uncomfortable the bed is. It will be easier for me to sleep comfortably and lessen my suffering if I purchase a new bed and mattress. Additionally, I want to save enough money to visit a better medical facility that offers better medical services to get the proper medication for my deteriorating health condition.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am very old, and my daughter is completely responsible for taking care of me. My health has significantly declined over the past few months, necessitating frequent trips to the hospital. I bought medicines with $10 of my January transfers. I'm content because I feel much better now than I did before the transfer. Moreover, I spent $19 on food. The doctor advised me to eat fresh produce, fruits, and milk to strengthen my immunity as my health was deteriorating. My ability to purchase these nutritious foods was greatly aided by the funds from my January transfers. Finally, I spent $5 on a hen. Purchasing livestock is one way to save money for the future now that I am unable to work. Once the hen multiplies, I can sell both the mature hens and the eggs for a profit on the market. Then I'll use the money to pay for my most urgent needs.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I was overwhelmed with so much joy the instant I realized the arrival of the transfers and this especially because this meant I could finally afford a meal. nourishment has been one of the biggest recurring challenges back in the village and brought about as a consequence of drought which has led me to mostly rely on my children and the funds from the Organization to survive. Therefore I went ahead and withdrew the money and decided to spend KES 1,300 by acquiring a bag of maize flour which contained a dozen packets and then I ended up using an extra KES 1,000 and purchased sugar, tea leaves, beans and groceries on a weekly basis. I was left with a balance of KES 700 with which I resulted in spending by buying two hens because I planned on investing in poultry farming.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, Givedirectly did well in sending cash transfers to every person in the house that qualified according to the set criteria. In addition, the transfer was unconditional and we had the right to decide how well to use the transfer. I do not see anything that it does not do well.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Being unable to work due to my deteriorating health conditions has continuously made my life miserable. I have been depending on my relatives for all my essential needs. The coming of the transfer has offered great help for me, particularly in terms of meeting my daily needs like food. I spent KES 1,580 to purchase one bundle of maize flour which is equivalent to 24 kg. I also used KES 150 to buy one chicken to start poultry rearing a future investment for myself. With the remaining amount, I bought building poles, I intend to construct a new house. The one I have is old, grass-thatched, and leaking during the rainy period. I am forced to spend sleepless nights during the rainy season because of the leaking rooftop.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I had just woken up when my daughter came rushing inside the house. She broke the news that I had received my first transfer. Wow! I was thrilled, and I hugged my daughter as we started singing and ululating in excitement. After having the short celebrations, I asked her to go withdraw the money and buy food for the family.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
My daughter has suffered a lot in ensuring that we do not lack food. Through her hard work, we can have at least a meal a day and on the worst days we slept on empty stomachs hoping for a better tomorrow. Receiving the funds and buying food has made a big difference in my life as we currently have plenty to eat and we no longer sleep hungry.  
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
depend fully on my daughter to take care of the family (daughter and 4 grandchildren). At my age, I am very weak and no longer able to work. My daughter works on casual jobs such as fetching water and working on other people’s farms to earn a living. Her daily earnings from the job (KES 200 per day), are only enough to buy food for a day. The temporary nature of the jobs limits her from working daily. When this happens, we are left with nothing to eat and have to sleep on empty stomachs. When I received my transfer, I was very happy because I was going to reduce the heavy burden that my daughters bear on behalf of the family. I spent KES 2500 to buy 12 packets of maize flour, 2kgs of beans, and 2kg of sugar and vegetables for food. I later spent the remaining KES 500 on buying a hen as an investment for the future.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I have been a widow for the past 20 years. The small house my husband left me is falling apart. Termites have eaten up my roof making life impossible. My youngest daughter had to move in with her children since she had nowhere else to go. It has always been my desire to have a bigger house, preferably a two-roomed house. One room would house my daughter and her kids the other would be mine. We have reasoned together with my daughter and thought it wise to save up together and build this house. Once I receive this money I will save about 2000 KES monthly and give it to my daughter. 10000 KES will be enough to commence this project.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Days when my grandchildren visit and give me 200 KES are the happiest. I do not work and I have to depend on my children and grandchildren for support especially financially. I always look forward to the holidays, most of the visits during this season. This December was no different, one of them gave me 200 KES and all I could do was bless them. I was happy because I knew the following day I would have tea and buns for breakfast.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My health has been my main challenge for the longest time. It all started with my eyes, I would fail to see and everything would be blurry. I consulted an ophthalmologist but the condition was still persistent. Later on, my hearing worsened, I would hear noises and they would ache every other day. My legs also are weakening, it gets had to walk especially when they freeze. To make things worse my body may just start burning up at any time without warning and this makes it hard for me to do anything or move.