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Newsfeed > Linah's Profile
Linah's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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access_time 4 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Following the recent floods that raged the area, I intend to spend KES 50,000 to purchase an alternative land to migrate my family into, this will help prevent future losses. I will use KES 30,000 to invest in farming (Maize), this will go into buying inputs (Land tilling, Seeds, Watering). The remaining KES 30,000, i will use them food, household items, clothing and paying fees for my 3 secondary school children.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Following the recent floods experienced in the area which swept through my house, my major challenge now is lack of money to purchase an alternative land (not prone to floods) to migrate my family to. Having lost all my investment of more than KES 300,000 on farming (tomatoes) to floods which i was depending on for both food and fees, i now do not have money for purchasing food for my family of 6 and for paying fees for my 3 secondary school children. I am also lacking money to get back into crop farming which was being depended on by the family. The floods swept away most of the essential household items (beddings, utensils) with few remaining not sufficient for the family use.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I was happy when my Grade 8 student scored good marks that enabled her to join secondary school of her choice. As an extra county school, we are assured of her getting a good grade that can secure her a slot in university to study Engineering courses which have been her passion.