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Newsfeed > Loice's Profile
Loice's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($360 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
my main aspiration is to construct a permanent house since the one I use at the moment is old and it was made of mud-walled with corroded iron sheets. Also, my goal is to look for more money and take my children to high school where they can get quality education. Am confident that with dedication and hard work, this vision can be successfully realized.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has done well. The funds I received from them helped not only me but also my village at large. My sincere gratitude to the GiveDirectly family, they lifted me from a low life to a high one, I have never thought in my life that my children will live a comfortable life. I thank the organization for helping the needy people in society. I would urge the organization to increase the amount if possible for us to tackle the high rate of inflation in our country.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving my second transfer, I was able to increase the stock of my existing business of tailoring which took $200 which was my priority since I knew that I would be able to buy food for my children. Also, I spent $100 to purchase 5 goats surprisingly my dream of having my goats had been achieved. the thought of having a steady supply of milk for our household is an exciting prospect so goats do have ready markets here. I also used $50 to get my children's certificates something that was disturbing my mind for so long. Finally, I used $107 to stock up on essential food supplies that ensured that our household's nutritional needs were met and also alleviated the worry that accompanied uncertainties about our next meal since I used to do charcoal burning which is very hard and sometimes lacking markets. The remaining $93 I invested in opening a small shop(kiosk) where I will be selling some groceries. This investment am sure it contribute to the overall well-being of my children and confidence in their daily lives.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($374 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I had just returned from Kilifi, where I had visited my husband. I was on a bus heading back home when the message about the transfers arrived on my phone. The journey back had been long, and I was tired, but as soon as I saw that notification, a rush of excitement and happiness coursed through me. I glanced around the crowded bus, realizing I couldn't contain my joy in this public space. So, I patiently waited, my heart racing with anticipation, until I finally alighted from the bus. Once I was on solid ground, I couldn't wait any longer. I immediately reached for my phone and called my husband to share the incredible news. His voice crackled with excitement on the other end of the line, and I could sense the joy in his words. You see, one of the things I had longed for was a mattress and blankets. We had been sleeping on the floor for a while, and the nights had been uncomfortable. But now, thanks to the transfers from GiveDirectly, I could finally afford these basic comforts that would make a significant difference in our lives. It was a moment of pure joy and relief, knowing that our home would soon be more comfortable and conducive to rest and relaxation. The thought of a good night's sleep after so long filled me with warmth and gratitude.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The changes brought about by the transfers from GiveDirectly have made a remarkable difference in my life and my family's. In the past, I used to sell charcoal as an additional source of income alongside my tailoring job. However, with the tailoring machine I purchased with the transfers, I now have the means to maximize my income through my own business. This has brought more stability to our finances. One of the most significant improvements is in our living conditions. My children are now sleeping comfortably on a proper mattress and bed, which has improved their overall well-being. As a result, I can plan and manage our household budget more effectively, ensuring that our basic needs are consistently met. Additionally, the fact that I now have a source of income allows me to collaborate with my husband on various projects, particularly farming. We can diversify our income sources, which is incredibly valuable in our pursuit of financial stability. This transformation in our lives has also strengthened the bond between my husband and me. He feels supported by my efforts, and we are more united as a couple, working together to achieve our family's goals.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I made several significant decisions with the transfers I received from GiveDirectly. First, I knew I needed to improve our living conditions, so I spent $60 on a comfortable mattress and $80 on a sturdy bed. Sleeping on the floor had become uncomfortable, and these purchases brought much-needed relief. Additionally, I decided to invest in my own future and financial independence. I spent $140 on a tailoring machine, considering it a long-term income-generating asset. I already had the skills, and I was eager to start my own tailoring business instead of working for someone else. To get my business up and running, I allocated $90 for materials and supplies. Recognizing the need for better mobility and a source of income for my husband, I decided to purchase a motorcycle. We opted for an installment plan, and I paid a deposit of $130. My husband is licensed to ride it, and we saw it as a means to support each other financially. Education is a priority for us, so I used $30 to pay school fees for my three children who are in primary school. Finally, I set aside $50 for food, ensuring that we had enough to eat while I pursued my goals of financial independence and improved living conditions. These decisions have had a significant impact on our quality of life, and I am grateful for the opportunity to make them with the help of GiveDirectly's transfers.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
My husband works as a motercyclist at Mombasa making an income of $100 per month. I do casual jobs making $20 per month. The family money mostly caters for food and education for children. I have knowledge on dress making but I lack money to start my business. I have a family of five members and we live in a two room house with a muddy walls. I will use $400 to buy a sewing machine and other materials to starting tailoring business here at home. The market is good there is one with such a business. People walk long distances to look for such services and I intend to make approximately $10 per day. This will help me buy goats as an investment for the family. I will use $600 to change my house from Muddy to a permanent one.
What is the happiest part of your day?
On May 2023, I sold one of my cows and earned $150 . The money helped me raise school fees for the children since they had an arrears of $50. I used the remaining amount to clean my husband debt at Mombasa. The sale of my cow brought happiness to me .
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I do casual jobs which are tedious and pay little. I make $30 per month which caters for food and school fees and it is not even enough. Lack of reliable source of income has affected my two children education. Sometimes they miss school due to fees problem.