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Newsfeed > Jumwa's Profile
Jumwa's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($360 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Raising my grandson's college fees has been a persistent challenge, despite managing to clear part of the outstanding arrears with the help of the transfers. My son, who engages in casual work, often struggles to meet the family's needs, adding to the complexity of our financial situation. Apart from the one in college, I have additional grandchildren who depend on me for their education. While the financial support eventually ceased, my primary focus remains ensuring that my grandchildren attain their educational aspirations. Deprived of the opportunity for formal education myself, I am determined to break this cycle for them, believing in the transformative power of education to shape their future lives. Despite the obstacles, my commitment to their academic success remains unwavering. The pursuit of education is a legacy I am determined to pass on, a beacon guiding them towards a brighter future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The arrival of GiveDirectly has utterly transformed our living standards, lifting us from the depths of poverty. Without this program, we might still be grappling with financial hardships. Thanks to GiveDirectly, we now reside in sturdy iron-roofed houses, a significant departure from the grass-thatched huts that served as our homes for many years. Our children's education has undergone a positive shift as well. No longer are they sent home due to unpaid fees; instead, they attend school comfortably. Beyond shelter and education, the program has granted us ownership of valuable assets like goats, cows, and sheep. These assets not only improve our current living conditions but also serve as savings for our children's future education expenses. The ability to sell these animals provides a financial safety net for their educational needs. From my perspective, GiveDirectly has executed the transformative task of changing our lives exceptionally well. The entire process, from enrollment to receiving the promised support, was seamless. I find it challenging to identify any aspect where the organization did not excel. Their commitment to improving lives shines through, leaving a lasting impact on our community.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Before joining the program, I found refuge in a grass-thatched hut that demanded constant repairs. Its small size meant that every rainstorm posed a significant threat to my belongings. The tedious task of replacing the grass added to the challenges. Throughout this, my enduring aspiration was to build an iron-roofed house, free from the struggles of my current shelter. The financial assistance from GiveDirectly marked a turning point in my life, allowing me to realize this dream. A substantial portion of the funds was allocated to purchase 24 iron sheets, building materials, poles, nails, and timber. With these resources, I successfully constructed my long-desired iron-roofed house. Moving into this new dwelling, once a distant dream, filled me with immense happiness. The program accelerated this achievement, sparing me the years it would have taken through personal efforts alone. In addition to securing my own home, I also allocated $100 to clear my grandson's school fees. This crucial support ensured he could remain in class, continuing his education after settling the outstanding arrears. Education is a priority for me, and I am grateful to GiveDirectly for aiding in the realization of this goal. Furthermore, a portion of the funds was utilized to purchase essential foodstuffs such as maize flour, ensuring that my family would not face hunger.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($394 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I had just returned from working on my farm, and because I am illiterate, I cannot easily understand a message on my phone unless my children are present to read it to me. That afternoon, I learned that my son, who is also a beneficiary, had received his first transfer. I could not wait to check mine out as well. He confirmed that I had received mine as well. After living in a grass-thatched house for many years, I was ecstatic that I could now build a decent iron-roofed house.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I would like to thank GiveDirectly because the program has transformed my life to levels I could never have imagined. For many years, I have not known the peace that comes with having a decent place to live. I have spent my entire life in a grass-thatched hut, with no hope of ever upgrading to a better and more decent iron-roofed house. Living in an iron-roofed house seemed impossible to me, and I assumed it was only for the wealthy. My dream of owning a decent iron-roofed house became a reality when I enrolled in the program. I used to have to replace the roof on a regular basis, which was extremely exhausting. It could leak uncontrollably if it rains. I no longer have these issues and am no longer concerned about the rain, which is by far the most significant difference in my daily life. I would like to thank GiveDirectly for assisting me in obtaining my dream home.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
For many years, I had never felt the comfort that comes with living in an iron-roofed house. Every day, I hoped and prayed for a change of residence. However, as a widow with nothing to rely on, even selling and charcoal burning, which had been a source of income, could not allow me to build a house. As a result, I had no choice but to stay in a shaky grass thatched hut for decades, frequently replacing the roof with new grass. When I received the transfer, my prayers for owning a decent house were finally answered; this was all I had hoped for. I purchased enough building materials, such as iron sheets, nails, and building poles, to construct a new house. In addition to the house, I spent KES 15000 on medical expenses. I am old, and I have to go for regular health checks, which the transfer accommodated. I was well taken care of because I had enough money to cover my medical bills.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
A new house! For a long time, I have lived in a small unworthy house whose both roof and walls are just braving the strong wind of our area. This house has become the reason for my unhappy life since I always feel ashamed to have my beddings exposed to passers-by. In addition, my health has also not been spared due to the harsh night colds. With this money, I plan to spend a big portion of my transfer ($700) to construct a decent iron-roofed house for myself and also purchasing new beddings. This will guarantee me a healthy life since I will be spared from life worries. The remaining amount will help me to buy some goats that will act as my long-term project to help in the future. Therefore, this is generally what receiving this money means to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Over the last 6 months, what I consider have brought happiness to life is the company I am getting from my granddaughter. At home, I normally stay with her, and during the evening hours when she is back, I get ample time to talk with her. The chatting and laughter have given me hope in life since I have someone to share stories with. Hence, the reason for my joy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
What a life! For a long time, I have lived in a very depressing situation because we are financially unstable at home. My only son is doing casual jobs in Kilifi as well as acting in charge of a certain church. His daily income goes into catering to his family's basic needs since he has 11 household members. This has left me desperate at home and I live in an unworthy house that is open both at the roof and the walls. Living in fear has devoured me and I am always surviving the cold nights. I have constantly felt to have the ability to change this misery but it has always been in vain. I, therefore, consider financial constraints as my biggest challenge.