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Newsfeed > Gloria's Profile
Gloria's family
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($295 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My goal for next year and subsequent years is to focus on modern farming! Renting a piece of land in the Perkera area is a solid start. This area has a productive potential due to the availability of the Perkera River which facilitates effective irrigation ability. My focus is to grow cereal crops such as maize and beans which after harvesting can be stored for future use. In December I hope to plant beans which have a two-month harvest period and then followed by a quick-maturing maize variety like the 0.4 or DK 77. I will later transition to Planting tomatoes for commercial purposes towards the end of next year. I am hoping that this plan will be achievable.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The impact of GiveDirectly's Unconditional Cash Transfers on my life has been truly remarkable and unique compared to other organizations' efforts. Its influence has brought about significant and diverse changes within my household and throughout the community. A visit to our community today would reveal the palpable progress and sheer joy reflected in our faces. The transformation is evident, evident in the improved housing, thriving businesses, and numerous other positive developments.I earnestly hope that GiveDirectly continues its invaluable support and expands it to other communities in need. In my opinion, an increase in support, perhaps through additional cash assistance, would further catalyze the positive changes we've experienced. This kind of support can truly make a difference, and I believe extending it to more communities would create ripples of transformation across even more lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
A glimmer of hope arrived in the form of GiveDirectly's support of the unconditional cash transfer. With my first and second transfer, I prioritized my children's education and food. Aside from that, I started a shop and a posho mill, which is greatly supporting my family. The income from these businesses enabled me to plant fruit trees (mangoes and pawpaws) since they do so well in the area. and also started my fencing project to envision a thriving homestead and to protect my farm. When I received my third and last transfer therefore, I spent $90 to complete the fence. In addition, I spent $90 on clothing for my five children to replace the stitched old clothes that they had. My husband who works as a teacher and the family's breadwinner really struggles to raise our children's school fees and also the other family needs. Understanding the importance of education, and ensuring my children thrive and succeed in school, I decided to buy each one of them encyclopedia revision books worth $60 to empower them and create a bridge to success. Lastly, I improved my Posho mill and and shop by buying additional stock for a total of $220. I am grateful to Give Directly for making things possible. From the meagre earnings I used to make from collecting and selling aloe vera leaves in order to meet some of the household needs like food, I can confidently say that my home has become a beacon of success in the village and an attractive admiration of hope.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($316 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years and beyond, my sights are set on expanding my kiosk business to new heights. I will be stocking it up with more goodies, aiming to boost its profitability and, in turn, increase my family's income. To do this,I am currently raising three goats, hoping they will grow big enough by December this year to fetch a good pay. With determination and hard work, I'm excited to see my business flourish and provide a brighter future for my loved ones.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GD has truly done well giving us huge transfers. This has opened doors to possibilities we never thought imaginable. Witnessing the transformation around us is nothing short of remarkable. People in our community have taken the opportunity to invest in essential needs like food, better houses, and businesses. Livestock and agricultural activities have also thrived, contributing to our improved living standards.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I allocated the second transfer from GiveDirectly towards the completion of the fencing project around my farm. I used $70 to purchase three rolls of chain links to add to the four I had bought previously, and along with a $30 labor cost, I fenced my compound. This new fence will allow me to establish a vegetable farm and grow fruits without worrying about livestock damage during rainy periods. Additionally, I invested $120 in purchasing food to ensure ample sustenance for my family of seven. With the assistance of the transfer, I joyfully covered my child's $100 secondary school fee and acquired three textbooks for my two children in grade eight, ensuring they have the necessary resources for exam preparation. Providing them with a quality education is crucial for their future success. To enhance their appearance and confidence, I spent $70 on their clothes, as their current ones are old and worn. Lastly, I utilized the remaining $60 to purchase top-dresser fertilizer for my maize crop, promoting higher yields and securing long-term food sustainability for my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($142 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
i received a message around 2 PM and read it at around 3 PM when i was alone. i felt happy about something, for years, mind has been also preoccupied with the fact that my house was situated in an open area without a fence. i wished to have my house fenced all around to ensure protection and privacy, especially from people passing by on the nearby walk paths in the village. Having a fence around my property can provide several benefits, such as enhanced security and privacy. It can create a physical barrier that restricts access and helps deter unwanted visitors. Additionally, a fence can provide a sense of boundary, defining my personal space and reducing the feeling of being exposed to the public.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I've been working as a casual laborer on people's farms for $2.5 per day, and it's been quite difficult to meet all of our home necessities with such meager wages. My spouse also gets similar job, but it is insufficient to support our bills. We had to borrow from local kiosks on several occasions, promising to pay later. But now, we have enough food in store for us. Also with the chain link and our enclosed compound, I'm filled with joy and pride. People now look at us differently, and they can't mock us as they used to. We've made our own space where we may live with dignity and without condemnation. I intend to have a pit latrine dug and constructed. It is critical that we practice proper hygiene in a dignified manner. I'm also considering growing my goat herd. By adding additional goats to the ones I already have, I'll be able to safeguard our financial future. If I can sell them at a higher price or if they expand in quantity, we will have a steady stream of cash. It's a step forward for our family's future security and prosperity.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I had announced strongly that I needed to make sure my house was well-fenced and that we had enough privacy to keep those unwelcome people away, and with a lot of determination, I bought three pieces of chain link for $80. A sense of satisfaction came over me as I stepped outside my newly gated property. It's fantastic how everything came together. The chain link is more than merely a physical barrier. It represents our newly acquired security and hope for a brighter future. I am resolved to make the most of this opportunity and to create a life in which our goals can flourish despite the obstacles we confront. I had prepared the last bit of maize flour we had in the house on the same day the transfers arrived, and I was worried over where to get a job to earn money for food the next day. It was great to be able to buy $100 worth of food. It will last us months and allow our bodies to recover from the rigorous labor on other people's farms. Finally, I can focus on taking care of our own home. I also used some of the money to pay my daughter's school tuition for this term, I paid $20, and I couldn't thank the GiveDirectly office enough. Their assistance arrived just in time and made a huge difference.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
For the transfers, we have several plans that we have put in place. Firstly our compound is not fenced which has led to livestock from our neighborhood disturbing us. Through the first transfers, we will erect a fence around our compound. We plan to use $ 200 from the transfers. This will enable us to plant trees and do other activities without the distance from livestock and people. For the second transfer, we plan to dig and build a pit latrine. We have lived without a pit latrine for many years and we feel ashamed that we don't have one. Through $400 from the second transfer, we shall be able to build a pit latrine which will increase our sanitation and dignity. For the remaining transfers, we have planned to buy building materials to build a permanent house. The house we are living in at the moment is made up of iron sheets and with the transfers, we will be able to kickstart the construction of a permanent structure. I believe that with the transfers we will be able to do so much and also change our lives positively.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness and life meaning comes from my family's well-being. Every time I wake up in the morning and I see my children going to school, I feel very delighted.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The main challenge that I'm facing currently is the lack of money. This has been prompted by the lack of employment. I completed my college studies as an Early Childhood Development Educator (ECDE) in 2022 and since then, I haven't secured employment. This has greatly affected my family financially since we depend on my husband for everything. This has made life very difficult since we can't meet some of the basic needs of our family. I sometimes feel so stressed since as a wife there are things I should do but I cannot because I don't have money to do so.