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Newsfeed > Lenisa's Profile
Lenisa's family
Malawi Large Transfers
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
354200 MWK ($348 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used my most recent transfer to procure agricultural materials such as fertiliser, hoes and seeds..I managed to procure 4 bags of fertiliser at approximately $205 which will be used in my maize and soya field..I also bought hoes at a cost of $18 since all my hoes have been broken. I managed to procure 10 bags of maize to support my family since I have my own kids and grandchildren who relies on me. The bags of maize were acquired at a price of $220.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life since I started receiving these payments is that in the past I could not provide for my family since it is a very huge family..I stay with 9 kids and my husband and sometimes we could sleep without eating..But now I have been able to procure bags of maize and I am able to eat the required daily amounts of food.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The moment when I received my cash transfer I was so happy because I felt that I will be able to live a peaceful life as I liked some basic needs such as food and this money gave me hope for a better life.
access_time 2 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The challenge that I am currently facing is a health related problem. I have a problem on my right leg which started in June 2021. I do experience excruciating pain on my knee which makes it hard for me to go do casual jobs to be able to provide food for my family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
In my life the thing that gives me happiness are my children. Being able to share stories with my children on a daily basis makes me happy because I am able to know what they are experiencing in their lives.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Recieving this money would help me build a house. I have always wanted to own an three bedroom iron fitted house with burnt bricks. I live in a grass-thatched house which makes it uncomfortable to live in during the rainy season.