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Newsfeed > Salome's Profile
Salome's family
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($420 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received the cash transfer, I decided to start a grocery business with $50. This is because farming had been unreliable due to inconsistent rainfall, so I needed a more stable source of income. The grocery business has been doing well and provides a steady stream of income, which has significantly improved my financial situation. In addition to the grocery business, I used $75 to buy 15 chickens to start poultry farming. Poultry is a fast way to generate money since I can sell eggs and chicken to raise money for emergencies. Lastly, I invested $230 to bring piped water to my compound by purchasing rollers and other necessary materials. I have been dependent on my neighbors for drinking water, which has been challenging due to my hypertension. Installing my own water supply has been a crucial step for my health and convenience. I also sent $40 to my daughter in Mombasa to start a charcoal-selling business and used $100 to pay college fees for my two children. The remainder of the transfer was spent on food items, ensuring my household's immediate needs were met.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
From the beginning of the year, my life was a constant battle. I was sick and hypertensive, and the stress of not having enough money to pay for my children's school fees or even buy food only made things worse. The anxiety was overwhelming, and it felt like there was no way out of the cycle of poverty and poor health. But then, everything changed when I started receiving transfers from GiveDirectly. With the money, I was able to pay off all my children's school fees, which lifted a huge burden off my shoulders. I even managed to start a grocery business that I now operate daily. Additionally, I sell food to schoolchildren at a neighboring school to generate extra income for our family's upkeep. This has brought a lot of happiness to our household, and the best part is that my health has dramatically improved. I haven't been sick since then, and for the first time in a long while, I don't have to constantly worry about where the next meal will come from or how to pay for necessities. This stability and peace of mind have truly transformed our lives."
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was around 5 pm when I had gone to the nearby shop to buy beans for supper when I checked my phone and saw a message from GiveDirectly. I was overwhelmed with excitement and hurried home as fast as I could. The moment I stepped inside, I knelt down and thanked God for answering my prayers. With a heart full of gratitude, I gathered my children and told them about the money we had received and they were just as thrilled as I was. We then discussed how we could use the money to get piped water in our compound. On the third day, we went to withdraw the money, filled with hope and excitement for the changes it would bring to our lives.
access_time 6 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
As a subsistence farmer, one thing that I consider to have made my life harder is the unreliable seasons. This is because, rains in the area are unpredictable and sometimes, our harvests are very low making my household food insecure. Due to this situation, any amount that my husband sends me goes to food and to support my children in school. Sometimes, I become so worried about my future since I lack savings to depend on. Hence, I consider food insecurity and financial instability as my biggest concerns.
What is the happiest part of your day?
It was since 2017 when we received heavy rains in our area and fortunately, it was replicated in the last part of year 2023 when we reached long rains. This was a good boost to us as farmers and I was able to harvest five 90-kilogram bags of maize. This is a huge boost and my household will be food secure for at least 5 months. Hence, this becomes my biggest source of happiness.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Changing the status of my household is basically what receiving this money means to me. Currently, I do not have any reliable source of income that I can confidently depend on. For this reason, I intend to start a grocery business as well as investing in livestock. To start with, I will use $300 as capital for the grocery business that will be operated by my two daughters who are currently jobless at home. On the other hand, I will use another $300 to buy livestock including goats and poultry. This will act as my sources of income in the future. The remaining amount will help me to support my children's education both in secondary and college. What a happy life after achieving all these plans!