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Stephen's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
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access_time 4 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
As they say, agriculture is the backbone of Kenya's economy, and like many others, I rely on it to provide for my family of seven. The farms here in Murda are exceptionally fertile, a fortune that every farmer admires. However, misfortunes can strike unexpectedly. One month ago, flash floods hit our area and washed away the tomatoes I had sown on my 1-acre piece of land. A wave of bitterness passed through me as I witnessed the extent of my losses. The money I spent and the efforts I had input with the hope that my family's financial status would be restored were all in vain. My tomatoes were at the flowering stage, and I had invested over $1000 in them, using the profits I had earned from a previous watermelon harvest. Relocating to a safer area is not an option for me due to financial constraints. Therefore, my only choice is to re-cultivate the farm, hoping that such devastating floods will not occur again.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Nothing beats seeing all your children focused on their education without interruptions. After my tomato farm was washed away one month ago, which was our family's only source of income, I was almost certain that I would not be able to pay the school fees for my children in grades 7 and 11. When schools reopened for the second term, I had accumulated $125 in arrears. I was relieved when schools were postponed, as it gave me the opportunity to ask for a loan from a friend. Fortunately, I was able to clear the arrears, and now my children are fully attending school, unlike before when they would have been sent home to collect their fees. This brings me great happiness, despite the challenges imposed by the floods.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
After the floods that claimed my 1-acre tomato farm one month ago, I almost lost hope in farming. At the moment, I wish to try something new: opening a retail shop business to earn income for my family of seven. Although a business comes with its own set of challenges, it is less impacted by flooding compared to farming. I plan to spend $300 as the capital to kickstart this venture. Additionally, I will venture into poultry farming, which thrives well in this area, and I will benefit from the sale of eggs and chickens once they multiply. I hope to invest $150 in this. The rest of the transfers will be used to pay school fees for my children in grades 3, 5, 7, and 11. I will be grateful for the support that GiveDirectly will provide to my family, as it will help me get back on my feet after the devastating floods.