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Meshack's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
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access_time 4 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
When I enrolled in college three years ago, I hoped to complete my course in supply chain management and eventually graduate. However, this dream was cut short due to a lack of finances to pay for my school fees, forcing me to drop out. Upon returning home, I focused on farming, hoping it would yield positive results. Unfortunately, this endeavor has also been fraught with challenges. Farming here relies solely on irrigation to thrive. Although I own a water pump, the rising price of fuel is straining my finances. My maize crops are now on the verge of drying up because I cannot afford petrol.I have also wished to expand my farming operations, but capital has been a significant challenge. The small-scale farms are not bearing the expected fruits, and I am worried that the losses from this farm might adversely affect my family of three.
What is the happiest part of your day?
At times, we wish for rain without considering the potential damage it might bring. One month ago, my village, Murda, was severely affected by the overflowing rivers Perkerra and Molo. Half an acre of my 1-acre maize farm was washed away, and I could not help but feel the pain of the loss. However, the remaining half-acre is growing well, and I am hopeful for a bountiful harvest.Moreover, I am immensely grateful and relieved that my family of three emerged from the floods unhurt, despite their intensity. This resilience gives me hope and strength to move forward, focusing on the positive and looking forward to better days ahead.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Once beaten, twice shy! After the damages the floods caused to my household one month ago, I have seriously considered relocating to safer ground. However, this requires finances that I currently do not have. As a family of three, we often depend on farming to earn a living, but the floods partly washed away our farms. At the moment, my maize farm is doing fairly well but requires maintenance, such as watering, which I cannot afford due to the cost of fuel. When I receive my transfers, I plan to spend $100 on maintaining my maize farm to ensure a successful harvest. This will involve purchasing fertilizers and fuel.To avoid future calamities, I will spend $500 to purchase a 0.5-acre piece of land on safer ground. This investment will provide my family with security and peace of mind, ensuring we do not have to worry about damages from future floods.